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Messages - Wilk

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Off Topic / For all you Firefly fans.
« on: November 12, 2012, 11:16:58 AM »

Item Evaluation / Re: Miffy's Item Finder
« on: August 19, 2012, 02:53:00 PM »
Miffy's (my favorite script of all time) has been buggy for about a month now. I've tried the latest version and the previous one. Often if I have multiple bags inside a secure bag, it will not open the bags inside the secure bag. I need to search those bags individually half the time lately. If I use search surrounding, I don't seem to have the problem. Just when I search a one bag that has multiple bags inside it.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:27:58 PM »
Kham, the only things I'm not really keen on for your suit are:

-Circlet (meaning no HLD glasses which probably means no HLD on your setup).
-DI at 85
-HPI 10

I see your hci is 55. Could you lose 10 hci somewhere to get your di to 100?

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: April 20, 2012, 01:06:11 PM »
Onlyindreams, Kham meant he was going to add 12 of each specific eater type for his armor pieces + 2 kinetic 15's so when he equipped his wall of hungry mouths shield he would cap each of his elementals at 30, and have his kinetic at 30.

Kham, a lot of the samps on my shard throw a shield in hand for down in lower Shame since they generally only run 60 parry. They don't really care about not being able to parry with a shield in hand. Keep in mind, if you're being cast on continuously, you won't get your life bursts back until you get a minor pause from taking damage. It'll save like 40 charges (I think it's 40 currently) of those life bursts. Personally, I like it if I get overwhelmed, and need to peel off redlined. Then you see a big benefit. My samps are mostly all throwers now though, and I don't rock dci, so sometimes during a spawn level bump, it can get a little hairy, and the burst helps.

I wouldn't bother to get 30 on each eater Kham. If I were you I'd much rather go with 2 kinetic eater 15's, and rock your shield, rather than waste a mod on each piece of armor. The 20's across the elementals from the shield are more than enough imo. By the way, kinetic 15 on a piece will count as 90 intensity points when imbuing.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: April 19, 2012, 06:27:17 AM »
Has Anyone Experimented with the Eater Property yet? is it worth rebuilding my suit?

The all eater property is definitely worth the effort on your samp suit if you can fit it in. It caps at 18. I generally just add one piece to my suit with 15 all eater though. Even a 12 is fine.

Firefly/Serenity / Firefly mini reunion 4-16-12
« on: April 18, 2012, 07:29:10 AM »
Adam Baldwin (Jayne on Firefly) & Nathan Fillion (Malcolm on Firefly) hooked up for a fun Fireflyesque episode on Castle this week. Episode title is "Headhunters" for you torrent/hulu hounds.

It was good stuff, and well worth the watch even if you don't watch Castle.

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client mods
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:33:17 AM »
Did the download file get moved?  I can't seem to get it by clicking the link. the post directly above yours.

General UO Chat / Re: Reforge bug?
« on: April 07, 2012, 06:08:51 AM »
It's not a bug. Elemental damage doesn't count as a property, so works as intended.

Player Templates / Re: PVP Mage template!!!
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:49:16 PM »
Ah, free shard.

Player Templates / Re: PVP Mage template!!!
« on: April 05, 2012, 07:07:54 AM »
i like the

120 eval mage parry
100 poison inscript
70 tatics
90 med

use a good cleaver for bleed + infect and a War Cleaver for disarm

sdi max, then curse explo light infect bleed light


You don't have a melee skill listed. Was parry supposed to be swords?

Zero resist spells on a mage is terrible imo. Just awful. You get poisoned every single time. We used to see this guild of mages trickle over to my shard from Pacific that would run a similar template. When they got paralyzed or mana-vamped they would always skip off screen and tell us how bad we were. It's a cute big damage temp, but no resist just isn't practical unless you're just looking for a dump. Once they lose their precious trapped box, it's a joke vs mages. Even sleep will wreck people running this temp.

To the original poster:

120 mage
120 eval
120 resist
120 focus
120 mysticism

That's always the basis. It's pricier, but a lot of people use orn of the mag/crystalline ring/night eyes. It's very easy to imbue an 18hpr suit, especially if you're going with a gargoyle (which you obviously should). Rising colossus while you're still flying is just too strong compared to being on foot 24/7 to use it.

When you run the crystalline ring, your -20 mage wep is covered, plus you net another free 20 focus points. This leaves you with 140 extra points to do whatever you want with.

Some combos:
100 weave/40 med
100 scribe/40 med
100 poison/40 med
80 poison/60 necro
100 med/40 weave
100 ninja/40 med (you see quite a bit of faction mages afraid of stat use this)

You can do whatever you want, but you implied you wanted a mystic, so there it is.

General UO Chat / Re: Reforging suggestions?
« on: March 27, 2012, 03:02:52 PM »
If any "elites" have specific reforging questions, just PM me.

Player Vending / Re: Bragging Overview
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:59:27 AM »
Oh, I know who you are now! Yes, you're stinking rich in game.

Player Vending / Re: Bragging Overview
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:49:00 AM »
Everything was cool until you said this "I'm only in one guild...DC on GL."


Television/Movies / Re: Walking Dead Series still on AMC
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:51:29 AM »
The season finale was pretty good but man it really, really left you hanging.  It's a long time 'til October.

I wasn't sure what that was in the background at the end but in Talking Dead they said it's a prison.
how many Seasons are out in USA yet?
In Germany we are at S02E11 :&

You have 2 episodes left Chrome, and they are really good!

Iieeks, another one who call me "Chrome" brr..
Well 2 episodes is nothing:)

My bad...hadn't finished my morning coffee. :(

Television/Movies / Re: Walking Dead Series still on AMC
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:49:29 AM »
The season finale was pretty good but man it really, really left you hanging.  It's a long time 'til October.

I wasn't sure what that was in the background at the end but in Talking Dead they said it's a prison.
how many Seasons are out in USA yet?
In Germany we are at S02E11 :&

You have 2 episodes left Chrome, and they are really good!

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