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Messages - silentsentinel

Pages: [1] 2 3
d'oh, sorry i should have mentioned i play on a pre-aos (popular) shard
any ideas in that situation?

Anyone have anything for tamers that works well?

Considering using a farming script with either a tamer or dexxer, and have a few questions I could use input on...

- Which will be easier to use, first of all, tamer or dexxer? I play on a popular freeshard with a fairly high population and I've not used a dexxer for PVM here before.
- Secondly, any input on what actual mobs could/should be farmed, and what kind of gold income I'd be looking at?
- Lastly, are there any good, efficient (not slow) scripts for this already set up?

Thanks for any ideas.

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 28, 2009, 08:21:23 PM »
excellent, makes sense now

so my original issue is solved by setting %jStart to #jindex - 5 before the while loop, and setting %jStart to #jindex + 1 thereafter during the loop/if statement :)

Seems to scan previous lines with no redundant scanning, while catching the new lines as well. Testing that now and it seems to be working for me,

Thanks everyone for all the help, much obliged.

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 28, 2009, 08:05:20 AM »
Hey Endless,

I've read the wiki multiple times. Really they don't do much there to explain the logic... they simply spell out the methodology without explaining why certain things are set as they are.

anyway the only real question I have left that I haven't figured out is the following.. Why is the following even used?

"if %jEnd >= %jStart"

set %jStart %jEnd + 1 (or set %jStart %jEnd)"

It seems redundant, but maybe I'm missing something in the logic. Basically it seems as if %jEnd/#jindex will never NOT be >= whatever you set %jStart to, right?

For whatever reason the script seemed to process a bit faster with that statement in place... but I totally don't see why it's used, if someone could explain it a bit.

I think I understand the rest, just wanna figure out this last piece. Thanks all.

Ok so my last question in understanding this completely is basically: Why is the
Code: [Select]
if %jEnd >= %jStart"

set %jStart %jEnd + 1 (or set %jStart %jEnd)
even used?

It seems redundant, but maybe I'm missing something in the logic. Basically it seems as if %jEnd/#jindex will never NOT be >= whatever you set %jStart to, right?

For whatever reason the script seemed to process a bit faster with that statement in place... but I totally don't see why it's used, if someone could explain it a bit.

I think I understand the rest, just wanna figure out this last piece. Thanks all.  ;)

Ugh, hell.

I thought I had it. :(

It seems to at least scan backwards like I need.... but it only works about half the time. It also fails to catch any new speech, despite the new speech being spammed (spamming GM with another char) to make SURE it fell between %jstart (5 lines up) and %jend, being continually set to the index.

I have no idea why it's skipping lines like this.

I tried with and without the if %jEnd >= %jStart statement (it seemed redundant given where I'm setting %jStart and #jindex/%jEnd) - made no difference.

Here's the sub. I tried checking out your other journal script, the problem is, I really at this point don't see a logical issue with this code. It works some of the time, other times it completely misses the flag. Plus I really learn by doing in the end. Even if I somehow patched it together I am more concerned with why this isn't working. :/

Thanks for any advice guys, as always.

