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Topics - Crisis

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Orion UO Scripts / Train Necromancy
« on: October 23, 2021, 09:44:30 PM »
Code: [Select]
function trainNecromancy() {
    const castSpellDelay = 4000;
    const skillValueGoal = 1000;
    const target = Player.Serial();
    const useSkillDelay = 10250;
    var skillValue = Orion.SkillValue('Necromancy');

    while (skillValue < skillValueGoal) {
          if (skillValue < 600)
             var spell = 'Wraith Form';
        else if (skillValue < 800)
             var spell = 'Horrific Beast';
            var spell = 'Lich Form';
        while (Player.Mana() < 10) {
            var meditating = false;
            while (!meditating) {
                if (Orion.InJournal('You cannot focus your concentration|You stop meditating'))
                    var meditating = true;
            Orion.WaitJournal('You are at peace', 0, Orion.Now() + 60000);
        Orion.Cast(spell, target);

        skillValue = Orion.SkillValue('Necromancy');

function circuitBreaker(skillValue) {
    if (skillValue < 30) {
        Orion.Print('[Error] trainNecromancy: Train skill to 30.0 before proceeding.');

Orion UO Scripts / Train Bushido
« on: October 23, 2021, 09:43:01 PM »
Code: [Select]
function trainBushido() {
    const castSpellDelay = 3000;
    const skillValueGoal = 1000;
    const target = Player.Serial();
    const useSkillDelay = 10250;
    var SkillValue = Orion.SkillValue('Bushido', 'real');

    while (SkillValue < skillValueGoal) {
          if (SkillValue < 600)
              var spell = 'Confidence';
        else if (SkillValue < 750)
            var spell = 'Counter Attack';
            var spell = 'Evasion';
        while (Player.Mana() < 15) {
            var meditating = false;
            while (!meditating) {
                if (Orion.InJournal('You cannot focus your concentration|You stop meditating')){
                    var meditating = true;
            Orion.WaitJournal('You are at peace', 0, Orion.Now() + 60000);
        Orion.Cast(spell, target);

        skillValue = Orion.SkillValue('Bushido', 'real');

Orion UO Scripts / 4 x 4 Fishing using a boat
« on: October 17, 2021, 02:10:58 PM »
From davethemage of UO Excelsior

Code: [Select]
function fishing()
for (var x = -4; x <= 4; x=x+8)
for (var y = -4; y <= 4; y=y+8)
Orion.UseType('0x0DC0', '0xFFFF');
if (Orion.WaitForTarget(1000))
Orion.TargetTileRelative('water', x, y, 4);
if (Orion.InJournal("biting here", 'my|sys' ,0, any, 0, 0))   
Orion.Print("fishes all gone");

Orion UO Scripts / Use Bag of Sending
« on: April 03, 2021, 06:00:21 AM »
Code: [Select]
function BagOfSending () {
if (Player.Weight () >= Player.MaxWeight ()-20) {

I am still learning and posting as I go so that maybe other might get into Orion. So, like EasyUO things are uniquely identifiable. Instead of using an itemid that is shared by anything with that graphic, it uses a graphic. I am using
Code: [Select]
Orion.UseType('graphic'); where you would replace the word graphic with the graphic number. 0x0E76 is the graphic for a bag of sending and 0x0EED is the graphic for a gold pile. Orion uses Java and is fairly easy to follow, even if you are like me, and never used Java before.

