Author Topic: Brit Library Donator  (Read 3638 times)

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Offline ArabellaTopic starter

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Brit Library Donator
« on: August 09, 2012, 03:23:48 AM »
Hello Everyone.

Firstly let me say that I hope I posted this inthe right area, if not please move my post or delete it and tell me where I can post it (Be Nice *_- )

Here is a script I have been working on for about the last 3 days.  I am trying to make a script that donates items to the Brit library for any of the glasses that are available through through this system of donation.  I know that there are alot of scripts out there that already do this but I wanted one where I can have my crafter make all the stuff to donate.  I started off by trying to modify TM's buy and donate script just for my own use, but to be honest there is alot of that script that I just don't understand, so I dropped that idea and wrote my own from scratch.  I am not a programer and the only language I have ever programed in is easyuo and html... which aren't even real languages. 

I am having trouble getting the script to run its full cycle, it seems to hang in different places at different times for no good reason.  I am open to any suggestions that anyone has, I would prefer not to simply cut and paste someone elses sub into my script simply because most of the time I don't understand what their sub is doing it or why.  I'd like to figure it out or have someone explain it to me without having to teach me to program (I am sure that would suck for whom ever). 

So here it is, its not elegant but I hope its organized well enough to be simple to read:

Code: [Select]
; Name: Arabella's Craft and Donate----------------------------
; Author: Arabella---------------------------------------------
; Version 0.0.1------------------------------------------------
; Client Tested With:
; Revision Date: August 9, 2012--------------------------------
; Purpose: Craft and donate items to the public collection in--
; the Britain Library to collect rewards from donation points.-
; Instructions: TBA--------------------------------------------
; Acknoledgments: Cheffe, more to come.------------------------
;-------------------Main Loop----------------------------------
set %lpc 1000
set %npc HS_IS_
set %NPC_axe Simon
set %NPC_No_Dachi Imogene
set %axe_amount 95
set %No_Dachi_amount 40
set %contSize 530_497
set %Button_MakeLastX 280
set %Button_MakeLastY 450
set %Button_ToolsX 30
set %Button_ToolsY 130
set %Button_TongsX 230
set %Button_TongsY 110
set %Button_TinkerToolX 230
set %Button_TinkerToolY 130
set %Button_ScribePenX 230
set %Button_ScribePenY 110
set %Button_Next_PageX 380
set %Button_Next_PageY 270
set %Button_AxesX 30
set %Button_AxesY 170
set %Button_battleAxeX 230
set %Button_battleAxeY 90
set %Button_OtherX 30
set %Button_OtherY 190
set %Button_SpellbookX 230
set %Button_SpellbookY 150
set %Button_BladedX 30
set %Button_BladedY 150
set %Button_No_DachiX 230
set %Button_No_DachiY 70
set %TinkerTool JTL
set %Tool OBG
set %Tongs %Tool
set %ScribePen PBG
set %anvil ZAG
set %ingots ENK
set %scrolls DFF
set %Full #FALSE
set %gone #FALSE
set %items BSF_HSF_
set %itemName Axes
set %resourceNumber 300
set %donate %NPC_axe
;-------------------END VARIABLES------------------------------