Code: [Select]
sub alertCheck
set %wrongText #false
set %wrongTextException #false
set %textFlag none
set %jStart #jindex - 5
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 50
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
if %jEnd >= %jStart
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if you_see:_admin in #journal || you_see:_counselor in #journal || you_see:_game in #journal || you_see:_gm in #journal || you_see:_staff in #journal
set %wrongTextException #true
if %wrongTextException = #false && ( ,_ , #charname , ! in #journal || #charname , :_ in #journal || afrodite in #journal || botan in #journal || bottle in #journal || can_page_for_vendor in #journal || guildmaster in #journal || i_seem_to_have_lost_my_master in #journal || samantha in #journal || samirah in #journal || samson in #journal || samuel in #journal || spell_fizzles in #journal || staff_message_from_gm in #journal || steal in #journal || you_see: in #journal || wishmaster in #journal )
set %wrongText #true
if %wrongText = #false && ( #charname in #journal || admin in #journal || afk in #journal || answer in #journal || bot in #journal || counselor in #journal || game in #journal || gm in #journal || greetings in #journal || hello in #journal || hey in #journal || macro in #journal || master in #journal || page in #journal || respond in #journal || script in #journal || speak in #journal || talk in #journal )
if #charname in #journal
set %textFlag #charname
if admin in #journal
set %textFlag admin
if afk in #journal
set %textFlag afk
if answer in #journal
set %textFlag answer
if bot in #journal
set %textFlag bot
if counselor in #journal
set %textFlag counselor
if game in #journal
set %textFlag game
if gm in #journal
set %textFlag gm
if greetings in #journal
set %textFlag greetings
if hello in #journal
set %textFlag hello
if hey in #journal
set %textFlag hey
if macro in #journal
set %textFlag macro
if master in #journal
set %textFlag master
if page in journal
set %textFlag page
if respond in #journal
set %textFlag respond
if script in #journal
set %textFlag script
if speak in #journal
set %textFlag speak
if talk in #journal
set %textFlag talk
wait 40
event macro 1 0 ...
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname being watched! Flag: %textFlag - Script halted!$
if is_attacking_you in #journal
wait 20
event macro 1 0 ...
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname being attacked! Script halted!$
if more_reagents_are_needed_for_this_spell in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname is out of reagents! Script halted!$
if i_see_you_already_have_an_escort in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname has an escort stuck! Script halted!$
if world_will_save in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
event exmsg #charid 0 175 World saving! Pausing script for 1 minute, 30 seconds!
event exmsg #charid 0 175 ...
event exmsg #charid 0 175 ...
event exmsg #charid 0 175 ...
event exmsg #charid 0 175 ...
event exmsg #charid 0 175 ...
wait 1800
set %jStart %jEnd - 5
if #charghost = yes
display ok Alert: #charname died! Script halted!$

Here's alertcheck in all it's glory.

That makes sense.

I tried, in my GM check, using Jindex - 5, to retroscan the old lines, and it seems to work as intended. (5 lines is probably too much of a margin, just using it for testing.)

Now I think I understand a bit more of the logic. Thanks much!

Hey TrailMyx, checking out your journal sub. One quick question though which will help in my understanding this... which direction does the statement "#jindex + 1" count? Does it go towards the old lines, or, is it counting one line AHEAD of the current bottom line?

Why do people use #jindex + 1 instead of just setting #jindex, that is? Thanks a ton

Scripting Chat / Hrm, am I going about this situation the right way?
« on: April 26, 2009, 08:15:26 PM »
Hey all,

Alrighty, so I'm running into a bit of a logical issue in my script. Basically, to make this as simple as possible to explain, I have a sub, alertCheck, that is called from many places in my script to scan for player death, certain system messages, and GM's. Let's say this is it:

Code: [Select]
set %jStart #jindex + 1
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 5
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
if %jEnd >= %jStart
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if gm in #journal
set %gmDetected #true
set %jStart %jEnd + 1

My problem is this. Basically there are points where this sub is called, where there has been spam, and it's possible a flag could be on a line that is not #jindex + 1. It could be, say, 5 lines up due to the journal spam.

I thought this would be simple to account for, and I set %jStart to #jindex + 5 in the 2 applicable spots in the code, this did not work as I thought it would... no matter how long you give it to scan, apparently #jindex + [Anything other than 1] is an illegal statement.

Basically, is there any way to force the journal scan to start a few lines up? What I'm doing just seems to break it. Need some way of retro-scanning a few lines if it's possible.

