Author Topic: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!  (Read 40824 times)

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C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« on: March 21, 2009, 08:11:36 PM »
Code: [Select]
;C2's Oddball Skill Multi-Trainer (11 Skills)
;Author C2
;Version 1.1
;Release Date: 3/15/09
;Purpose: Rapidly Work up:
                                  Arm's Lore
                                  Item Identification
                                  Taste ID (to 75.0) - some weird invisible wall there
                                  Lock Picking
                                  Forensic Evaluation
                                  Detect Hidden (2 ways)
                                  Remove Trap  (2 ways)

Pretty much 100% hands off! Item Id will be useful in embuing / crafting in gargoyle expansion- so they say. You never know when they add new use to worthless skills!

General Set-up:
Just hit play in your house or any location you wish:
*pick skill and how high to train and click begin
*if not hidden answer yes/no as to your desire
*watch gains fly!

Item Id:
*If in house you can open as many chests as you would like for item id but with anti-macro code being adjusted a long time ago you can play the script anywhere with just the items on your paperdoll and backpack. The script will look at all open containers.

Arms Lore:
*Arms lore targets one item over and over. It will try to auto find an item on you paperdoll to arms lore but will prompt you if one is not in the script's list.

Taste ID:
***Only trains to 75.0 ATM - trying to figure out what to train on to go higher***
***You can finish with satyr trick and use the script for that once discorded just watch because it won't stop when you hit real score of GM because of disco)***

*For taste Id put a piece of food in your backpack; one piece is fine.
*The script auto finds food and begins ID'ing it. It will ID all pieces in pack.
*will gain to 50.0 on regular food (not poisoned)
*after 50.0 you must have poisoned food in pack. You can start much lower than 50. I start at 40.0 with poisoned food. Lesser or DP really doesn't not seem to matter.
*Various poisoned food trains up to 75.0 then stops gaining.
*At top of script turn curing on or off (see below code)
*At the top of the script you need to set only one of these to #true to use to cure during training taste ID. Currently does chiv or mage. (see below code)
*Will auto select a heal method of Mage, Chiv, or pots. If mage or chiv is above 70 skill it will auto select the correct one or just do chiv if both are above 70. If neither is above 70, the script will ask you if you have pots in an open container and if it shoudl continue as a reminder.

***Only trains to 95.0 - Last 5.0 are TOTs or dung. chests***
***You can finish with satyr trick and use the script for that once discorded just watch because it won't stop when you hit real score of GM because of disco)***

4/12/12 - Recent Change to satyr requires you to target a gm box even though your skill level is discorded to the 70 skill box.  you may still gm lockpicking with satyr as long as you use the box that matches your real skill no the discorded skill!
*Lockpicks visible in any open container including your main pack
*Three Chests - 50, 70, & GM skill tinker locked boxes
*The keys to all three boxes on a keyring in your main pack.
*Must have at least 30 skill so find thief guildmaster (Often in cove) and you can buy over 30 points skill
30-49.9 skill (Uses 50 skill tinker lockable box)
50.0-70.0 (uses 70 skill tinker lockable box)
70.1-95.0 (uses GM skill tinker lockable box)
*** Unsure if satyr still works ***

Forensic Eval:
0-70.0 skill (Evals a member of the thief guild- can be yourself)
70.0-GM (Evals a chest that has been unlocked VERY recently)

Detect Hidden:
No longer benefits from pen trick as OSI fixed it however still comes in two options!

Method One:
*Create three trapped boxes at the following tinker skill levels... 50, 70, GM (starting at 50 skill you only need 70 & GM)
*The script will read your skill level and ask for the correct boxes needed
*Hit play with boxes in your pack

Method Two: (Most Risky) AKA: Vesper Bank Method
*Stand in the vesper bank rooms (center of the the correct level room) Each room is different level boxes
*top right/ north room lowest level boxes.
*top left/ NW room is middle level boxes
*bottom left / SW room is the highest to take you to GM (Gm Tinker box/ or Misima Chest may be best here)
*Pick the correct room and hit play.
*Check on script to move to next room when needed (Script does not auto Walk from room to room.

*Stand Next to a tree in a very secluded area and hit play.
*Buy up a crap ton of kindling and keep in a secure that is open and hit play.

