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Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:43:43 AM »
A lot of this information is out of date as the pets slots/rege/skills do not function the same anymore. Pre 98 pets that are non tokuno still benefit from bushido/ninj but later pets do not.. I will update this when they get pets worked out.

Pub 97 has added a vast system for customizing pets. Some pets are much more powerful than others. Utility and ability are also two things to consider when building a pet.


Don't waste power scrolls, try out a trash pet with the skills you want first. Copy over to TC and see if adding abilities works.
Beware, Slot jumping is real at the moment. Training a 2 slot mare in str and hp can jump him to a 3 or even a 4 slot in one training bracket. Seems like strength and hit points are the two biggest culprits as they dictate an animals power. Train skills>resists>stats in that order. Some pets do NOT follow the written rules by For instance pack beetles can NOT have 2 special abilities. You are limited to one special ability/aoe/special move, a magical ability such as rune corruption, and poisoning. Be sure to test pets before spending money on them!!!
Currently you can not add to skill/magic caps unless the creature already has that skill. Before a recent patch it was possible to add 120 parry to you're pet before you hit 100 wrestling. Now it is no longer possible or shouldn't be.

Stats no longer affect a tamed creatures pools. Strength no longer increases hps, int-mana or dex-stam. None of the pets will gain hps from the bless spell. Strength is currently the strongest stat. Most pets are capped at 700, it is possible to get a hiryu with 1410 strength and after taming it will end up with 705.

By far the most important stat, strength directly increases the amount of "white" damage a pet is capable of. Being expensive to add it may take away from other areas but is very worth it. 700 strength cap for most tameables above 1 slot.

Increases a pets movement speed. coupled together with stamina it increases a pets white swings to roughly 1.5x a second, it can also enhance certain physical hitting abilities such as whirl wind. Too cheap not to max. 150 max dex can be added with training.

As of June 5th 2017 I concluded my testing of int. Really not worth putting ANY points into it as far as I am concerned. I maxed Int out on a nightmare and The only changes I saw were about 1-2 dmg on flamestrike and a very very small amount of mana regen. Points are better spent elsewhere. 700 is also the max trainable cap.

Extremely costly, and not as important as you would think, even on a tank pet. My battle Cu solo tanks navery, rooftop and entire level 6 chest spawns with 650 hps. If you will invest NOTHING into defense and everything into attack well then you need a tank anyway and shouldn't worry about maximized hps. I aim for 600+ when building general purpose pets. I believe 1100 hps is the max that can be added to most pest.

Too cheap not to max, same as dex goes it adds to swing speed and some moves such as defensive special abilities. 150 is the cap here as well.

Depending on what the pet will be doing this can generally be left alone, the points are far better spend on mana regen and 120med/focus. 1500 mana on a test nightmare and I just got a longer initial burst period at the start of fights. Mana regen trumps the points you would spend here. However 500 +/- 150 is a good bar to aim for. 1500 mana can be added to the pets total mana pool with training.

HP regen:
Very worthwhile to maximize this if the pet in training will be taking damage. Coupled with evasion abilities or gm+ parry this stat can enable you to forgo vetting a pet even under heavy fire. Most of my pets have this stat max'd. 20 hp regen max.

Stamina regen:
If you know that the build will be finished with low hit points (500 or less range) This stat can actually be useful. If you're pet takes big hits his stamina pool can be diminished to even 0. Recovering from near death can also make this stat useful. I generally have enough hps to avoid. Chivalry can help with this as casting divine fury will restore lost stamina. This can be waived in favor of upping med/focus to 120... More on that later. 30 stam regen max.

Mana regen:
This should be added after testing a pets build, Not too much but not too little. Keep in mind that ALL moves/abilities uses some form of mana. Run out of it and watch the dps fall. 30 mana regen max

Base damage::
Max it no exceptions. This is just raw almost free damage. Forgetting to max this can lead to a useless pet.

