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New member introductions / hello! i'm very new here
« on: February 05, 2011, 12:07:37 PM »
Hi everyone, it's great to find this site and be able to introduce myself!  I'm Mouse, and have played UO for 8 years.
I've seen your site during Google searches in the past but never stopped by for a look and now I'm scratching my head and wondering why!!!
I've only poked around a little so far, but I look forward to learning more about your site and community.
I originally was introduced to the game through an ex who moved 5 states away in the 3rd year of our relationship, and I started playing so we could be "together".  It wasn't as lonely as being totally apart.  Then we broke up and I stopped playing for a year.  And then one day I woke up and REALLY missed my characters and my house and the community and the adventure.  I stopped associating UO with him, and started building my own identity.  And I've been playing almost daily ever since!
I used to reside on Napa, but last year I moved to Atlantic since most of my friends live there and I'm east coast U.S. irl so it made sense.  It was always hard trying to do events on Napa and be yawning as everyone else was just getting started.  Zento is my favorite city, and I enjoy running around checking out player vendors and house designs.  I have basic characters on all shards and have fun visiting foreign lands when I need a change of scenery.  Some of the player created art on the Asian shards blows me away. 
I've never PvP'd, and rarely venture into Fel... (I'm one of "those" players), but that's OK!  I love UO because there's something for everyone.  I do enjoy PvM and have really enjoyed the SA expansion and the Abyss and Underworld.
I enjoy puttering around in my UO house and trying out different deco ideas.  I love the Homes & Castles forum on stratics.  Some people are so creative it blows my mind.
I never tried scripting until about 4 years ago when I was banging my head against the wall trying to train begging.  I spent HOURS in Heartwood and only got up to about 82.  That's when a friend pointed me towards EUO and the world of scripting.  I suck at writing scripts myself, but I always enjoy studying the scripts I d/l and seeing how they work, and trying to tweak things here and there.  Thanks to that, and the tutorials on EUO, I have been able to gradually learn more and more about how to put scripts together by myself.  None of them have worked yet (LOL) but someday I'll get there.  I'm in total awe of the players that are able to put together complex scripts.  Scripting/coding is definitely an art form in my opinion and it's mind blowing to read through some of them and see all the different ways each block connects and interacts with the others.  I used to also enjoy visiting before it disappeared. 
I guess that's about it!
Thanks for giving newbies the chance to introduce ourselves!

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