Hi all,
Swear on of the most enjoyable things about UO is creating and writing scripts so Im looking forward to learn from the experts round' these parts

Post Merge: May 08, 2023, 11:50:29 AM
So not gonna lie, with no prompt or warning of what is required to gain access I hope this isnt going to "sit around for a few days" so hopefully this gives a better intro to gain entry in looking how others have over come some challenges I've been having.
Im not really sure what to say as sitting here typing out well meaning and thought out introduction to a blank screen is foreign to me. I guess So I guess I'll pose questions and provide answers as that seems to be a better approach!
How long have I played UO?
I started when I was 8 or 9 years old, it was a blast. My parents found a free server that was family focused where we all could play together. Was an awesome shard because they had a kid status where they couldnt die/be attacked so we were able to freely explore the world and learn all the awesome lore.
What drives you to scripting?
Besides some the roadblocks not thought of back in the day, the tedious of some aspects become more like a job which is about the time I start to lose interest. A game should be fun, and thats my goal with my scripting - I'll even throw in some winsound tunes to create my own alerts. Besides all that, I find solving a problem to be so enjoyable, unless I get stuck which is often times I reach out for help.
What role do you normal play in UO?
I've tried alot of different builds, but inevitably am always drawn back to Bard/Tamer. For me it offers the best utility and is usually appreciated when helping others.
What other games do you play?
All sorts, RPG's to MOBA's. Used to say this alot "you name it, I've gamed it" I love trying out different aspects of games and finding out what makes them all tick. Though I will say I'm constantly drawn back to the old school G's - gimme some Everquest over Fortnight anyday
Any other thing you'd like to share?
I hope this satiates the requirements as there are some people out there who aren't great at introducing themselves so to ostracize a group of people from the wonderful world of UO scripting is sad. Regardless for your reasoning, Im hoping this community helps shows me a welcoming environment to help me learn from the pro's.