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Topics - Zagro

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New member introductions / Pleased to meet you fellow UO players
« on: July 29, 2009, 07:31:30 AM »

I'v been playing UO since 2000. I started out on Atlantic even thou I live in Finland, since I had a friend who lived there. I was HOOKED right from the beginning. 2001 when buying my first house on UO I got hacked (Yeah I was 14y old back then and enough blue eyed to accept a picture which was supposed to be the house) so there went my stuff and he/she also deleted all my characters.

I took a break....

Then my friend got me playing again. When I started to PvP I made characters on Europa (for better latency). Since then I'v been on Europa, and I have couple chars on Drachenfels too. I had a 9 months timeout from UO when I was playing WoW, and 1 year break when I was in army. At the moment I enjoy my UO mostly on Europa, and mostly doing PvP. Now I'm 22 living with my GF and at semester starting my last year in Highschool... and doing my best not to get hacked again ;)

Nice meeting you all!

Post Merge: July 29, 2009, 07:33:39 AM
Grhmm... I had a friend who PLAYED on Atlantic, he didn't live in Atlantic... Thou we Played a LOT so it's almost the same thing  ;)

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