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Topics - onlyindreams

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Hardware Design / Finally got rid of Time Warner!!!!
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:53:02 PM »
Wasn't sure where to put this. But now that I FINALLY have Google Fiber installed, I thought I would share...

It was higher earlier. But I guess this is peak hours  ;)

Scripting Tutorials / Wait for mana
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:38:52 AM »
I'm using this to cast mindblast repeatedly to skill something. What is the proper command so it won't attempt to cast until I have 14 mana?

Code: [Select]
if #mana > 14

Event Macro 15 36 ;cast mindblast
Event Macro 22 0 ;last target

wait 2s

General UO Chat / Aaaaand I'm back. Kinda.
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:57:48 AM »
Hey guys. I'm slowly getting back into playing UO. I still won't be back "full time" until July-ish but I'm starting to do some crafting now that needs to get done.

I'm having one big issue though... I can't get EUO to work! I just downloaded version 239 and my UO Client is, which is the version EUO says to use. When I have my client open, I can load but cannot start ANY script. It looks like it isn't recognizing any of my characters on any account. I tried it without my status bar up, with it up and with it fully opened. Is anyone else having this problem?

Off Topic / Farewell for now!
« on: July 30, 2012, 07:55:14 PM »
Well it's finally come to be that time. For the past few months I've been pretty busy at work plus packing/moving and exercising so I haven't been around much. But, I enlisted in the Air National Guard this April. I leave this Wednesday, in 36ish hours, for BMT plus many months of training to become a Loadmaster. I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone here for the support, help and entertainment they've given me over the years. I will have access to a laptop starting in October. Talk to you guys then and make sure to script the hell out of UO for me!  8)

Public Bugs / Peerless keys losing timer
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:46:14 PM »
It's being talked about on stratics right now. Apparently you can stack peerless keys and they'll lose their timer. I'm going to test later myself. But what can we think of to exploit this? My first thought, can we get keys to say Lady Mel, combine the three black blobs and then unstack them later for 3 individual uses? Thoughts?

General UO Chat / Suit Building
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:36:15 PM »
I know many people who make suits on a spreadsheet before they actually craft it. Anyone mind sharing what their spreadsheet looks like?

Here's mine that I've been using to make my thrower's suit. The yellow cell on a resist means I'm imbuing that resist up. I've been meaning to put the name of the item next to the slot. Other than that, any suggestions for improvement? Anything you guys like that you don't currently do?

UO Bragging Rights / Woot!!!
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:08:21 PM »
1001 posts now! Thank you TM for hosting such a great site and a big thank you to everyone who helps make it so great! I seriously wouldn't be playing UO if it wasn't for the scripting community and the friends I've made. Hopefully I get another 1k posts and the site get another 80k!  :D

Scripting Chat / Cleanup Idea
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:42:12 PM »
I'm working a lot lately that's why I haven't been around. But, it's also why I'm posting this as a question rather than a confirmed fact.

Since you have turn in items to your trash barrel at home, do some of the items people are "trashing" go to the cavern of the discarded? Meaning it's possible that some high end point items will spawn for us to pick up there and turn in? I'd love to camp it and check myself but as I said I'm working a lot of 12 hour days. Hopefully someone can find an answer and get some "free" points.

Television/Movies / The Walking Dead
« on: August 02, 2011, 02:31:06 PM »
Season 2 Trailer!....

If you haven't seen the first season I highly recommend it! I can't wait for October 16!!!

Also, if you've read the graphic novel, PLEASE do NOT spoil anything!

UO Reference Information / Casting Success Rate
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:13:42 AM »
Skill         50%   100%

Magery       20      40
Necro         20      40
Chivalry      25      50
Bushido     12.5    37.5
Ninja         12.5    37.5
Weaving    12.5    37.5

This little chart means to cast a magery spell 50% of the time, you need to be 20 points above the minimum skill requirement. To cast a spell 100% of the time, you need to be 40 points above the minimum. If it doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try to explain further.

UO Bragging Rights / How fast do you spawn?
« on: July 04, 2011, 02:32:15 PM »
Just wondering, how long does it take everyone to finish a champ spawn? Group, solo, doesn't matter. Who's the fastest!

I did a solo Despise on a sampire and timed it at:
1st level- 5min (includes bumping)
2nd level- 8min
3rd level- 8min
4th level- 1min
champ - 6min
total of 28min

I use two soul seekers for the spawn and an imbued bladed staff for the champ. My protecter has discord so that helps a little. Does anyone solo it faster?

Off Topic / Eccentric Lady Describes Robbery
« on: September 05, 2010, 02:21:31 AM »

Off Topic / Men's Wearhouse
« on: September 03, 2010, 02:23:38 PM »

Men's Wearhouse has Buy One Get One on nearly everything until Monday!

Off Topic / Need computer help asap!
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:47:09 PM »
My parent's pc has died. The button on the front of their old case broke and it wouldn't turn on the comp. Assuming the broken button was the issue my dad got a new case. I built their computer probably 3-5 years ago and it's ran beautifully until the button broke. So I put the hardware into the case with no issues. I push the power button and the computer doesn't turn on. I've opened the case and the green light on the motherboard is on, which I assume means it's getting power. It doesn't give any beeps or anything though. So I assume the power supply and motherboard are ok, though I wouldn't be surprised to be wrong. The fans don't run (yes they're plugged in) and well, nothing runs. Any help would be extremely appreciated!

Off Topic / FREE!!!ish Sunglasses
« on: June 09, 2010, 09:22:05 PM »
Now through July(10th?) Red Star World Wear is giving away free sunglasses. You do have to pay shipping and handling which can be up to $20 per pair. They're doing a market study so they'll send you an evaluation card to fill out and send back about the sunglasses. From what I get you are not required to do that part.

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