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Messages - dxrom

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I noticed that if I write a script that calls this, and the buff bar is closed it will open the buff bar but it will lock the script up. Also if I close the bar at any time, I will have to  restart the script. So it seems that, if it has to open the bar, it will bug out... However this could also just be my little sample script.

Is there a way to run a check for the bar before a script enters its loop, and if it doesn't detect it, then to run event macro 57, then go into the loop so as to avoid it from locking up?

The code I have been playing around with is this:

Code: [Select]
      Call ScanBuffBar DOWN
      set %Divine _DivineFury_ in %BuffBarIconNames
      gosub divineFury
      Call ScanBuffBar DOWN
      set %EOO _EnemyOfOne_ in %BuffBarIconNames
      gosub enemyOfOne
      wait 5
until #true = #false

sub divineFury
    if %Divine
       event macro 15 205
       wait 30

sub enemyOfOne
    if %EOO
        event macro 15 206
        wait 30

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 1.0 (seriously)
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:34:32 AM »
Mana requirements and timers would be your next major improvement.
Workin on it. ^^

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 1.0 (seriously)
« on: April 30, 2011, 02:42:21 AM »
No one is giving ya crap brother.  On the contrary, congrats for learning.  When I point stuff out, it's more to keep ya on your toes.  I wish I could give you the newest version of my sampire script.  You have the skill already to do a lot more than what you think.  You're on the verge of going from script tinker, to full on script monkey. :)  This exact setup was what got me involved actually.  If you go check out Paladin Combat Caster on euo, you'll be writing scripts like I do in no time.  Rip that script apart piece by piece, it will help you learn what you want to know.  Welcome to the club.

Edit:  EOO is Enemy of One.

OH! I didn't mean to come off as offended! Sorry about that, it's just been a long week (spring break). ^^

I appreciate your efforts and time spent in pointing things out, greatly! At the moment I am playing around and figuring out how to properly utilize EN's ScanBuffBar, it's VERY interesting! having some issues with it though, just in the small tinkering around that I am doing, working on a small bit of code, that when I am slept, it sets a trapped box to last object and executes eventmacro 17 0 (use last object), basically just to get the grasp of how to apply it in actual scripts.

I will definitely check out that pally script! (btw, Step In, Step Out, Step Over in EUO... greatest thing since ollydbg)

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 1.0 (seriously)
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:41:45 AM »
Instead of halting the script, you could pause on death so you can resume instantly too without resetting up when you get ressed.  Also, if you're going to rip stuff directly from another script, you should probly take the time to at least change the names of stuff. :)  Just sayin... heh

Sadly, if you're referring to stuff that he ripped from me... A) I don't care... B) I can't even tell what parts are mine! LOL

I dont care. :)  There's a lot ripped from a lot of scripts in there, but it's all noob stuff.  One thing tho, you should check your use of timers.  Your main problem is that you use generic timers, which are ok, but you're not accounting for everyones templates.  EUO isn't going to cast the same for everyone, or consecrate.  There's more to be done here.  There are very specific equations you can use for all of those.  EOO actually needs to have a buff bar scan to work effectively, I've spent COUNTLESS hours trying to perfect EOO without using a buff bar scan, and finally wrote my own cause I was sick of trying. :)  If you scan the buff bar tho, it's so simple to add EOO effectively.  Look at EN's buffbar scanner.  It will save you tons of hassles.  And it allows you to REALLY make EOO your beyotch.  Another thing:  SOFT WAITS.  Using hard waits or "wait 5, wait 10..." is great, and works fine, but you can optimize it so much more if you use soft waits.  What I mean is, setting a wait timer and not allowing anything that is an action to be performed while that action timer is active.  So you set a timer to 2 seconds, then check the timer for everything, this way the script can continue to execute, and you can check all sorts of other things while it's executing... with waits, you HAVE to wait that amount of time.  I have a couple scripts that use this technique EXTENSIVELY and trust me, when you learn it well, a whole new world opens up to you for scripts... You'll be better for learning to do it now.  Timing is EVERYTHING, so learning how to time things perfectly is huge.  The way you have it now, its all executing in order.  With soft waits, you would use timers for everything, and you could optimize your timers so that if a timer is up after an action, you wait that amount of time, and the NEXT most important timer gets done before any others.  It allows you to optimize not only your timings, but also your subs, and when/how they are executed, and their order of importance.  You don't want a consecrate going off if you need an evade right now.  Know what I'm sayin? :)

Straying from the subject of other peoples code (Since I really did only use the auto attack that was provided to me raw from a friend, so I have no idea where I got the original from, and the core of MD's Medic script as a base, everything else was put in from either researching the EUO documentation, testing what I learned from it, and researching how other people applied them in their scripts in order to gain an understanding in the correct operation) I completely agree with you, while I was doing dishes yesterday, I was thinking of how I could form equations for things such as, as you stated, consecrate weapon because I had only take into consideration MY skill in chiv, and the elements that effect MY character. This EOO you speak of though, what exactly is it? I will do research into it. Timers are the other thing I have really been trying to tweak, I have been having issues with them in means of prioritizing what should go first in the check, however at the moment it doesn't just run down a list flipping switches every few seconds, regardless if they have been switched or not already, it has safeties to prevent that. Keep in mind, I stated that this was not in any way a bot or script that aims for full on automation. Because 1. I lack the understanding at the moment to create a script that is even remotely capable of such a thing, and 2. I really don't like relying on a script or program that tears away the full control of the user. When I use this (or rather, my personal version), it is for spawning or farming essences. Not for like, setting up in a remote location to kill spawn, autoloot and survive by itself for an undetermined amount of lengthy hours. Evasion, confidence, protection of the sampire is still, ultimately up to the user, this only assists in some areas in which are more redundant and a nuisance.

