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Script Debug / Trick or Treat 2024! (Needs some love)
« Last post by Anvil on October 02, 2024, 01:17:30 PM »
; Script Name: Halloween Trick Or Treater 2024 (Beta/Testing)
; Author: Anvil
; Version: 1
; Client Tested with: 7.0
; EUO version tested with: EasyUO V1.6
; Shard OSI / FS OSI
; Revision Date: 10/02/2024
; Public Release: N/A
; Purpose: Automate Trick or Treating
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Thargorff on September 17, 2024, 08:46:04 AM »
Yes, added the book, it just seemed like script skipping travel part all together
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Crisis on September 17, 2024, 03:13:28 AM »
Did you add your runebook to the script? Its not the the generic id but the one specific to just that book. Been a while since I used EUO so do not remember what it is exactly.

Code: [Select]
Set %Rune_Book xxxxxx   ; set id of rune book with hunting spot and bank inside here
Set %Travel SJ
Set %Hunt_Rune1 x       ;Set the rune number in book of hunting spot to return to
Set %Bank_Rune1 x       ;Set the rune number in book of the bank. Must land withen reach of a banker
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Thargorff on September 16, 2024, 06:56:50 PM »
tried 2.6, it kills and loots like a champ (going to compare with 2.7 later), but had no interaction with runebook. It didnt even try to recall to the bank, in fact i had bos , it used it first to send gold 15k, then once was overweight with leather , sent it to the bank. I guess if using only bos it would be ok but trying to keep the cost down. So, didnt get to the part of bos recharging in this scenario
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Thargorff on September 16, 2024, 06:33:46 PM »
so, tried this script, in need of a good leather farmer, seems like we have mining and lumberjack working. Nothing works, I can figure out where the problem is. Not using BOS, marked 2 runes- bank and ww place, changed "x" to id's. Start at ww, keeps spamming honor to self? not cutting corpses, sometimes brings the message if i want to use weapon on myself? didnt get to the part recalling to the bank. I would think something changed over the past several years? btw , was using v2.7 beta, going to try 2.6
Doing MIBs, the CLAW issue doesnt kick in so soon. Will takes a lot of MIBs like 100 and above to see slowness happening. The fastest way is to kill and get CLAW to scan all corpse at high spawn rate area. 
Your use case is much similar to mine.  I use the both the FaF and the MIBAutoFarmer to loot over hours, so I'll keep a running total of the average rules/second found in the STATS tab from chest to chest to see how this number changes over time.  I'm doing a 20 MIB run as I type.

For context, my loot profile has:
Rule count: 44
Active rules: 21
Complex Rules: 5
Omit Rules: 3

Anyhow, I'll test a bit this weekend running the script looting my MIBs and see if I see a drift in loot times.

Thanks for spending your time to test it, I am still using easyuo for everything possible in UO. Usually the delay will happen quite bady after 2 hours of looting. And I dont see that looting anything or nothing make a different. I tested only looting gold and a few rules which will almost loot nothing. Doesnt make much different.
I had sent you a pm, anyway I will try to use set %use_history #FALSE and see if it helps. I will keep you posted, thanks a lot for your help. I realized noone else is having the issue as I did not see anyone replied in the post or because noone is using long enough to notice the issue?

The last thing that was really an issue that people had was the history thing, so I added that variable so that people could turn off that function.  I know quite a few people still use the CLAw, but less people use EasyUO anymore now that there are faster/better tools out there.

Anyhow, I'll test a bit this weekend running the script looting my MIBs and see if I see a drift in loot times.
Thanks for the PM.  Nothing is changing very much from the variable world.  I recommend you going through all your Rules in the "Rules" tab and de-selecting everything that has a "Log?" checked.  This will prevent the "History" tab from getting too large and this might slow things down.  You can also check your history tab and see how many items have been cataloged over time.  If the number is large, then removing the logging might speed things up a bit. 

Actually, there's a variable at the top of the script called "%use_history" that you can change to #FALSE to turn off all history collection.  You might try that first instead of unchecking everything to be logged.

If that doesn't work then I'm at a loss.

I had sent you a pm, anyway I will try to use set %use_history #FALSE and see if it helps. I will keep you posted, thanks a lot for your help. I realized noone else is having the issue as I did not see anyone replied in the post or because noone is using long enough to notice the issue?
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