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Messages - quadro313

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Salutations !
« on: October 11, 2010, 12:13:52 PM »
Nay , mate , it was just a joke. No specific references , just a few lads I've seen use those exact words. They kinda got stuck in my head hehe.

Thank ye for the warm welcomes , and I shall definitely stick around ! Wasn't expecting this quick of a reply.

New member introductions / Salutations !
« on: October 11, 2010, 10:46:08 AM »
Hail to thee , dear friend. I go by the name Quadro ( and some random numbers usually ) and I would like to tell you what brought me here and I shall start from the beginning itself.

'twas way back in 2003. I was reading the new issue of a gaming magazine and I glimpsed at their "old pages" - a section in which odd/old games would be listed. I wasn't expecting anything interesting , nor have I ever done so. This time , however , two pages were dedicated to a game of the so-called MMO genre , which was until that point unfamiliar to me. Ultima Online , that was it's name. I remember being totally captivated by the description on the zine ( which was by the way referring to a local-based server , not the original ones ). First thing I did on the other day was to follow the links on the page and see what it was really about.

Now I won't go in detail about the magic UO worked on me since I believe we've all been on that road. Not knowing what to do but being absolutely happy since that lack of knowledge equals lack of restrictions. Me and a friend of mine would do whatever we felt like doing currently - attacking a skeleton , then running as soon as a wraith came along , fetching horses for PKs in order to buy out our lives or just chop wood in some desolated area - you name it , we did it. We've all done it. I , however , set off to be more of the peaceful kind whereas my friend went down the road of thievery and murders. I was usually on a crafter or a tamer.

Two years it must've been that I simply could not put Ultima Online aside. There was so much to do , so much to find , so much to earn , yet the more you did/found/earned , the more you realized how much more there is! Then I started taking short breaks of a month and so until , in 2007 , I quit for an indefinite amount of time. It sure felt bad !

Back to present times , 2 months ago to be precise , I decided to stop this inner fight with myself and finally come back. Upon playing for a few weeks , I realized that some things have changed. I found out about Razor , and was alternatively linked to EasyUO. I liked EasyUO's idea , I dug around a bit more and I found this place. Decided to give it a shot , so here I am !


hai i need itenz & scriptz

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