Resistance to all damage types, greatly increases a pets capability to soak damage. Comes with an individual cap of 80 per that can not be exceeded even if the pet itself can (cus can have 85 energy/cold but must come naturally) and a hard cap of 365 that includes every resist added together.

Almost every mod in the game hits for some portion of physical damage. With most mobs at 100% Max it to 80

Daemons, dragons and lava elementals, oh my. Max this one as well

Some peerless and several named bosses hit this damage type, Minimum 65

One of the least important resists a popular method is to max all other resists and leave this one at 45, very few monsters hit pure poison damage, but the ones that do will dick punch you're pet so its best to have a standby pet with max poison resist (Rune beetles have a 95 cap)

Same as cold minimum 65 for general purpose pets

Skill caps
Increasing a pets skill caps can greatly improve performance, damage, and versitility. even with lower poison resist my pet can tank dread horn due to his insane legendary skill build. You must have the actual skill on the pet in order to use a Pscroll and a Pscroll MUST exist and be inside the tamers backpack to increase the cap. So no 120 poison for you.

Combat skill caps

Wrestling is what i like to call a double advantage increase, not only does it increase a pets damage due to hit chance but also decreases a monsters ability to hit the pet thus making him more tanky. Thirdly if you only have 100 wrestling and the pet dies it may go to 99.9 thus causing parry to fall off and not benefit the pet until he hits 100 again. So at LEAST 105 on any and all pets you plan on using. 50 points per level 200 points at +20 also increases a pets ability to avoid getting hit by certain "Physical abilities like AI"

Adds not only to regular damage but also some special moves like armor ignore/rune corruption. Math puts you're tactics against a monsters adding or subtracting to damage done. Therefore lower tactics means that the pet will get hit harder, so this also increases the pets tankyness. 50 per 5 on this as well but well worth it

Raw damage, cheap to add and very effective. some where near a 15% damage output increase at 120 and only cots 5 points per 5.

Directly increases a pets ability to avoid damage, couple this together with a 120 bushido and you will see a insanely significant increase to the pets avoidance. This is how my cusidhe solos rooftop/navery/most champs and peerless bosses with little to no healing.

I did add this to my Cu as well, only usefull for Cus and Sabertooths. May not want to spend points here as it takes an eternity to get to 120.

Magic Skills
Magic skills make up the bulk of our pets skills abilities, some are far more important than others

I am very torn on magery, it does add a decent damage boost but in my opinion should not cost 50 per 5. Pets do not fizzle as of this moment therefore it only slightly increases the damage of spells (Only tested on 3 nightmares) Once the pet is able to cast the spell it has a 100% chance as far as i can tell. Though this may need more testing. Huge mana pool, high mana regen pets should bring this to 120

Evaluate Intelligence:
adds a significant boost to magery spells damage, if the pet is a pure mage pet this skill should be considered. it also boosts the positive buff and negative buff spells such as bless and curse.

Magic Resist:
Too cheap not to use on endgame pets, works in the same way as our characters. Because curse/weaken/paralyze is annoying and can lead to death I would recommend putting this to 120 on all serious builds.

Meditation and Focus:
I lumped these together because if you raise one you may as well raise the other. Adding 120 to both gives you 3 mana regen and 2 stamina regen ON TOP of what gm levels give you. If you do the math skilling both of these costs you 40 points vs mana and stam regen costing over 60. It also exceeds the caps of stam and mana regen. Also adding 120 to both of these I have found that I need to spend 0 points in stam regen even on most lower hp pets.

I have yet to add a pscroll to a pet so i can not comment of damage increases, I will update this as I test however it is safe to assume it does the same as magery. If anyone on here would like to PM me their findings I will add them.