display yesno For this script you will need the following Setup.  1) Two runebooks, Home and Library within 2 tiles of the NPC each set as the default. 2) An Anvil and your secure accessable by walking up the steps of your house in a straight line North from your marked home rune. 3) Iron Ingots in your secure.  Are you ready to begin?
if #dispres = No
 gosub setup
 gosub make
 gosub Travel_NPC
 gosub donate
 gosub Travel_Home
 goto loop
;___________________Arabella's Subs____________________________
;..................Sub Setup...................................
sub Setup
gosub Desktop_Setup
;gosub Donate_Setup
gosub Runebook_Setup
gosub Travel_Setup
gosub Rail_Setup
gosub Travel_NPC
gosub NPC_Setup
gosub Travel_Home
gosub Finish_Setup
;..................Sub Desktop_Setup...........................
sub Desktop_Setup
event macro 9 1
event macro 9 7
event macro 9 2
wait 10
event macro 8 1 ; open paperdoll
wait 20
contpos 690 30  ;paperdoll position
wait 10
event macro 8 7 ;open inventory
wait 20
contpos 750 350 ;backpack position
wait 10
event macro 8 2 ;open status
wait 20
contpos 550 540  ;status position
;..................Sub donate_Setup............................
sub donate_Setup
display yesno Yes = Mace_Shield | No = Folded_Steel
if if #dispRes = yes
   set %items BSF_HSF_
   set %itemName Axes
   set %resource %ingots
   set %resourceNumber 300
   set %donate %NPC_axe
if if #dispRes = No
   set %itemName No , #SPC , Dachi
;..................Sub Runebook_Setup..........................
sub Runebook_Setup
display ok Please Target your HOME RuneBook.
gosub Target_Home
display ok Please Target your LIBRARY RuneBook.
gosub Target_Library
;..................Sub Travel_Setup............................
sub Travel_Setup
display yesno Yes = Magery (Recall) | No = Chivalry (Sacred Journey)
if #dispres = Yes
set %Travel 31
if #dispres = No
set %Travel 210
;..................Sub Rail_Setup..............................
Sub Rail_Setup
set %hotkeyLoop #FALSE
display ok this script will walk your Character into your house near your anvil. You can access your anvil from within 2 tiles.  Move your Character into your house in a straight line from your recall spot and then press the X key.
wait 10
onhotkey x
gosub hotkeyx
if %hotkeyLoop = #FALSE
goto RailMakeLoop
;..................Sub NPC_Setup...............................
sub NPC_Setup
display ok Please target the NPC you wish to donate to.
gosub Target_NPC
;...................Sub Finish_Setup...........................
sub Finish_Setup
display ok Setup Finished Press OK to start donating!
;...................Sub Make...................................
sub Make
gosub CheckTools
gosub Rail %anvilX %anvilY #charposz
gosub Craft
;..................Sub CheckTools..............................
sub checkTools
finditem %TinkerTool in C_ , #BackpackID
if #findCnt < 2
gosub NewTinker
finditem %Tongs in C_ , #BackpackID
if #findCnt < 2
gosub NewTongs
;..................Sub NewTinker...............................
sub NewTinker
gosub replenish_Ingots
finditem %TinkerTool in C_ , #BackpackID
wait 1s
if #findCnt < 2
wait 10
event Macro 17 0
   if #CONTSIZE = %contsize
      click %Click2X %Click2Y r
if #CONTSIZE <> %contSize
goto TinkerLoop
set %Click1X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_ToolsX )
set %Click1Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_ToolsY )
set %Click2X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_TinkerToolX )
set %Click2Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_TinkerToolY )
wait 10
click %Click1X %Click1Y
wait 10
click %Click2X %Click2Y
goto TinkerLoop
;..................Sub NewTongs................................
sub NewTongs
gosub replenish_Ingots
finditem %Tongs in C_ , #BackpackID
wait 1s
if #findCnt < 2
finditem %TinkerTool in C_ , #BackpackID
wait 10
event Macro 17 0
   if #CONTSIZE = %contsize
      click %Click2X %Click2Y r
if #CONTSIZE <> %contSize
goto TongsLoop
set %Click1X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_ToolsX )
set %Click1Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_ToolsY )
set %Click2X ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_Next_PageX )
set %Click2Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_Next_PageY )
set %Click3X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_TongsX )
set %Click3Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_TongsY )
wait 10
click %Click1X %Click1Y
wait 10
click %Click2X %Click2Y
wait 10
click %Click3X %Click3Y
goto TongsLoop
;..................Sub Craft...................................
sub Craft
gosub replenish_Ingots
gosub CheckTools
wait 10
finditem %Tool in C_ , #BackpackID
set %Curent_Tongs #FindID
wait 10
event Macro 17 0
wait 1s
if %itemName = Axes
set %Click1X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_AxesX )
set %Click1Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_AxesY )
set %Click2X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_battleAxeX )
set %Click2Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_battleAxeY )
set %Click3X ( #CONTPOSX + 1 )
set %Click3Y ( #CONTPOSX + 1 )
if %itemName = No , #SPC , Dachi
set %Click1X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_BladedX )
set %Click1Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_BladedY )
set %Click2X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_Next_PageX )
set %Click2Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_Next_PageY )