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 1.0 (seriously)
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:39:32 PM »
Instead of halting the script, you could pause on death so you can resume instantly too without resetting up when you get ressed.  Also, if you're going to rip stuff directly from another script, you should probly take the time to at least change the names of stuff. :)  Just sayin... heh

I did change names, and I also gave credit... I think you might be referring to the attack sub though, I honestly cannot remember where I got that from, a friend of mine sent it to me. And this SHOULD pause on death... if not then I'll look at it. ^^

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 1.0 (seriously)
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:53:34 PM »
Testing this out on great lakes  i set up lightng strike and primary and secondary ability as script sugested been running it for awile now im noticing that its not casting lighting strike or primary weapon ability or secondary i have attack checked and primary checked and sugestions
Game play window size is 800 by  600 and full screen resoulution is 1024 by 768 other things i was running pot chugging script stoped it still had no bering on the fact lighting strike and primary secondary ability were not working consecrate weapon and enemy of one and divine fury worked fine only issue i see is witht he pixel scaning

As solid stated, I forgot to include that your life bar will need be up all the time.

@Cerveza: Thanks! I'll test that out, and toss it in there.

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 1.0 (seriously)
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:45:49 AM »
Anytime MD!

Yeah, the biggest reason behind this, was that I was tired of having to remember to consc wep every ten seconds, then enemy of one, and clicking individual targets, ugh... Just remember, it is in no way made for total automation, it's simply a program made to make the life of the user easier!

Combat/Healing/Looting / LAME 3.0 - Le (semi)Automated Mob Eradicator
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:38:16 AM »
If you're a member of, and you find this script useful then please take a moment to rate it! Visit to do so.
This script will no longer be updated. I no longer play OSI, nor do I use EUO (Or any variation of it) anymore.
Code: [Select]
; A lame script written for lame stuff
; Script Name: LAME
; Author: dxrom
; Version: 3.0
; Client Tested with: EA
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 Version 201
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Public Release: 5-29-2011
; Revision Date: 9-18-2011
; Purpose: A semi-automated sampire assitance utility.

; REQUIRES EN's ScanBuffBar script!
; Downloaded at

Code: [Select]
; How2:
;  1. Login to sampire
;  2. Load script and hit Play (Make sure ScanBuffBar.txt is located in the same folder)
;  3. Follow onscreen instructions
;  4. ???
;  5. PROFIT! :D

; NOTES: I find that the best place in which to hold my
;        cursor during the setup, is on the EDGES of the spell icons, I switch
;        weapons, so it allows the special abilities to be interchangeable.
;        MANA! It assumes that you have a MANALEECH WEAPON (Which you SHOULD)
;        and when you reach 25 mana (an amount that is superceded in chain
;        special abilities against single target victims) and will switch back
;        to your special abilities once your mana has been replenished!
Code: [Select]
;%manaLvl changes when LS is
;used, I use LS to regen mana.
;%stamPercMod is the stamina
;percentage modifier. Change
;this to represent at what
;percentage your stamina must
;be before the script uses
;Divine Fury.
;%safety is works basically as
;an FCR timer to prevent over-
;casting, or the script from
;trying to cast two or more
;spells at the same time.
;%L0GOUT set this false if you
;do not want this script to
;automatically log you out on
;death, it is implemented to
;save mounts, 100% of sampires
;should have this set #true
;because 100% of sampires
;should be riding swampies.
set %manaLvl 20
set %stamPercMod 40
set %safety 2
set %L0GOUT #true

I wrote this for some guildmates of mine. This will be my first release of any script, it is also one of the first scripts I have ever made. Please note that the basic structure and idea of this utility derived from Maddog's Medic, so credit goes to him. This is a actually a fairly primitive version (and script in general, I understand) of one the I actually use, which does much more; however I do not feel comfortable releasing that one publicly yet.

Let me know how this works for you, please understand that I am still fairly new to programming in general, however I will help in any way I can and do my utmost best to resolve any issues encountered!



Apparently some people close their status bars, and easyuo doesn't like that! Some folks were having an issue with abilities not working, this is because I have them setup to be used against checks, for example if #mana > X... The script wasn't able to actually determine what your mana was at, so it just skipped over it, using Cerveza's advice (thank you for this!) I was able to fix this issue. Now, try and close your status bars, I dare you!  ;D

Major changes to how EOO is timed (now uses EN's ScanBuffbar, instead of relying a timer)

No longer need to pause when relogging or losing connection, it hit me in the middle of the night, I wrote a loop that the script only enters when #clilogged = 0 and doesn't leave that loop until you're logged back in.