*Pick a brown bear or similar animal level and either follow it around (Stealth) You can follow with alt + mouse click bear
*Tame it and place it somewhere is nice too / herding works on tamed animals under your control
*Script will move on to next animal once you hit 60.0 skill automatically. You can target same one twice if you only have one animal but your gains will slow quickly
*Pick a second animal such as a swamp dragon or CU to take you to GM.

***You cannot finish last .5 with satyr trick- Need maps (clever or TOTs)***
*You must have a runebook in your pack to reset seeing properties if your backpack stops reading correctly. Any runebook / any color
*This script trains Cartography to 99.5 (Last .5 can be TOT, Satyr trick, Decode maps)
*You need a mapmaker's pens and a trash can within 2 tiles of you to dump made maps in
*Selling the maps is not worth it
*The script searches ALL open containers for pens and blank scrolls.
*Have containers open before hitting play that contain scrolls and pens.
*Currently does not tinker pens - I may add it but make one full bag of pens, toss it in a secure, open it, and you are set to train.

Remove Trap:
***You better have high karma as chiv healer once you move to 80ish tinker traps w/ poison!!!***
Method one: (Currently very slow method but better than nothing)
*Will auto select a heal method of Mage, Chiv, or pots. If mage or chiv is above 70 skill it will auto select the correct one or just do chiv if both are above 70. If neither is above 70, the script will ask you if you have pots in an open container and if it should continue as a reminder.
*Stand in the appropriate room of Vesper bank (see detect hidden for info on room levels)
*it will check skill for hiding skill above 70 and if it is it will auto hide while waiting for more chests to spawn.

Method Two: (Much Faster! - Requires two clients and 3 levels of tinker)
***Uses Global variables to talk back and forth to instruct characters to take turns***
You must use the same computer or scripts cannot communicate

You need tinker at the following levels: (I am adjusting this guide as I go for levels)
30-60 RT skill use 50 tinker to retrap
50-85 RT skill use 80 tinker to retrap
80+ use GM tinker to retrap
(I soulstone levels on and off as appropriate)

Client one:
*This is the acct for the character with tinker (not set up to be the same guy)
*Keep the key for the chest in your mainpack (Only one key!!! Script will notice and tell you)
*Make sure that it is a large crate so it does not change directions on you.  What a pain in the butt!
*The script will make more if needed or drag from the secure. Set on top of support script!
*Load the remove trap support script attachment and hit play for the tinker character
*follow prompts and it will try to trap the box.
*make sure you have bolts or poison and plenty of ingots in the secure
*it is set for bolts/dart trap but can handle any any level poison
*under 60 tinker it will try to set trap 3x to increase speed and flow of script/training
*from 70-80 skill it tries to trap chest twice in a row
*after 80 tinker skill, you trap consistently enough that it only tries once to trap.

Client two:
*pre-open a container where the trapped box will be held
*start main script character training the skill, select the second menu choice for remove trap on menu, for the character working remove trap.
*script auto selects mage or chiv heals if your skill is over 70 and prompts you to use pots if neither is high enough.
*to use pots you need a stack, very large stack, in an open container
*it will wait for mana to regen if you are 30 or more below the max... poison gets increasingly hard to cure and u need mana to chain cures.

This is for people who do not want to train anatomy without using a fighting skill.
You need to use anatomy on blue characters - yellow NPCs cannot be evaluated with Anatomy.
select a spot in a bank or possibly jelohm pit with fighters or tavern with blues.
select a spot where there is a clear site line (cannot pick target peeps in rooms or behind walls)
hit play and it will anat peeps and gain skill - not as fast as weapon training but gets the job done)
Code: [Select]

Satyr Trick:
Basically flag a satyr ... lure it out to spawn area / grass area, have it disco you and run out the gate then reenter. you stay discorded but it is no longer flagged. You hold down alt key and click satyr to follow... and it will follow super close and possibly right out the gate! Watch out for being provoked while trying to get discoed. Only way to stop provoked creatures will be to kill them.
Use this snip-it to follow less Twinkle McNugget. of course an ocassional idiot could lure a changeling while fleeing or it could wander into desert after a bit. I semi- attend the process. You accidentlily go out the sparkler less often with this.
Code: [Select]
display Target Item to follow!
wait 1
set #targcurs 1
while #targcurs = 1
   wait 0
set %targettwo #ltargetid
wait 20

finditem %targettwo
if #finddist > 9                     ; 9 tiles away triggers the following
   move #findx #findy 6 5s   ; 6 = how close it will walk up to it.  5s to get there
until #charghost = yes

There are 2 attachment(s) in this post. You must register and post an acceptable introduction to download
C2's Oddball Multi-Skill Trainer 1.1.txt
Remove trap support script 1.1.txt
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 03:13:24 PM by _C2_ »

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2009, 10:57:31 AM »
nice, I Still need to Gm Arms lore, I did Item Id the other day.

