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Endless Nights' Script Library / Re: ENs - AutoTarget W/Healthbar (Swoops Other)
« Last post by reuvencotero on October 20, 2024, 01:50:49 AM »
thanks for it
Character skill advancement / Re: Guadah's Multiskill Trainer
« Last post by cobary on October 11, 2024, 12:59:22 AM »
한번 사용해보고 싶습니다^^
Character skill advancement / Re: Guadah's Multiskill Trainer
« Last post by Iceman121176 on October 10, 2024, 03:46:41 PM »
i have tried many scrips
Character skill advancement / Re: Taming and Lore trainer with active meditation
« Last post by Iceman121176 on October 10, 2024, 03:41:35 PM »
i am hoping this scrip works for me
Script Debug / Trick or Treat 2024! (Needs some love)
« Last post by Anvil on October 02, 2024, 01:17:30 PM »
; Script Name: Halloween Trick Or Treater 2024 (Beta/Testing)
; Author: Anvil
; Version: 1
; Client Tested with: 7.0
; EUO version tested with: EasyUO V1.6
; Shard OSI / FS OSI
; Revision Date: 10/02/2024
; Public Release: N/A
; Purpose: Automate Trick or Treating
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Thargorff on September 17, 2024, 08:46:04 AM »
Yes, added the book, it just seemed like script skipping travel part all together
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Crisis on September 17, 2024, 03:13:28 AM »
Did you add your runebook to the script? Its not the the generic id but the one specific to just that book. Been a while since I used EUO so do not remember what it is exactly.

Code: [Select]
Set %Rune_Book xxxxxx   ; set id of rune book with hunting spot and bank inside here
Set %Travel SJ
Set %Hunt_Rune1 x       ;Set the rune number in book of hunting spot to return to
Set %Bank_Rune1 x       ;Set the rune number in book of the bank. Must land withen reach of a banker
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Thargorff on September 16, 2024, 06:56:50 PM »
tried 2.6, it kills and loots like a champ (going to compare with 2.7 later), but had no interaction with runebook. It didnt even try to recall to the bank, in fact i had bos , it used it first to send gold 15k, then once was overweight with leather , sent it to the bank. I guess if using only bos it would be ok but trying to keep the cost down. So, didnt get to the part of bos recharging in this scenario
Resource Farming / Re: Lugz Barb Leather Getter
« Last post by Thargorff on September 16, 2024, 06:33:46 PM »
so, tried this script, in need of a good leather farmer, seems like we have mining and lumberjack working. Nothing works, I can figure out where the problem is. Not using BOS, marked 2 runes- bank and ww place, changed "x" to id's. Start at ww, keeps spamming honor to self? not cutting corpses, sometimes brings the message if i want to use weapon on myself? didnt get to the part recalling to the bank. I would think something changed over the past several years? btw , was using v2.7 beta, going to try 2.6
Doing MIBs, the CLAW issue doesnt kick in so soon. Will takes a lot of MIBs like 100 and above to see slowness happening. The fastest way is to kill and get CLAW to scan all corpse at high spawn rate area. 
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