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Messages - Zmokin

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / Re: Mage Weapon Question
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:49:49 PM »
Thanks Alpha I appreciate it. That cleared the mage weapon up. I actually didnt know the HCI and DCI math on that for pvp very helpful.
One last thought on that. I know the 100 anatomy+ 120 eval gives you the defense of 120 wresting. So if you are running a mage weapon then it really wouldnt be beneficial to have anatomy either right?

General UO Chat / Mage Weapon Question
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:20:59 PM »
I have been attempting to decide on a template for a PVP mage and decided on a pure mage. In all my research I cant figure out the numbers on anatomy, wrestling and mage weapon as far as defense goes. I know all give some defense but don't know the math especially on the mage weapon. Another question would the defense stack if you put both wrestling on a template with a mage weapon? And then finally what is another option to put in your hand besides a mage weapon in pvp? I dont see many pvp mages carry a spellbook. As you can tell from these questions if you see me out there i will be an easy target, any help would appreciated though.

General UO Chat / Re: How did you come by your SUO name?
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:10:02 PM »
I was really into cars and bought a 1991 300ZX when i was 18 and that was my license plate 'Zmokin'. Oh yeah cool kids. I still use it as logins but had to change my email with it however, putting that on resumes and job applications stirred too many questions about drug use.

New member introductions / Hello!
« on: October 28, 2013, 09:03:55 PM »
Hello all. I thought i was a recovering UO addict and then turned 30 last week and had a relapse. I have played UO off an on since 98 (O how I miss the days of skipping high school and picking up regs to make money.), with my last stint being about a year ago.  I have played Atlantic, Great Lakes and Napa since i started. I have used scripts off an on during my playing time as well. I dont know enough to make my own scripts, but took a pascal class in high school and C++ class in college to know enough to make changes or to royally screw it up..
           My favorite aspects of UO is the housing and feeling of ownership (even though EA owns it all i know), as well as not being stuck in one class or type of toon. I play mostly a Sampire, ABC Archer and Mystic/Mage/Disco/Weaver. I also enjoy crafting and all the math that goes into making "perfect" suits. My goal this go around is to kick some items off my UO bucket list. I plan on making a theif, and getting into PVP besides defending champ raids, which is all the pvp i have ever really done in the past.
           Personally I am the father of 3 and married 8 years. I work full time in the insurance industry and going to school part time. I also enjoy running, playing golf and adventure racing. I have never played any other MMO's or many other video games, besides the Wii with the kids.
           With the lack of free time now in my life scripts are a necessity and hope to meet some cool people here as well.

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