Spirit Speak:
Same as above

same as above

Same as above

Behaves the same as a players increased cap, pets have no karma from what I can tell and it does not seem to effect it. I have yet to try to train Chiv on a negative Karma pet if its even possible I do not know. Increasing this to 120 is cheap and very worth while but be warned, you will need to discord the pet in order to sanely level it past 103. at 115 the pets gains will slow to a crawl even while discorded. I have made it to 118.6 at this time. The benefit is overhwelming. Coupled together with AI cus are hitting for around 350 to 400 word of death level damage on full hp mobs

The higher the skill the higher the chance and the greater the loss of stats, also worthwhile and cheap. This is a part of my "dueling cus" setup. handy if you have a tamer that cant afford the skillpoints in disco and also you can perform the satyr trick from the safety and comfort of the home (go CEO turbo crafters!!!) as long as the pet is within range the target stays disco'd for ever. Leveling this can also be a beotch without another disco tamer or bard or satyr trick.

I have yet to increase the skill cap on ninjitsu but from testing frenzied whirl wind built Beetles I can tell you the higher the skill the more damage they deal. Cost is heavy for adding the skill to non natural ninjitsu pets. only pets native to tokuno can learn the magical skill, so in order to train on all other pets you must spend 100 points on a special move that gives it, and 500 points for the skill grand totals are 600 points and you do NOT get the special moves, more on this in the advanced guide.

If you put bushido on the pet this is a VERY valuable skill to cap at 120, it costs nothing and compliments 120 parry VERY well. You will see a HUGE evasion difference in the pet. Does not mater if the pet is native to tokuno or not, you will always get the passive defense increase from bushido. If you spent the 600 to get it why not spend an extra 20 to make it legendary?

That concludes my basic tamer startup, I will add in the few skills that I have yet to test later. I will aslo be doing a writeup on the best way to up the slot count in the following days.

Drop a message if you think of anything or can correct me on my findings.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 07:42:57 PM by Biza »
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 01:07:48 AM »
Pet Training

Being a scripting website aside, I would recommend doing this by hand. It will save you a lot of time and less of a chance that the pet could go wild. Though I am working on a pet training script at the moment. Getting hit and hitting are the only two ways to gain currently. So you want the pet that is being trained to be the one that is tanking. Gains are much much faster this way. Discording the target down to your skill level also helps, not only is the mob easier to hit but you can train wrestling at the same time.

Helpful Skills and Items
There are a few Skills and Items that can make pet training a breeze. Power hour is given once every 24 hours (Or supposed to be #bugs #workingasintendedlolyaright) giving the pet monstrous gains even on weaker mobs. Tasty treats can be used to up the pets dex/stam beyond its limits coupled together with a bless and pets can hit at max attack speed. Loads of mana regen on the tamer to keep masteries up and still be able to spam spells works well. Invisibility potions to hide on top of the pet so it takes aggro. Greater/health potions for those oh *bleep* moments on navery. Discordance is huge, taking a pet to 120 chiv or healing can be a nightmare without it.

Taming Mastery
With the latest changes animal taming mastery is very worth the time and effort to get a rank 2 mastery. Empowerment is the end all be all for helping a weak pet tank damage. Currently I use empowerment 80% of the time and berserk the other 20, being berserk is purely a damage booster it is sort of counter productive to leveling pets. As one does work but it uses two pets and costs a significant amount of mana.

Provides a nice boost to skill gains, remember you cant add 120 parry anymore without the actual skill being there, so hitting 100 wrestling before the final training bracket can be important.

Combat Training

There is more to this ability then they have released on wiki. The "Soak" phase greatly reduces incoming damage. About half approximately. It also increases spell damage and regular damage. This stacks with physical hitting abilities and magical ones such as Frenzied whirlwind and magery spells.

Berserk Pure damage increase, very noticeable at the cost of a 60 second cooldown in between uses. The reason I use this less than empowerment is because there is a 52 second gap where the pet will not have the buff. It does, however, reduce healing effects such as vet and pet healing along with magery and mysticism healing spells. Not a good idea if the target can hit hard and burst.

Consume Damage
Look I have been farming non stop champ spawns since mastery release and have yet to see a single t3 book. If anyone (older members or elites) plays on chessy could you spare a book? You can find me crawling around on my hands and knees begging for it as the drop gods hate me. I would very much like to test this out. I mean thousands of books and not a single one nor any for sale.