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 10:32:06 AM »
Big update... herding, camping, detect hidden (two methods) added!!!

More worthless skills to semi-worthless skills added!

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 06:27:43 PM »
Added cartography as another oddball skill.  I think I am done.  I may add tinker but not sure.  One bag of tools and you really don't need tinker!

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 06:18:12 PM »
remove trap has been added and it uses global values to command a second client to trap and untrap.  or you can stand in vesper rooms but that is slow. 1.0b

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2009, 09:41:32 PM »
Good stuff C2! Most of the stuff in this script is on my to do list to get ready for the SA expansion.  Just need a few more soulstones and finish up a few templates I've been working on for champ spawning then I'll start putting this puppy to use. So much to do such little time. But I know this will come in handy as so many of your scripts have helped me out countless times.

We just need to get to the bottom of this Taste ID...I could have sworn there was someone on stratics who boasted recently about GM'ing it. I'll see if I can't find that thread and PM the guy.

We're not in the know how on this Taste ID business. ???

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2009, 09:48:28 PM »
According to the thread it's 'broken' and the only way to get to 100 is via Satyr as you suggested. I thought the player did someting different than Satry.

Here is the link to the thread in case you missed it or have any desire

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2009, 10:52:51 AM »
I am gonna try this one for Remove Trap this weekend. I have got up to 73 on my remove trap trainer but only getting GGS gains and random gain every now and then using vesper bank and yew crypts. I will have to make another tinker up to 80 though since mine are GM.

Post Merge: April 10, 2009, 02:49:12 PM
I am trying to run it now and for soem reason it will not target the chest. It is in the id's. it says you hesitate and decide to try again. the target come sup but does not target the chest. I am trying wait times but that not working, any Ideas?
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 02:49:12 PM by bajathief »

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2009, 04:22:19 PM »
I am gonna try this one for Remove Trap this weekend. I have got up to 73 on my remove trap trainer but only getting GGS gains and random gain every now and then using vesper bank and yew crypts. I will have to make another tinker up to 80 though since mine are GM.

Post Merge: April 10, 2009, 04:49:12 PM
I am trying to run it now and for some reason it will not target the chest. It is in the id's. it says you hesitate and decide to try again. the target come sup but does not target the chest. I am trying wait times but that not working, any Ideas?

I had that happen twice...
once because i clicked something else in the bag by mistake
the second time was because i [played the wrong version.  you need to select the remove trap 2x , the last choice on the menu.  there are two listings.

You play the tinkers script first and it has you target chest.  then u start the trainer and get down to the second remove trap
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 04:26:40 PM by _C2_ »

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2009, 04:31:50 PM »
I am trying to run it on 2 seperate computers maybe thats it, I will play with it later. Thanks

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2009, 05:21:07 PM »
I am trying to run it on 2 seperate computers maybe thats it, I will play with it later. Thanks

That is it.  It uses global variables to talk back and forth between computers... if you have on diff computers the script cannot tell each other what the chest is and when it is trapped or not.

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2009, 05:28:55 PM »
Ok thanks. I will run it that way.

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2009, 06:42:55 PM »
identified a issue with remove trap and certain crates/boxes and chests not being trappable when they face a certain way.  I have updated the companion script for remove trap to recognize the wrong direction and redrop until it is facing the trapable direction.  it will save training time for sure!

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2009, 01:43:16 AM »
Thanks I was wondering why it would stop sometimes on a box. I would just make a new one and continue. This will save some time. I have it working flawless now. I have to run another healer though it only heals one time and if you get hit with a 100 plus dart then heal once your hp will not be enough and back to back high hp darts kill you. I am factions so have to wait till stat loss over.

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Re: C2's Oddball Skill Trainer - Many uncommon skills!
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2009, 05:21:17 AM »
Thanks I was wondering why it would stop sometimes on a box. I would just make a new one and continue. This will save some time. I have it working flawless now. I have to run another healer though it only heals one time and if you get hit with a 100 plus dart then heal once your hp will not be enough and back to back high hp darts kill you. I am factions so have to wait till stat loss over.

i will make a post when i fix that later tonight- ty for great input  ;D