This would be equivalent to a sub but not called the same way. All Orion "functions" can be stored on one huge script. To add this into something else you would add it in as
Code: [Select]

Off Topic / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2020, 11:31:19 AM »

Submit your Script / Crisis Tinkering Master
« on: September 19, 2020, 02:54:52 PM »
Code: [Select]
; Script Name: Crisis Tinkering Master
; Author: Crisis
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (version 335)
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Release Date: 09/19/2020
; Initial Writing Date: 09/20/2018
; Testing & Reworking Date: 05/11/2020
; Revision Date: N/A
; Purpose:
;     . To GM Tinkering
;     . Trains from 0
; Revisions:
;     . None yet
; Requirements:
;     . Iron ingots and enough tinkering tools until you can craft them on your own.
;     . Make sure to have only iron ingots in the resource secure, it will use whatever ingots are in there.
; Future Updates:
;     . None Yet
; Special Thanks:
;     . Manwinc for use of his crafting subs
;     . TrailMyx for the use of his sournal handling subs
; Copyright: 2020 Crisis

  • Trains Tinkering from 0 - 100
  • If training from 0, you must have enough tinker kits in your bag to take you to 30 tinkering
  • Need ingots in a secure container
  • Pause/Resume Button
  • Make sure to have only iron ingots in the resource secure, it will use whatever ingots are in there

If you download this, please leave feedback on how it ran for you.

Script Debug / Crisis Tailor Master
« on: September 16, 2020, 08:07:33 PM »
; Script Name: Crisis Tailor Master
; Author: Crisis
; Version: 1.1
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (version 336)
; Shard OSI / FS: FS
; Release Date:
; Initial Writing Date: 10/06/2018
; Testing & Reworking Date: 10/07/2018
; Revision Date: 01/07/2024
; Purpose:
;     .   0 - 120 Tailoring
; Revisions:
;     . Updated ID's for Gargish Cloth Leggings and Gargish Cloth Chest. TY Anvil
; Requirements:
;     . cloth, iron ingots and enough tinkering skill so you can craft your own sewing kits.
; Future Updates:
;     . Updated ID's for Gargish Cloth Leggings and Gargish Cloth Chest. TY Anvil
; Special Thanks:
;     . Manwinc for use of his crafting subs
; Copyright: 2018 Crisis

I have been sitting on this for quite a while, could use some testers.
  • This uses no leather, cloth only
  • cuts up the items as it makes them to save cloth and keep the bag light.

Scripting Chat / event pathfind
« on: July 14, 2020, 10:16:49 AM »
Code: [Select]
   event pathfind xxxx yyy
  until #charposx = xxxx && #charposy = yyy
  wait 20

  • I am using this code to walk while stealthed to my house from my ship. It then steps on a teleport tile to get into the house. The teleport tile is on the steps which appears to be 2 higher than the ground. Do I need to add something to it so it will go to it? Currently it runs in circles for a few seconds until it lands on it and goes in.
  • Is there a way to make my character slow down so he doesn't become revealed for moving to quick at the beginning?
  • Is there a better way to move without path finding that may be more smooth?

EDIT: I may have figured out the answer to question 1 using Z axis but I will have to test it. I am still really interested in slowing down the path finding so I can stay stealthed.

General UO Chat / Endless Journey & Training Scripts
« on: October 27, 2019, 10:42:49 AM »
Has anyone found a way to get around this issue? EJ cannot access secures and the bank box has items added by gumps and clicking to take out. If you have 10k boards and only want 400, it will still take the whole stack.

Razor Enhanced / No Macros :(
« on: October 24, 2019, 02:55:40 PM »
Bummer, I was hoping this was able to run macros as well as be able to do some scripting. What language do I need to learn to use the scripting section?

Razor Enhanced / Dead already?
« on: October 23, 2019, 02:59:50 AM »
Went to their website and it doesn't exist. So is this dead? I wanted to try this with an official shard but no preset for it. What address do I add to connect to OSI?

General UO Chat / Trick or Treat Scripts
« on: October 01, 2019, 05:08:21 PM »
Do they work anymore?

General UO Chat / How are you earning gold on prodo?
« on: May 12, 2019, 09:15:15 AM »
Excluding Events, how are you earning gold now?

Scripting Chat / Snippet to search for something and go to it?
« on: December 09, 2018, 06:57:15 AM »
I am looking for a snippet or something that searches for something named and runs to it. If it picked the item up and put it in a backpack, that would be bonus.

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