Upping slot count

Navery Method
It is possible to take a 1 slot pet to 5 while hunting Navery. Running Navery gives you a chance at obtaining a tangle as well as other shared loot, though her packs been nerfed in recent years. However Navery hits 1-3 slot pets hard, coupled together with poison it can make keeping them alive a PITA. If you have (and you should) at least rank 2 mastery keeping Empowerment up can help if not make it possible. Start you're G heal about 2 seconds into the band-aid 3 second cycle to ensure that you get a heal off in between poisons also helps. Having another tamer/mage there is helpful as they can help heal the pet. levels 1-3 you can gain 100% of the pets level in a single navery kill. 3-4 is 50% per kill, and finally 4-5 is 25% per kill. I do not recommend taking a fresh tame here between the 1-3 slot brackets. Gains are painfully slow, the pet usually doesn't have enough wrestling to hit her and if you tank her she can drop a fresh tame fairly easily. some pets like Unicorns however fair well against her as poison immunity goes a long way in this fight. Stone boots are very important for this fight, getting webbed away from the pet can cause almost immediate death without empowerment and constant healing.

Ratmen Method
Vitavi and Tikitavi are two excellent ways to level low slot pets, The spawns are fairly easy and the bosses provide great gains. Coupled together with low wrestling skill gain is also a breeze with these two. Vitavis clan ribbon courtiers can be kited to the stygian house where it is nice and safe for you to sit on the steps and heal from a distance as these bastards target switch. Tikitavi spawn has a "Cove" at the left (west) side of the spawn that you can stand in with the pet a tile to your right taking all new spawn. The level 2 spawns are amazing for parry gains. once the pet hits 3 slots though the gains taper off and its time to go hit a peerless

Paragon Method
Paragons give great gains, however spawn can be erratic and challenging. The ratmen caves with earth elemental's can be a decent place to go, but this method is much much slower. Finding a Paragon ettin with several other ettins around to beat on your pet while he fights the paragon gave me pretty good gains, but since I have stuck to ratmen and navery.

New Haven Mines
Gathering 2-3 spawn areas here and leashing them onto the pet can provide a decent gain session during the pets power hour. tapping whispering also hammers up the parry gains significantly. I still stand by the first two methods ratmen to navery.

Have a method? Let me know ill add it.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 11:04:53 AM by Biza »
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2017, 01:08:05 AM »
Skill Gains
Gaining skills can take an eternity, focusing on each skill individually can shave days off of you're life.

Combat Skills

Gaining wrestling, much like weapons training a plus or minus 20 point gap will net you gains, anything outside of that gap and gains will not come. Using discord to bring a target down to your pets level allows for higher monsters to be trained on. Ratmen are great for lower level gains and navery can take you from 80-110+. I usually try to stay within 10 points of the target, this allows for the fastest gains, remember hitting 100 wrestling before the final slot adjustment is important. Also any pet that you are serious about keeping should have a bare minimum of 105 to keep from losing parry in the event of a skill loss due to death. Shadow iron elementals are great because as your pet gains wrestling so does it, taking you all the way to 120.

Leveled naturally along with wrestling, you can ignore this skill and it will take care of itself

Same as above

Parry will take eons unless you focus on it, the best method I have come up with so far is new haven undead spawns, gather at least 5 melee undead on the pet by telling him to kill it and quickly commanding him to follow you will aggro the non aggressive undead. This is also safe as only mongbats that wonder too close will aggro your player character. With enough hp regen and empowerment up healing is not needed with this method.

The fastest way to gain healing is using discord and a rotting corpse. They hit you with higher levels of poison, telling your pet to follow you with one beating on him will keep him from curing with magery or chiv. Having disco or another pet or player there to discord your pet will increase the gains to cap at light speed.