Anyone have any ideas on what I might try? Thanks much

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 26, 2009, 11:32:26 AM »
Hey Endless, I think I figured it out, I didn't have "set %Jstart %Jend + 1" outside my for loop. That made it seem to work more smoothly... but I really am unsure as to why that if statement/ and re-setting of that variable is neccessary. It works, but I'm not sure why it's needed, if you have time to clarify that'd help a ton :) Thanks

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 25, 2009, 04:46:01 PM »
Hm, hey again all. Trying to finish last minute stuff in this script and I'm running into a weird problem intermittently. Basically this section of my code has a Journal Scan that's supposed to acquire the target's destination. The problem is though, sometime's the escorts response is completely missed, and the destination isn't set. I have it scanning for a full second after the speech command (have tried 1.5 seconds too...) is given and it's not missed all the time, just some of it, causing the script to hang up.

There is no other spam most of the time causing it to be not in Jindex or Jindex + 1 either... this is why it's got me baffled.

Am I doing something wrong, anyone have any ideas? (This particular part takes place in sub get Escort, AFTER stealing their gold. It seems to work fine before stealing their gold. So, after returning from sub stealGold and trying to get the destination is where the problem arises.)

Thanks guys. The script:

Code: [Select]
set #lpc 50
ignoreitem #charid
set %bankerID LSAO
set %loopScript #true
if #charname = [removed for security]
set %rbDepot YMIMJOD
set %rbDestination1 VOJMJOD
set %rbDestination2 NJKMJOD
set %rbMisc XMJMJOD
set %baseLocation escortDepot1
if #charname = [removed for security]
set %rbDepot KTJMJOD
set %rbDestination1 FXJMJOD
set %rbDestination2 DWJMJOD
set %rbMisc DEJMJOD
set %baseLocation escortDepot5
if #charname = [removed for security]
set %rbDepot OXHMJOD
set %rbDestination1 VRJMJOD
set %rbDestination2 FVIMJOD
set %rbMisc BFKMJOD
set %baseLocation escortDepot9
if #charname = [removed for security]
set %rbDepot TLIMJOD
set %rbDestination1 MYIMJOD
set %rbDestination2 ZKJMJOD
set %rbMisc DAJMJOD
set %baseLocation escortDepot13

while %loopScript = #true
gosub weightCheck
gosub recallAround
gosub getEscort

sub alertCheck
set %wrongText #false
set %wrongTextException #false
set %textFlag none
set %jStart #jindex + 5
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 10
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if you_see:_admin in #journal || you_see:_counselor in #journal || you_see:_game in #journal || you_see:_gm in #journal || you_see:_staff in #journal
set %wrongTextException #true
if %wrongTextException = #false && ( ,_ , #charname , ! in #journal || #charname , :_ in #journal || afrodite in #journal || botan in #journal || bottle in #journal || can_page_for_vendor in #journal || [removed for security]:_guards in #journal || [removed for security]:_kal in #journal || [removed for security]:_vas in #journal || guildmaster in #journal || i_seem_to_have_lost_my_master in #journal || [removed for security]:_guards in #journal || [removed for security]:_kal in #journal || [removed for security]:_vas in #journal || samantha in #journal || samirah in #journal || samson in #journal || samuel in #journal || spell_fizzles in #journal || staff_message_from_gm in #journal || steal in #journal || you_see: in #journal )
set %wrongText #true
if %wrongText = #false && ( #charname in #journal || admin in #journal || afk in #journal || answer in #journal || bot in #journal || counselor in #journal || [removed for security] in #journal || game in #journal || gm in #journal || greetings in #journal || hello in #journal || hey in #journal || master in #journal || page in #journal || [removed for security] in #journal || respond in #journal || script in #journal || speak in #journal || talk in #journal )
if #charname in #journal
set %textFlag #charname
if admin in #journal
set %textFlag admin
if afk in #journal
set %textFlag afk
if answer in #journal
set %textFlag answer
if bot in #journal
set %textFlag bot
if counselor in #journal
set %textFlag counselor
if [removed for security] in #journal
set %textFlag fro
if game in #journal
set %textFlag game
if gm in #journal
set %textFlag gm
if greetings in #journal
set %textFlag greetings
if hello in #journal
set %textFlag hello
if hey in #journal
set %textFlag hey
if master in #journal
set %textFlag master
if page in journal
set %textFlag page
if [removed for security] in #journal
set %textFlag pip
if respond in #journal
set %textFlag respond
if script in #journal
set %textFlag script
if speak in #journal
set %textFlag speak
if talk in #journal
set %textFlag talk
wait 40
[removed for security]
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname being watched! Flag: %textFlag - Script halted!$
if is_attacking_you in #journal
wait 20
event macro 1 0 [removed for security]
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname being attacked! Script halted!$
if more_reagents_are_needed_for_this_spell in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname is out of reagents! Script halted!$
if i_see_you_already_have_an_escort in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname has an escort stuck! Script halted!$
if world_will_save in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
event exmsg #charid 0 175 World saving; pausing script for 1 minute.
wait 1200
if #charghost = yes
display ok Alert: #charname died! Script halted!$