Major revamp of multiple functions. Added Raziel's logout sub (Thanx b@ndito) so when the sampire dies, it will be logged out in order to save the mount. I understand that the percentage check for enemy of one isn't working correctly, at the moment I am trying to figure out how to make easyuo set a variable by performing an algorithm. Edited the LS function a little bit, it should now check for weapons that have Whirlwind abilities, and be sent to their correct abilities. I did this because I really hated when I was doing a spawn, get mana vamped while trying to aoe things down, and the script would LS instead of whirlwind to get mana back.

Completely updated how the attack loop functions. Script will no longer spam abilities and spells unless mobs classified under %target are near. Also updated to work with  new ScanBuffBar.
Code: [Select]
Endless Night
(Seriously, without any of you guys, this script wouldn't be where it is right now.)

Script Snippets / Re: Candelabra vacume
« on: January 19, 2011, 10:40:26 AM »
Yeah the inconsistency among GMs always scares me. I'd never block off the whole faction base, not worth getting banned over if you get an idiot GM.. Of course, you could probably get it reversed by emailing them with the official dev response, but it might take up to a week.

I've tried, :(
They wouldn't reverse my ban because I had disputed it too many times or something -.-

Script Snippets / Re: Candelabra vacume
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:50:07 AM »
or just do what all the other "Cheaters" do and mod your client to make those items passable...

I resent this... :(
When people get wise enough to figure out "Hey if they try to rubberband through again, we can just trap them!

And actually this can BECOME a bannable offense. I've seen it happen in the past (I have been factioning since it was released in the Test Realms) You can either 1. Have a multitude of people page about blocking, or 2. Get killed in the middle of the objects (Which method you prefer to us as a means of getting INTO them is up to you) then claim that the opposing faction refuses to let you out, and that help stuck will not work.

You ARE allowed to block faction bases with whatever you like.  You are NOT allowed to "completely" block gates/dungeons/harrys/spawns, whatever, with blocking items.  A one space tile is required at those areas.

Again, as Twinkle McNugget said, blocking the faction base with ANYTHING you want is NOT a bannable offense. You can completely block a faction base entrance with 125 candelabras on evey single tile, it is allowed in faction bases... but in faction bases ONLY. It does not matter how many people page, because it is NOT illegal.

And while we are throwing around "how long we have been playing", I have been playing the game since beta and factions on and off since they were initially released :) I have seen lots of things happen in the past... that does not make them true today.  Also some things, including bans,  that happened in the past were chiefly because a GM was a member of the guild or faction that was doing the paging.  I have personally played in a guild with a GM in the past... lets just say that we had complete freedom to do anything we wanted.
I wish i had a GM friend today! lol


And again, I can tell you from experience, that my guild and I have been told numerous times that it is illegal, 2 of our guild members received 72 hours bans less then two months ago for it, and 5 years ago my main account was perma banned for being the tinker who created the candelabras (also being in base at the same time)  that were blocking the base. We were told that using such tactics was legal ONLY if there was a clear and visible path OUT of the base. Gee, I sure wish I had a GM to do all my bidding back then. ^^

Also, I will see your beta, and raise you three tent deeds that I purchased just after tent deeds were released.

Script Snippets / Re: Candelabra vacume
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:20:51 PM »
or just do what all the other "Cheaters" do and mod your client to make those items passable...

I resent this... :(
When people get wise enough to figure out "Hey if they try to rubberband through again, we can just trap them!

And actually this can BECOME a bannable offense. I've seen it happen in the past (I have been factioning since it was released in the Test Realms) You can either 1. Have a multitude of people page about blocking, or 2. Get killed in the middle of the objects (Which method you prefer to us as a means of getting INTO them is up to you) then claim that the opposing faction refuses to let you out, and that help stuck will not work.

Script Debug / Re: You are not holding anything.
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:25:51 PM »
Alright, good idea! I'm gonna dig through my macros also. Thanks ^^

Script Debug / You are not holding anything.
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:03:30 AM »
Alright... So I have been noticing with a few older scripts, that I will get a message onscreen telling me "You are not holding anything."

I just started noticing it big time, with CEO's Rail Runner. Whenever my character follows a rail east, it spams my screen with that message, anyone else noticing this with any other scripts?

World of Warcraft / Re: What i Play
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:44:44 PM »
I just transferred my 85DK to Gnomerghan, horde side (Goblin) but right after I paid for the xfer, my account went down and my bank hit me with account fee's so I haven't been able to reactivate :(
However! Here are some vids I made of my old guild and I on Malorne.

Scripting Chat / Re: Sending messages
« on: January 16, 2011, 03:43:02 PM »
please can someone tell me how I would send a guild and alliance message?
I've tried using msg and \this is a message but it just says it local.

Thanks for all your help.

I just tested this and it worked for guild messages (I don't know the character to start alliance messages, but I assume it would work as well):
Code: [Select]
msg \test$

it's result was:
[guild][char name]: test

Oh! Interesting, I completely ruled out the msg function and just straight to event macros. I stand corrected :)

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