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Topics - SnoWolf

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / HI everyone :)
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:15:34 PM »
Hello fellow SUO members,

Alright, i think i replied to one of the other threads instead of making a new one, so.. here goes with restarting my introduction.

I origionally signed up to this website a year ago apparently, and, well, to be quite honest, it's not the easiest to navigate, but i think i'm starting to get the hang of it.   I can't say i've done anything as flashy as tame a blaze cu sidhe.. or have an account which has been around since beta... Unfortunately, i've only been playing UO about 4 years.. although, i totally cheated in my first year and bought a vet account from a friend who quit.

Ah.. the first year of UO... the "good" old days, the days of being a "newbie" i'm sure you all remember those days.. my fondest memory was when i was living with a friend. [I didnt have the gp for a house, so he let me stay in his..] I was training up a fencer.. and in doing so, i happened accross a red who targeted me... well, little did i know, back in this wonderous time of britania history.. That the red i ran into was a "Wondering Priest Of Mondain" and just how brutal he was going to be when i had.. what i thought was a good skill level.. of 45 fencing, and 60 anatomy.. with only 5 points in tactics.. and i didn't even have healing! I attacked the bugger, and ended up being knocked down to 1/4 health in a matter of seconds, and when i ran back to my friends house.. [who was logged in at the time, and had a screen full of bags because he was going through sorting all his items] I didnt know that though, so i ran in.. leaving the front door open.. and back then.. the priest followed me in.. killed me on the first floor of his small tower, then walked up stairs, and killed him. [He didn't even realize he was being attacked] Needless to say... my friend effectivly kicked me out of his house for a week so i made do living in an inn near by until he was done sorting. hehe.  I also had a blaze cu once.. i didn't tame it, i bought it a few years ago on atlantic for 100m, then i turned around and sold it for 250m.. thinking i was making out on the deal.. little did i know.. how much the things where really worth.. now i'm kicking myself everytime i see a blaze cu :(

Now however getting back on track to the whole introduction thing, i have 5 characters on the legends server, which, Legends may not be the biggest server, and really if you log in more often times then not you'll find it to be dead.. but, its a close nit community, where everyone generally knows everyone else.. and you're able to get ahold of the people you like to play with regularily.. It's not like the bigger servers, say Atlantic, where  you may find someone who is absoloutely brilliant, and play with them for a day and then not see them again for 6 months... theres just to many people playing there for my personal tastes... And with the brilliant addition of imbuing i'd like to think i have some good suits going on with the characters i do have.

My favourite character would be the one i have on LS... again, it's another smaller, quiter server.. which, i'm not in a guild in so i usually just run solo there for the most part. And that character is my discord/necro archer "champ killer" template.. I fell in love with the use of discording so much that i made a pure bard who has become my main on legends too.. and before i found out about "scripts" i had to work the skill by hand to 120.. twice.. NEVER again.. it took me almost 6 months per character.. if only they had transendence scrolls back then.  I  have a range of characters, from my archer tamer who i use for pvping with the brilliant addition of a dread mare and two bake kitsunes..  [I die more then i'd care to admit, i can't say i'm any good at pvp by far, i think my win loss ratio would scream volumes that quite frankly, i'm terrible at it..] To my mules, I've got every mule skill worked and either on my characters or on soulstones... to my personal favourite as i meantioned earlier, my mage/bard.

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