sub weightCheck
if #gold > 4500 || #weight > 250
gosub alertCheck
gosub useRunebook recall 1 %rbMisc
gosub alertCheck
exevent popup %bankerID 2
wait 20
set %bankID #contid
finditem POF C_ , #backpackid
gosub alertCheck
exevent drag #findid #findstack
gosub alertCheck
exevent dropc %bankID
if #charghost = no && #gold <= 4500 && #weight <= 250

sub recallAround
gosub alertCheck
if %baseLocation = escortDepot1
gosub useRunebook recall 1 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot2
gosub useRunebook recall 2 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot3
gosub useRunebook recall 3 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot4
gosub useRunebook recall 4 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot5
gosub useRunebook recall 5 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot6
gosub useRunebook recall 6 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot7
gosub useRunebook recall 7 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot8
gosub useRunebook recall 8 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot9
gosub useRunebook recall 9 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot10
gosub useRunebook recall 10 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot11
gosub useRunebook recall 11 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot12
gosub useRunebook recall 12 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot13
gosub useRunebook recall 13 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot14
gosub useRunebook recall 14 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot15
useRunebook recall 15 %rbDepot
if %baseLocation = escortDepot16
gosub useRunebook recall 16 %rbDepot

sub getEscort
set %destination none
set %escortFound #false
set %followers none
set %markFound #false
set %nearnpcID none
set %npcID none
set %npcPosX none
set %npcPosY none
set %redestAttempt #false
finditem HS_IS G_4
if #findcnt > 0
set %markFound #true
set %npcID #findid
finditem %npcID G_6
set %npcPosX #findx
set %npcPosY #findy
gosub alertCheck
set %jStart #jindex + 1
event pathfind %npcPosX %npcPosY
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 10
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if can't_get_there in #journal
set %markFound #false
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if %markFound = #true
gosub alertCheck
set %jStart #jindex + 1
event macro 1 0 destination
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 10
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if i_am_looking_to_go_to_britain in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_cove in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_covetous in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_deceit in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_despise in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_destard in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_hythloth in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_jhelom in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_magincia in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_minoc in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_moonglow in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_nujel in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_ocllo in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_serpent in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_shame in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_skara in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_trinsic in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_vesper in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_wrong in #journal || i_am_looking_to_go_to_yew in #journal
set %escortFound #true
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if %escortFound = #false
ignoreitem %npcID
if %escortFound = #true
finditem %npcID G_6
if #findx <> %npcPosX || #findy <> %npcPosY
finditem %npcID G_6
set %npcPosX #findx
set %npcPosY #findy
gosub alertCheck
event pathfind %npcPosX %npcPosY
gosub alertCheck
set %followers #followers
event macro 1 0 i will take thee
gosub stealGold %npcID
gosub alertCheck
set %jStart #jindex + 1
event macro 1 0 destination
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 10
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if britain in #journal
set %destination britain
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if cove in #journal
set %destination cove
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if covetous in #journal
set %destination covetous
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if deceit in #journal
set %destination deceit
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if despise in #journal
set %destination despise
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if destard in #journal
set %destination destard
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if hythloth in #journal
set %destination hythloth
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if jhelom in #journal