set %Click3X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_No_DachiX )
set %Click3Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_No_DachiY )
wait 10
click %Click1X %Click1Y
wait 10
click %Click2X %Click2Y
wait 10
click %Click3X %Click3Y
finditem %items in C_ , #BackpackID
wait 1s
if #findCnt >= 1
gosub fastCraft
;..................Sub Rail....................................
sub Rail
 event pathfind %1 %2 %3
 wait 20
until #charposx = %1 && #charposy = %2
finditem %anvil G_10
if #findcnt => 1
 set %X ( #FINDX + 1 )
 set %Y #FINDY
 set %Z #FINDZ
 event pathfind %X %Y %Z
 until #charposx = %X && #charposy = %Y
;..................Sub hotkeyx.................................
sub hotkeyx
set %anvilX #CHARPOSX
set %anvilY #CHARPOSY
set %hotkeyLoop #TRUE
Display ok Please Target your secure container.
gosub Target_Secure
gosub Display
;..................Sub Target_Secure...........................
sub Target_Secure
set #targcurs 1
wait 10
while #targcurs = 1
wait 1
set %secure #LTARGETID
gosub Display1
;..................Sub Target_NPC..............................
sub Target_NPC
set #targcurs 1
wait 10
while #targcurs = 1
wait 1
gosub DisplayNPC
;..................Sub Target_Home.............................
sub Target_Home
set #targcurs 1
wait 10
while #targcurs = 1
wait 1
gosub Display1
;..................Sub Target_Library..........................
sub Target_Library
set #targcurs 1
while #targcurs = 1
wait 1
gosub Display1
;..................Sub Display1................................
sub Display1
set #sysmsgcol 4000
event sysmessage Last Target ID  #LTARGETID
finditem #LTARGETID
if #FINDCNT > 0
  event Property #findID
set #sysmsgcol 9101
event sysmessage Object Name #Property
event sysmessage Find Type #FindType
;..................Sub DisplayNPC..............................
sub DisplayNPC
set #sysmsgcol 4000
event sysmessage Last Target ID  #LTARGETID
finditem #LTARGETID
if #FINDCNT > 0
  event Property #findID
set #sysmsgcol 9101
event sysmessage Object Name #Property
event sysmessage Find Type #FindType
set %NPC #FindType
;..................Sub Travel_Home.............................
sub Travel_Home
event Macro 15 %Travel
if #targcurs <> 1
goto TravelLoopHOME
finditem %HOME C_ , #BACKPACKID
wait 10
event macro 22 0
;..................Sub Travel_NPC..............................
sub Travel_NPC
set #LTARGETID %Library
event Macro 15 %Travel
if #targcurs <> 1
goto TravelLoopNPC
wait 10
event macro 22 0
;..................Sub replenish_Ingots.....................
sub replenish_Ingots
set #LOBJECTID %secure
event macro 17 0
wait 30
finditem %ingots in C_ , #BackpackID
if #FINDSTACK > 14
finditem %ingots in C_ , %secure
wait 10
  Exevent Drag #findid 100
  wait 10
  Exevent Dropc #backpackid
  wait 10
    display ok Out of ingots in your secure. Halting Script
;..................Sub fastCraft...............................
sub fastCraft
set %Click1X ( #CONTPOSX + %Button_MakeLastX )
set %Click1Y ( #CONTPOSY + %Button_MakeLastY )
gosub replenish_Ingots
gosub Weight_Check
gosub Tool_Check
contpos 50 50
if %Full = #TRUE || %gone = #True
click %Click1X %Click1Y r
wait 10
click %Click1X %Click1Y f
goto fast_craft_loop
;..................Sub Donate..................................
sub Donate
gosub open_Gump
gosub check_Gump
gosub turnin
finditem %items C_ , #BackpackID
if #findCnt > 1
goto turninLoop
gosub close_Gump
;..................Sub open_Gump...............................
sub open_Gump
finditem %npc G_4
event property #findid
if %donate notin #property
   ignoreitem #findid npc
   goto open
wait 10
event Macro 17 0
;..................Sub close_Gump..............................
sub close_Gump
wait 10
click %Button_Axe_GemX %Button_Axe_GemY r
;..................Sub check_Gump..............................
sub check_Gump
if #CONTNAME <> generic_gump || #CONTSIZE <> 345_359
gosub open_Gump
;..................Sub turnin..................................
sub turnin
set %Button_Axe_GemX ( #CONTPOSX + 40 )
set %Button_Axe_GemY ( #CONTPOSY + 300 )
wait 10
click %Button_Axe_GemX %Button_Axe_GemY
wait 10
if #targcurs <> 1
goto gem_wait
finditem %items C_ , #BACKPACKID
wait 10
event macro 22 0
gosub Item_Count
if %count > 0
goto gem
;..................Sub Item_Count..............................
sub Item_Count
set #LPC 10000
set %Count 0
finditem %items in C_ , #backpackID
if #FindCnt = 0
ignoreitem reset
set #sysmsgcol 9101
event sysmessage There are %Count , #SPC , %itemName , #SPC , in your pack , #DOT
set #LPC 1000
set %count ( %count + 1 )
ignoreitem #findID
goto count_loop
set #LPC 1000
;..................Sub Tool_Check..............................
sub Tool_Check
set %gone #False
finditem %Curent_Tongs in C_ , #BackpackID
if #FindCnt = 0
set %gone #True
;..................Sub Weight_Check............................
sub Weight_Check
set %Full #FALSE
if #weight > ( #MAXWEIGHT - 35 )
set %Full #TRUE
gosub Item_Count

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Re: Brit Library Donator
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 04:48:35 PM »
Moved to Script debug.

Very nicely written script from my inital look.   You would need to give more details of the where its stopping to aid in debugging.   But I would say that you probably are missing a return statment or are looping (goto) out of a sub/return structure. 

Try running your script threw TMs SCriptuo project that will tell you of any syntactical errors and narrow down what is wrong.

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