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Topics - sdonma

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello~ nice to see you, from south korea!
« on: January 14, 2024, 09:41:33 PM »
Good morning. Nice to meet you.
My name is Donma and I live in Korea.
Please understand that I am not good at English, so I am greeting you through a translator.
Ultima Online is always remembered as a new and exciting adventure in my life.
When I was a child, gamers in our country got a lot of news through game magazines, and among them, it was Ultima online travel that always caught my eye.
The story of a large group of people freely exploring this Britannia world has always struck a chord with my young mind.
I wanted to go on an adventure with you right away, but it was very difficult to enjoy Ultima online in Korea at the time.
I still can't forget the emotion when I first accessed Britannia with a pounding heart because I'm a little old.
But even this didn't last a few years.
Due to various circumstances, Ultima Online was withdrawn from Korea, and as such, Ultima Online became a game buried in my memory.
Now that the years have passed, I've been busy with reality, so I've forgotten to live, but now I'm trying to jump into the world of adventure once again.
We may or may not meet in Britannia, but we want to enjoy a fun adventure together as colleagues who always live in the same country.
Thank you! Happy New Year!

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