set %destination jhelom
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if magincia in #journal
set %destination magincia
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if minoc in #journal
set %destination minoc
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if moonglow in #journal
set %destination moonglow
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if nujel in #journal
set %destination nujel
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if ocllo in #journal
set %destination ocllo
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if serpent in #journal
set %destination serpent
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if shame in #journal
set %destination shame
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if skara in #journal
set %destination skara
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if trinsic in #journal
set %destination trinsic
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if vesper in #journal
set %destination vesper
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if wrong in #journal
set %destination wrong
set %jTimeout #scnt2
if yew in #journal
set %destination yew
set %jTimeout #scnt2
gosub alertCheck
if %destination = none && %redestAttempt = #false
set %redestAttempt #true
goto redestAttempt
if %redestAttempt = #true
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname did not receive a destination from their escort after 2 attempts! Script halted!$
if %destination = britain
gosub useRunebook gate 1 %rbDestination1
if %destination = cove
gosub useRunebook gate 2 %rbDestination1
if %destination = covetous
gosub useRunebook gate 3 %rbDestination1
if %destination = deceit
gosub useRunebook gate 4 %rbDestination1
if %destination = despise
gosub useRunebook gate 5 %rbDestination1
if %destination = destard
gosub useRunebook gate 6 %rbDestination1
if %destination = hythloth
gosub useRunebook gate 7 %rbDestination1
if %destination = jhelom
gosub useRunebook gate 8 %rbDestination1
if %destination = magincia
gosub useRunebook gate 9 %rbDestination1
if %destination = minoc
gosub useRunebook gate 10 %rbDestination1
if %destination = moonglow
gosub useRunebook gate 11 %rbDestination1
if %destination = nujel
gosub useRunebook gate 12 %rbDestination1
if %destination = ocllo
gosub useRunebook gate 13 %rbDestination1
if %destination = serpent
gosub useRunebook gate 14 %rbDestination1
if %destination = shame
gosub useRunebook gate 15 %rbDestination1
if %destination = skara
gosub useRunebook gate 16 %rbDestination1
if %destination = trinsic
gosub useRunebook gate 1 %rbDestination2
if %destination = vesper
gosub useRunebook gate 2 %rbDestination2
if %destination = wrong
gosub useRunebook gate 3 %rbDestination2
if %destination = yew
gosub useRunebook gate 4 %rbDestination2
if %markFound = #false
if %baseLocation = escortDepot1
set %baseLocation escortDepot2
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot2
set %baseLocation escortDepot3
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot3
set %baseLocation escortDepot4
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot4
set %baseLocation escortDepot5
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot5
set %baseLocation escortDepot6
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot6
set %baseLocation escortDepot7
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot7
set %baseLocation escortDepot8
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot8
set %baseLocation escortDepot9
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot9
set %baseLocation escortDepot10
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot10
set %baseLocation escortDepot11
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot11
set %baseLocation escortDepot12
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot12
set %baseLocation escortDepot13
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot13
set %baseLocation escortDepot14
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot14
set %baseLocation escortDepot15
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot15
set %baseLocation escortDepot16
return %baseLocation
if %baseLocation = escortDepot16
set %baseLocation escortDepot1
return %baseLocation
set %markFound none

sub stealGold
gosub alertCheck
gosub useRunebook stealgold 2 %rbMisc
wait 20
set #lobjectid %npcID
gosub alertCheck
event macro 17
wait 20
finditem ZJF CA_ , #contid
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub alertCheck
event macro 17
wait 20
finditem POF C_ , #contid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub alertCheck
event macro 13 33
target 5s
event macro 22
set %waitTimer #scnt2 + 100
while #scnt2 < %waitTimer
gosub alertCheck
finditem POF C_ , #contid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
gosub alertCheck
event macro 13 33
target 5s
event macro 22
set %waitTimer #scnt2 + 100
while #scnt2 < %waitTimer
gosub alertCheck
event macro 13 21
set %waitTimer #scnt2 + 1200
while #scnt2 < %waitTimer
gosub alertCheck

