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Messages - Iceman

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I was trying to use this last night to make some armor pieces. Setup went ok but when making armor pieces, it would make one piece and then make tongs(I was making metal armor) then make another armor piece and tongs after that. With my limited knowledge, I couldn't find out why.

Crafting / Re: neo's bodbook filler v1.2 09/29
« on: November 06, 2011, 02:22:15 AM »
 Finally had some time to test this filler. 18.5 hour run, 1722 bods filled and no problems at all. Great script, thank you for sharing it.

New member introductions / My Introduction
« on: November 09, 2010, 06:51:30 PM »
  Hello Everyone!!

 My name is Iceman. I have played little over 8 years. Actually played uo first time in 2000 in Europa, but trying to get anything done there with dial-up connection was horrible. I remember it taking me over 30 minutes to get from trinsic to britain on foot, because of lag issues. Only played 2 months back then and quit, couldnt handle how slow everything worked. I started back in 2002 after i moved to USA(im originally from finland). Started to play with friend in Great Lakes, he quit after few months and i kept running around in solo for a while and then made a mistake to step in felucca side first time. I wasn almost instantly hooked on pvp. Im sure guys who first fought me, were having fun, because i wore uninsured platemail armor, but i kept coming back. Finally got into a pvp guild and met a guy who really started my pvp education and also introduces me for scripting. Over the years I have used scripts to make money to finance my pvp addiction. Without pvp I wouldnt be playing this game. Only thing which keep me interested any more. Today I'm playing in multiple shards, Napa, legends, pacific, atlantic, lake austin, catskills. Soloing in some of those shards, running with some old friends in some. From american shards, i think only ones i havent played in are Origin and Baja, but im planning to change that in future. Im not saying that im best pvper out there, but i like challenge. Thats why I keep going to different shards to fight against different guys. I have two active pvp accounts and two mule accounts to get everything else done. So, you could say im power player. Though not playing as much as use to. RL taking too much of time nowdays. Anyway, nice to make acquaintance to anyone out there.


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