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Topics - Iraq-

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hey guys, what's poppin :D
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:43:10 PM »
Hey all, I'm Iraq-..
     I'm 19 and I've been playing UO ever since the day AOS came out and my uncle rage quit/handed me his account and password on OSI. Around 2002 I quit OSI since I was just a poor kid and thought it too pricey. Since then I've been jumping from one freeshard to the next hoping to find some UO paradise, but lately all I've seen are wastelands.. I've played over 15 freeservers.. (when I say play I mean I've gone there, actually built characters and suits and houses). I'm definitely the PvP oriented type... Necro Mage ftw. As of late, I've been thinking of quitting UO, but seeing as I havnt been able to ever stop before.. I just don't see it actually happening. Until the day I toss my computer out of my window in a rage, I foresee myself gaming inbetween my college classes.
The scripts i've seen here clearly outlevel the ones i've seen on Easyuo and that's exactly why I am joining this community.
I hope to get to know you all more soon.

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