Resisting Spells
New haven method, get as many shades as you can following you up to the north where you will have a boat ready. Jump onto the boat using the opposite side plank and have your pet attack each one of the shades, get about 12 total if you can. Hide after the pet is commanded to attack them all and watch gains rocket forward, should take about 30 minutes to cap to 120
There are a few Mobs in the game that take zero damage from most damage types, the following are two that I have used. Ortanords can be found in termur, lure one to a safe place and let the pet lose on em. Empowerment and a little hp regen again you can watch netflix while your pet gains. Shadow iron elementals also work

Eval Intelligence
Levels just fine on its own with normal use

Passively level this as you use the pet.

Necromancy, spirit speak, spellweaving, mysticism and chivalry
All can be leveled int he same manner as magery, ortanords and shadow iron elementals work well

Graveyards are excellent for leveling this at lower levels. Just lure a bunch to the fence line and hop over to the other side, command the pet to attack them all and he will slowly discord them all. Gaining to 100 with this method is easy. 100-120 is a different story. Having another tamer/pet with discord can increase the speed and shave days off your life as well. Get a boat and put it on the shore of the yamatsu champion spawn. push the spawn until hiryus and lions pop. Drag as many hiryus to the boat as possible and command the pet to attack each one until they are all discorded. Go make a cookie and come back in a few hours.

Leveled while the pet uses the abilities, can be leveled on ortanords and shadow iron elementals as well.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 11:56:41 AM by Biza »
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2017, 04:53:00 AM »
Nice summery,
Will have to agree at 90%.     It just like a toon, personnel preference and bad advice or the other 10% :)

Of the 10 Pet I use, I only buff my main Cue with 120 PS. this is because I had them.   Almost all the pet do well with their regular stat.   
Just a remainder to add Special move/Special Abilities and Magical it that order.   and the Damage  in the last round.

Like Biza. I always test  first on a pet to see if what I want fit and to ensure that no glitch happen.   So pet 2/5 slot required to add STR and HP in the last round.   

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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2017, 05:15:19 AM »

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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2017, 09:08:12 AM »
Great summary, thanks Biza!
Please read the ScriptUO site RULES
Come play RIFT with me!

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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2017, 10:29:37 AM »
Not done yet, added pet training, lastly ill go over some builds and synergy.
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2017, 11:08:27 AM »
Added caps and finished, anyone here have a different method or is there a skill I missed? I will be updating and cleaning it up in the next few days.
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2017, 11:17:20 AM »
To train my unbound pet I go to Tokono mine.  Get a Shadow element.   It usually take me 2-3 days to train all the skill.  ( I do this while I study or watch movie) doesn't required lot of attention.   

 To train a bounded pet I the turtle champ in TOL.  Lot of target to finish all the skill off. 

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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2017, 11:22:50 AM »
What skills exactly ghost? I have yet to try a champ spawn with an untrained pet and refuse to do most tram spawns save for the Tokuno spawn for discord. Or are you talking about the fel turtle spawn?
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2017, 11:27:21 AM »
I train my Cue at Turtle champ. Lvl 1 have hight lvl monster.   Got all my skill from GM to 120. Wres,anat,tact, healing,disco, parry.    This a good place for Disco, lot target.   Tokono champ have low lvl monster.

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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2017, 11:31:16 AM »
I would agree to that on everything up to 100, but in order to safely afk discord up to 120 i chose Tokuno, Hiryus give excellent gains and you can plop your pet on a boat and safely afk his skill to 120. everything else seems to take an eternity and you have to pay attention to details. Did you go to 120 at the turtle spawn?
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2017, 12:46:17 PM »
Ok  I don't do the champs.  I have a rail system that walk my stealth tamer around and Cue disco monster around him.   Not sure how you AFK disco on a boat because event if I hide  my pet, the disco don't run out.   The only way I find is to kill all my target.   If you have a better way, I'm all ears.  :laugh:

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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2018, 07:43:27 PM »
A lot of this information is outdated. I will be updating it after pub 100
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Re: Publish 97 pet training boot camp
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2022, 05:58:19 PM »
here it is!!! this was the post I was hopeing to help on and expand on with my lazy afk pet training style. Just replied so i dint lose it again I will be putting stuff here soon
