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ScriptUO Application / Re: Veteran player
« Last post by gimlet on September 25, 2024, 09:58:18 AM »

A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughfull introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!

Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the sticked examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a four or five paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in english.)

ScriptUO Application / Veteran player
« Last post by kblevins1985 on September 25, 2024, 09:44:08 AM »
Veteran player looking for a little extra help in the game :)
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Altiric's Amazing All-Skills Trainer
« Last post by D-MON on September 12, 2024, 08:35:43 AM »
Stealth scripts / Re: [py] Discord Vendor Search
« Last post by unisharp on August 19, 2024, 09:59:17 AM »
Updated for new package
Updated for Stealth py_stealth changes
Added check for "refine search" - displays no items found or search timed out
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Fully functional Lumberjack script!
« Last post by Vollrathpt on August 17, 2024, 08:39:33 AM »
hi thanks for the script  :)
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Auto Miner Update, 2.0 full rewrite
« Last post by altiric on July 19, 2024, 07:32:57 AM »
The script sadly got posted with a partial update to how it reads the runes in the runebook that has prevented it from working. This has been fixed in the updates, and will be updated here for the next version i release. People who have been interested already have the new copy.
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Auto Miner Update, 2.0 full rewrite
« Last post by Aurelius on July 18, 2024, 11:24:58 AM »

Post Merge: July 18, 2024, 01:14:43 PM

First bug I found - looks like it won't run unless you have >40 Magery & > 40 Chilvary. I think the intent is one or the other? So should:
if(Orion.SkillValue('Magery') < 400 || Orion.SkillValue('Chivalry') < 400){
status('Need magery or chivalry to travel');

if(Orion.SkillValue('Magery') < 400 && Orion.SkillValue('Chivalry') < 400){
status('Need magery or chivalry to travel');

Post Merge: July 19, 2024, 05:34:59 AM
Haven't had much success yet - I have a rune marked next to my secure in Malas in the book with mining locations. I have no fire beetle. After mining a cave and inventory is full of ore, it just recalls back and forth between 2 caves that aren't near my secure, skipping blocked runes - but the blocked runes don't seem to be the closest ones to my secure either. Log:

09:30:13 Trammel x4758 y3776 Digs: 82 Type: Iron Ore[2]
09:30:15 Trammel x4758 y3776 Digs: 83 Type: Iron Ore[2]
09:30:16 No fire beetle set
09:30:16 No pack beetle set
09:30:16 Closest Rune: {"index":2,"name":"Bucc's Den Cave","position":"57o 49'S,  90o 33'E","x":1967,"y":1953}
09:30:16 Closest Rune: {"index":9,"name":"Delucia Cave","position":"83o 35'S,  54o 46'W","x":934,"y":51}
09:30:16 No fire beetle set
09:30:17 Delucia Cave 83o 35'S,  54o 46'W
09:30:22 No fire beetle set
09:30:22 No pack beetle set
09:30:22 Closest Rune: {"index":2,"name":"Bucc's Den Cave","position":"57o 49'S,  90o 33'E","x":1967,"y":1953}
09:30:22 Closest Rune: {"index":9,"name":"Delucia Cave","position":"83o 35'S,  54o 46'W","x":934,"y":51}
09:30:22 No fire beetle set
09:30:22 Delucia Cave 83o 35'S,  54o 46'W
09:30:38 Rune blocked, skipping...
09:30:43 No fire beetle set
09:30:43 No pack beetle set
09:30:43 Closest Rune: {"index":2,"name":"Bucc's Den Cave","position":"57o 49'S,  90o 33'E","x":1967,"y":1953}
09:30:43 Closest Rune: {"index":9,"name":"Delucia Cave","position":"83o 35'S,  54o 46'W","x":934,"y":51}
09:30:43 No fire beetle set
09:30:43 Delucia Cave 83o 35'S,  54o 46'W
09:30:48 No fire beetle set
09:30:48 No pack beetle set
09:30:48 Closest Rune: {"index":2,"name":"Bucc's Den Cave","position":"57o 49'S,  90o 33'E","x":1967,"y":1953}
09:30:48 Closest Rune: {"index":9,"name":"Delucia Cave","position":"83o 35'S,  54o 46'W","x":934,"y":51}
09:30:48 No fire beetle set
09:30:49 Delucia Cave 83o 35'S,  54o 46'W
09:31:04 Rune blocked, skipping...
09:31:09 No fire beetle set
09:31:09 No pack beetle set
09:31:09 Closest Rune: {"index":2,"name":"Bucc's Den Cave","position":"57o 49'S,  90o 33'E","x":1967,"y":1953}
09:31:09 Closest Rune: {"index":9,"name":"Delucia Cave","position":"83o 35'S,  54o 46'W","x":934,"y":51}
09:31:09 No fire beetle set
09:31:10 Delucia Cave 83o 35'S,  54o 46'W
09:31:15 No fire beetle set
09:31:15 No pack beetle set
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Fully functional Lumberjack script!
« Last post by Aurelius on July 17, 2024, 06:52:30 AM »
Any plans to release a working 1.2 or continue development? Love this script but not smart enough to fix it!
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Altiric's Amazing All-Skills Trainer
« Last post by slash7915 on July 12, 2024, 07:31:48 PM »
Thank you for the post, my first time using Orion Client, hope this will help me :)
Awesome hope it works!
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