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Scripting Languages / Re: finduo/searchuo
« on: October 18, 2008, 11:49:00 PM »
Hey this is Kevin from  To answer various questions / statements in this thread ...


"Stealther rails through Luna on a circuit while scanning for vendors"

searchuo has 12 chars he logs into Luna standing at various points, hidden.  They coincide with his 12 "regions" in his vendors section.  war from ultimacodes has a railed guy walking around, used to be called UCSkana or something just like that (standing for ultimacodes scanner character) ... not necessarily the brightest thing you could do (but maybe a step above 'ban me i'm scripting'.  he's been busted enough times that he's running stealthers now (doesn't help him when he's dropping books like crazy from the same chars he scans with).  Personally ... I do something ... can't give away all the secrets hehe (I've actually got enough people hunting me down to thwart my efforts as it is without giving them a gameplan).

"Each vendor is found and contents, prices, descriptions are saved to a file"

I know thats what searchuo does (save files and uploads), don't know what ultimacodes does.  I use the send command, which if you're wanting to emulate lets just say you got to get really creative.  doing a send for each item on 200k items isn't going to work if freshness is important to you, and there's alot of formatting you have to do to the URL so that special characters don't break your string.

"Search results are associated with a predetermined link to coordinates on a map of Luna"

searchuo uses some php graphic overlays taking preexisting image and merging it with a graphic crosshairs for the end result, with the crosshairs getting merged based on url variables for x and y coords.  personally i don't like the idea of having to reload a page for a map every time you want to see where a vendor is, thats why I came up with flash mapping.  basically just use javascript and ajax to communicate with the flash mapping to show where everything is at the same time.

@Endless Night ...

There's just 3.  UOTreasures is actually just Mark from searchuo.  His old web designer made him think that stuffing google with as many pages as possible is a good idea for rankings (which actually it is).  While I've been working on the next version of finduo, he's just been stuffing google with pages.  All of uotreasures is searchuo data regurgitated, its not any more pleantiful, accurate or more-often-updated than searchuo's.

@Fusioneer ... "Since they seem to be listing fewer and fewer actual vendors and pushing what they have for sale themselves, you may want to re-visit the idea as a public service"

Anyone wants to do what it takes to offer a search entirely free, more power to them.  That wasn't an option for me. 
I've spent alot of 60 hour weeks programming, been doing it for the last 6 months (for the next version of finduo coming out in November).  To anyone who thinks I'm getting rich at it ... (chuckles).  I love UO.  Finduo inspires me to sharpen my skills.  Before I did this, I used to design real estate search engines and I made more in 1 month doing that than I've made with finduo all year, very stress filled though.  I moved to the Philippines last March, my living expenses dropped drastically (can live off $250 a month just fine) and finduo covers my bills.  Its a huge responsibility, not much less different than having a kid.  I just told my fiancee that when we get married in December "Sorry we can't go to Samal island, there's no internet there so I can't keep an eye on finduo".  Certainly not getting rich off it, if that were my goal I would never have started.  Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about what little I make, I love it and wouldn't trade it for a 150k job in California.  In regards to less vendors comment, we expanded shortly after I moved (sometime in April I think) to the greater Luna area, quadrupling our search area.  In november I'm introducing Tokuno (again doubling the search area).

The November release of finduo going to be ten times better than the old finduo.  The mapping is alot better (you can zoom now, and it swaps between shards, luna and tokuno instantly).  Up until now finduo has had about 2500 images of items, the next version has over 30,000 images and 30,000 mini icons.  The results are better, when something is in a container I show a pic of the container its in, just on and on all the improvements.  I now store all data into infinity, I will show what items were sold, you will be able to track trends in UO item sales, see the larges volume shards for sales, etc.

If you're planning on doing something for UO for fun, have at it!  If you're planning on making a bunch of money off it, after everything is said and done you might have made more money flipping burgers at McDonalds, but at least you will have had fun while doing it.

everyone check out Finduo Search Ultima Online Vendors come early next month there will be many new changes!

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