sub useRunebook
set %rbAction %1
set %rbRune %2 - 1
set %rb %3
set %reTravel #false
if %reTravel = #true
set %reTravel #false
wait 40
finditem %rb C_ , #backpackid
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub alertCheck
event macro 17
wait 20
set %rbPage ( %rbRune / 2 ) + 1
if %rbPage < 5
set %rbPage %rbPage - 1
set %rbX #contposx + 140 + ( 35 * %rbPage )
set %rbY #contposy + 200
gosub alertCheck
click %rbX %rbY dmc
gosub alertCheck
if %rbAction = recall
set %rbX #contposx + 150 + ( 160 * ( %rbRune % 2 ) )
set %rbY #contposy + 175
set %jStart #jindex + 1
click %rbX %rbY dmc
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 30
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if spell_fizzles in #journal
set %reTravel #true
goto reTravel
if %rbAction = gate
set %confX none
set %confY none
set %rbX #contposx + 225 + ( 160 * ( %rbRune % 2 ) )
set %rbY #contposy + 175
set %jStart #jindex + 1
click %rbX %rbY dmc
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 30
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if spell_fizzles in #journal || that_location_is_blocked in #journal
set %reTravel #true
goto reTravel
finditem OTF G_1
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub alertCheck
event macro 17
wait 40
set %confX #contposx + 35
set %confY #contposy + 150
gosub alertCheck
click %confX %confY dmc
wait 20
finditem OTF G_1
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub alertCheck
event macro 17
wait 40
set %confX #contposx + 35
set %confY #contposy + 150
gosub alertCheck
click %confX %confY dmc
wait 20
gosub weightCheck
gosub alertCheck
event macro 13 21
set %waitTimer #scnt2 + 1000
while #scnt2 < %waitTimer
gosub alertCheck
if %rbAction = stealgold
set %confX none
set %confY none
set %rbX #contposx + 225 + ( 160 * ( %rbRune % 2 ) )
set %rbY #contposy + 175
gosub alertCheck
set %jStart #jindex + 1
click %rbX %rbY dmc
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 30
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if that_location_is_blocked in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname has an escort or obstruction blocking their steal spot! Script halted!$
if spell_fizzles in #journal
set %reTravel #true
goto reTravel
finditem OTF G_1
set #lobjectid #findid
gosub alertCheck
event macro 17
wait 40
set %confX #contposx + 35
set %confY #contposy + 150
gosub alertCheck
click %confX %confY dmc

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 22, 2009, 09:22:30 PM »
update: script runs 1000x smoother now... lol

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 22, 2009, 07:31:17 PM »
Crap ok wow, so if I understand what you're saying right, I can just set %jend inside the while loop and as long as it's not being flagged to timeout it will actually refresh right? So, here's my new code (I don't use resulting flag as I just have the flag set %jtimeout to present time, thereby ending the loop) -

Code: [Select]
        set %jStart #jindex + 1
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 5
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
set %jEnd #jindex
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if gm in #journal
                             set %jtimeout #scnt2

Does that look logically correct?

Scripting Chat / Re: Weird question I can't find any info on:
« on: April 22, 2009, 06:38:14 PM »
You have a logical error .. to do with your timeout code.  You repeat the SAME scanning of the SAME JOURNAL entries over and over for 5 seconds..  Given that you set the end and start journal entires in a microsecond  this basically means you are scanning the same zero or 1 journal entry 100's probably 1000's of times.

Also you for statment is incorrect (need an = )
Thier no such command as print.
and you cannot put multiple ifs on the same line   "if  x || y"       not "if x || if y"

Hey there, a few question on what you mentioned. Firstly, my journal timeout is #scnt2 + 5 (5 10th's of a second, not 5 seconds,) does what you state still apply? I'm slightly confused by what you mean by I'm only scanning the zero journal entry? Please clarify if possible.

Also, wherein does my for statement need an =? Not sure how my syntax is wrong there? Thanks for the heads up, just confused.

