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Messages - Smlter

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Returning Player - Smiter
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:02:28 PM »
Hey All,

Returning player after taking a little over 7 years off.  I  started back a few months before the expansion and have been focused on doing some of PVM encounters that I never got around to in the past and some of the new ones with a little PVP mixed into it. I started UO back in 2000 and have always enjoyed the game. took some off to play other games and came back to the game I enjoyed most.
I'm 42, married with children and work from home which gives me some time to play during the day. My wife played between 2000 -2005, and hasnt logged back in yet......
When I reactivated, I started with my 2 accounts and her account, and in a short time found myself up to 5 accounts (you have to have housing :), I have spent alot of my time thus far , that wasn't spent pvping and on bosses making new characters to fit some of the playstyles (Spellweaving /tamer and Sampires) . I feel like i am done with the characters and now its time to focus on developing techniques to speed up the time it takes to finish encounters,

Hope to be a productive part of the community and see everyone around !


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