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Topics - Anvil

Pages: [1]
Character skill advancement / Animal Lore Trainer
« on: June 09, 2024, 05:25:39 AM »
Good day peoples!

After testing some other lore snippets I decided to make my own.
Hopefully this will gain for you like it has for me. Enjoy!

General UO Chat / Spellweaving Training
« on: January 28, 2024, 08:04:14 AM »

Seems there have been some changes to casting spells on pets!

Cannot cast word of death on a pet. (Blue/No Guild = damage to pet).
Cannot cast word of death on a pet. (Green/Guilded = damage to pet).
Cannot cast word of death on a pet. (While riding pet using last target = damage to pet).

Am I missing something easy here?
It's been about ten years since I played last and am not finding the patch related to casting on pets.

HALP!  ???



Off Topic / Ultima Online & Nightshift
« on: January 28, 2024, 07:35:59 AM »
SUO Community,

I want to take a moment and express my sincere gratitude for the endless reading material you all provide this lonely night shift worker! If it were not for this site, I would have surely drifted off into dreamland on a nightly basis, only to franticly wake in a puddle of my saliva (saying saliva makes me want to farm Mel keys).  *script idea*

I have spent the last few weeks plugging away, reading the mountains of information herein; both old and new alike. I have read the most basic articles involving script tutorials right up to Trailmyx's cat passing in 2014. My condolences.

Fewer things in life have given me as much joy as UO has, scripting has always added a fun depth to the whole UO experience and the community here still has a presence.

To all of you who have toiled endless hours both in game and out in hopes of bringing a new layer to the UO world, your efforts are noticed and appreciated even in 2024.

The common thread among gamers today is that UO is dead. I humbly disagree and encourage anyone reading this post (if you are not already) to pick up your mantle once again, light the nostalgic fire that once burned and visit your land of Ultima Online!

Thank you to all for the work you have contributed and shared, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading articles here and will continue my endeavor to learn from you all!


Signature Hosting / Anvil Sig
« on: January 28, 2024, 06:58:08 AM »
Let's see if this is correct.  :D

New member introductions / Updated Introduction!
« on: December 24, 2023, 10:53:53 AM »

Returning for another try. I have updated my introduction and as per Mr. Myx's instructions:

Updating your introduction

If you update your introduction after a first failed attempt, please post in the same thread that you have updated it and would like us to have a looksie.  If you just edit your post without re-posting in the thread, we won't know you've updated it.  Any attitude or impatience will probably just lead to delays, so be cordial.  (and in one instance attitude lead to banning...)



Well let's see here,

I started UO back in 1999, when a co-worker introduced me to the game. Ultima Online is one of the greatest MMORPG's that's ever existed. Back then things were different than today. It wasn't friendly, it wasn't easy, but it was one of the best times a lot of people including myself had with an online game. I've been revisiting old memories, looking into custom shards and seeing what's out there.. every so often I get the urge to play. This time around I thought.. why not make a fresh account and start all the way over. I know there has to be plenty of others out there like myself missing the experience we had back then.

I work for an aerospace company as an industrial electrical maintenance mechanic with 10 years tenure and 25 years experience.  We use DCS that are very similar to writing scripts in UO. Shortly after starting UO, I learned about this fantastic world of writing code in video games. I was instantly hooked and wanted to write my own scripts.
Also, I enjoy mulling through older scripts and resurrecting them when/if possible.
Hopefully there is something in here for me to learn and improve my writing skill.

Mainly play on Atlantic, Origin, Baja and Atlantic. I have characters on all shards to fetch holiday gifts that have been sitting in banks for years on end collecting dust! 90% of my time in UO is spent soloing peerless and trying to perfect my suit(s). I also enjoy crafting and home decorating. I used to prebuild houses and sell them for gold. This time around I will likely continue hunting peerless and putting together public peerless groups. Basically farm keys and invite a full group to mob the boss for kicks and a chance at some loot!

I look forward to hanging out a while!   :angel:


New member introductions / Greetings SUO Members!
« on: December 17, 2023, 02:44:06 AM »
Well let's see here,

I started UO back in 1999, when a co-worker introduced me to the game. Ultima Online is one of the greatest MMORPG's that's ever existed. Back then things were different than today. It wasn't friendly, it wasn't easy, but it was one of the best times a lot of people including myself had with an online game. I've been revisiting old memories, looking into custom shards and seeing what's out there.. every so often I get the urge to play. This time around I thought.. why not make a fresh account and start all the way over. I know there has to be plenty of others out there like myself missing the experience we had back then.

I work for an aerospace company as an industrial electrical maintenance mechanic with 10 years tenure and 25 years experience.  We use DCS that are very similar to writing scripts in UO. Shortly after starting UO, I learned about this fantastic world of writing code in video games. I was instantly hooked and wanted to write my own scripts.
Also, I enjoy mulling through older scripts and resurrecting them when/if possible.
Hopefully there is something in here for me to learn and improve my writing skill.

Mainly play on Atlantic, Origin, Baja and Atlantic. I have characters on all shards to fetch holiday gifts that have been sitting in banks for years on end collecting dust! 90% of my time in UO is spent soloing peerless and trying to perfect my suit(s). I also enjoy crafting and home decorating. I used to prebuild houses and sell them for gold. This time around I will likely continue hunting peerless and putting together public peerless groups. Basically farm keys and invite a full group to mob the boss for kicks and a chance at some loot! 

I look forward to hanging out a while!   :angel:


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