The print thing was just an example on my part, I know it's not real, just was using it to illustrate what I wanted to do -- and the if statement error was a logical typo on my part, sorry for that.

Here is the real code in question so you can get a proper look:

Code: [Select]
set %jStart #jindex + 1
set %jTimeout #scnt2 + 5
set %jEnd #jindex
while #scnt2 < %jTimeout
for %ji %jStart %jEnd
scanjournal %ji
if is_attacking_you in #journal
wait 20
event macro 1 0 heh wtf
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname being attacked! Script halted!$
if more_reagents_are_needed_for_this_spell in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname is out of reagents! Script halted!$
if i_see_you_already_have_an_escort in #journal
wait 20
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname has an escort stuck! Script halted!$
if you_see:_gm in #journal || you_see:_game in #journal || you_see:_admin in #journal ||
you_see:_counselor in #journal || you_see:_staff in #journal || you_see:_admin in #journal
set %wrongTextException #true
if %wrongTextException = #false && ( ,_ , #charname , ! in #journal || #charname , :_ in
#journal || guildmaster in #journal || you_have_hidden_yourself_well in #journal ||
you_are_now_under_the_protection_of_the_town_guards in #journal ||
you_have_left_the_protection_of_the_town_guards in #journal || you_open_a_magical_gate in #journal ||
spell_fizzles in #journal || you_see: in #journal || steal in #journal || you_enter_a_meditative_trance in
#journal || you_stop_meditating in #journal || will_you_take_me in #journal ||
you_shove_them_out_of_the_way in #journal || you_are_at_peace in #journal || karma in #journal ||
fame in #journal || compassion in #journal || you_are_dead in #journal ||
you_have_nothing_i_would_be_interested_in in #journal || delucia_for_your_last in #journal ||
can_page_for_vendor in #journal || seem_to_hide_right_now in #journal || staff_message_from_gm in
#journal || you_must_rest in #journal || you_must_wait in #journal || yourself_red-handed in #journal ||
resisting_magical_energy in #journal || you_feel in #journal || you_begin_to_feel in #journal ||
you_are_in_extreme_pain in #journal || into_your_bank_box_i in #journal || samson in #journal ||
samantha in #journal || shina in #journal || samirah in #journal || samuel in #journal || hira in #journal ||
 hilda in #journal || hildegard in #journal || chiara in #journal || kachine in #journal || clarence in #journal
|| shi in #journal || botan in #journal || chyou in #journal || saree in #journal || dlagma in #journal ||
snow in #journal || white in #journal || kynthia in #journal || ares in #journal || chilali in #journal ||
rashida in #journal || bottle in #journal || ship in #journal || )
set %wrongText #true

if %wrongText = #false && ( gm in #journal || afk in #journal || script in #journal || bot in #journal || are
 in #journal || you in #journal || now in #journal || hi in #journal || hey in #journal || hello in #journal ||
greetings in #journal || talk in #journal || respond in #journal || answer in #journal || speak in #journal ||
 admin in #journal || game in #journal || master in #journal || #charname in #journal )
if gm in #journal
set %textFlag gm
if afk in #journal
set %textFlag afk
if script in #journal
set %textFlag bot
if are in #journal
set %textFlag are
if you in #journal
set %textFlag you
if now in #journal
set %textFlag now
if hi in #journal
set %textFlag hi
if hey in #journal
set %textFlag hey
if hello in #journal
set %textFlag hello
if greetings in #journal
set %textFlag greetings
if talk in #journal
set %textFlag talk
if respond in #journal
set %textFlag respond
if answer in #journal
set %textFlag answer
if speak in #journal
set %textFlag speak
if admin in #journal
set %textFlag admin
if game in #journal
set %textFlag game
if master in #journal
set %textFlag master
if #charname in #journal
set %textFlag #charname
wait 20
event macro 1 0 decoy text here
wait 40
event macro 13 21
display ok Alert: #charname being watched! Flag: %textFlag - Script halted!$

Edit: Wow, pardon the crappy spacing/formatting. Paste fail.

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