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Messages - Adenocard

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General UO Chat / Re: Orc Ship - Potential Gold Maker!
« on: October 24, 2010, 03:30:52 PM »
20 - 35 mil atm on Atl.

General UO Chat / Re: Only the second time... not bad I guess
« on: October 20, 2010, 05:47:03 PM »
It happens sometimes, I fully believe people hit for unattended macro'n is just someone paging on you... And C2 who macros in luna let alone unattended.. May as well put a book on the ground beside you saying please page on me silly !! :P

Display("OK", "Please target the item you with to ID")
UO.TargCurs = true
while UO.TargCurs == true do wait(100) end
findtype = FindItem(UO.LTargetID)

 Typo... " Please target the item you wish to ID" 

 Sorry I can't help myself sometimes.

General UO Chat / Re: High Seas Adventure Help Guide
« on: October 17, 2010, 07:17:12 PM »
Very true... =) I have been back and forth from game to webpage a lot lately doing the new boss fights and what not.

_C2_ Script Library / Re: C2's Ultra Beggar W/Guide Trainer
« on: October 17, 2010, 07:10:22 PM »
Very nice did two so far working on my third and fourth  :P

Ah I'm not worried about reg, I just script that too lol... Just wanted to be helpful is all

Hey C2, I noticed that when you go to make greater cure potions its not doing so, its hitting the cure potion instead not sure why but now I have 8k cure instead of greater cure lol... Think its just a change in location in the menu but i thought i would pass on the information.

General UO Chat / Re: lvl 7 maps
« on: October 16, 2010, 03:04:41 AM »
Hey I just had a guildie tell me that he is able to do level 7 t-maps, he just isn't able to obtain them from the pirates, but he can buy them of vendors, or in his level 6 chests ... and that he was able to do a few of them today without the expansion.  I haven't tried it myself as I have the expansion but that is the word on the street if that helps at all

General UO Chat / Re: High Seas Adventure Help Guide
« on: October 16, 2010, 02:52:48 AM »
Of course its helpful, but not to be a downer on all your hard work... Uoguide also has all the information one might want on the expansion.  The guy that runs the site is very fast to get all the new information added to as much detail as possible.

General UO Chat / Re: The END of EUO.
« on: October 16, 2010, 02:47:07 AM »
Well I figured that since I was just starting to learn EUO scripting and he updated it for another month.  It gives me a month to jump into OEUO and see what i can learn.. Can't say I will be all that great at making scripts but hey why not give it a try.  Don't want to be thought of as a leech, but is a script tester, who gives back feedback on changes, or things missed a leech or is that just the nameless guy that downloads and run.

  Oh well bare with me guy I'm sure I will ask a lot of stupid questions, but I'm glad that he updated this last time and dropped the drama rate a little.

General UO Chat / Re: lvl 7 maps
« on: October 15, 2010, 03:35:46 PM »
No idea but I will be playing it tonight.

Yesterday I was seriously considering whether I should give up, turning my back on EUO. I'm sure some of you would love that... how did it go: "Someone is going to update easyuo for you, dont worry, you will get either hack or someone close to you will leak the code and it will be another group, hopefully open that will keep it updated." Really can't see why anyone wouldn't like them leeches.

In other words he is scared someone will crack it and take his thunder. He is very worried that if that happens his Open EUO will fall flat on its face. Everyone knew this would happen. God I wish someone would do that.

Should have given people lots of notice. It was a power play holding everyone hostage. I think it actually will kill what he wanted to do. No one will ever trust him again. I see either his program cracked or another one using same language up and running in a month.

General UO Chat / Re: The END of EUO.
« on: October 14, 2010, 12:28:07 PM »
Added: Oct 14, 2010
We'll be back up today, do not fear shop owners and inhabitants of Britannia!

This was posted today on

I bet they are paying someone to crack it now. Only a matter of time before someone does it.

I had that issue awhile back when ML came out to.

 But now you can run an art mod, and if you save that screenshot and get busted you can use it in your defense !!!  Honest its not me its you guys.

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