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Messages - Hrafn

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Scripting Chat / Re: Does any know of a GM detection routine??
« on: December 11, 2008, 10:05:33 AM »
Hmmm... i dont have balls enough to try to make a GM conversation. What i would like is to recall to safety, say "Ciao" and logg out as fast as possible :) Or would you get banned if you logged out and not responded correctly?

I got paged many years ago while training stealing (while i slept) and woke up with my char in jail, that was a sobering experience, didnt dare macro for ages after that.

How are the rules (and more interesting the praxis) now: I read somewhere that you get banned and loose your account if you are caught scripting unattended? Others say that EA is so afraid to loose more of the paying player base that only professional violators (duping and so on) get banned?

General UO Chat / Re: IDOC advice?
« on: December 10, 2008, 11:25:19 AM »
You saved me there TrailMyx. Idoc time is now precisely 7 hours.

But the placement script does not work any longer, since the area becomes temporarily unavailable for placement the moment the house drops. But i kept at it and repeatedly placed a smaller one (there was some competition from a guild) and after 30 mins i was able to place a small plot blocking the area (will exchange that for a bigger size when thing calms down).

The loot was extremly meagre ... i got 75 bottles and 2 arcane gems... but i got the house. Yeah!

Anyone knows how many attempts you can do with the housing tools before you become unable to place. I got a cool down period where i was not able to plce at all midway in there...

My first idoc!!!

Player Templates / Re: Sampire
« on: December 10, 2008, 05:10:42 AM »
Ahh... cool, thanx. I have been pondering this for a while since i miss my old sampire, but i got 70$ for that account, so anyways. Nice to know that im off in the right direction :)

I have never used macing before and i am just curious about the choice of a diamond mace? Quarterstaff and Tessen both gives higher dammage per second? Is one handed mace weapons to be prefered instead of 2 handed because of bushido or are you thinking of ability to quaff potions? Hmm... cant use cure or heal while in vampform since its garlic based...?

General UO Chat / Re: Golems and training
« on: December 10, 2008, 04:54:51 AM »
Havent tested this myself, but i read somewhere that you can train by a stable and when the golem need repairs you can just stable it and it would be fully fixed? Anyone able to verify this?

Anyone knows when the golem nerf was implemented (what publish)? I might have a prepatch in a stable somewhere :)

General UO Chat / IDOC advice?
« on: December 10, 2008, 04:45:01 AM »
During the years i have lost 7-8 houses stapped with items and goodies, because quitting and not paying the upkeep. My own fault for sure... but i recently thought about foraying into the Fine Art of IDOC'ing to reclaim some of my lost fortune.

Now i am rather new to this part of the gameplay and after having a minor setback camping a OSI house who just got reset, i figured to approach this art with more finesse :)  I downloaded TrailMyx's IDOC Finder v1.6 and voila: talk about plug and play!!! There should be a way to rate those scripts, all 10's from me at least. Luck continued to follow me and the third house checked was in the last stage of decay befor IDOC (Greatly).

I have a char now monitoring the house with TrailMyx's IDOC Monitor/Looter v1.0c  (again a perfect script: solves the job with no frills). But the competition are going to be hard, several peeps are recalling in and out checking the decay status. One peep have even done testplacement on the exact location on TC. Damn. Dont know how many hidden monitors im up against (need a char with detect i think if im going to be doing this for a while).

Now for some needed advice:

1. The time from going IDOC to it falls: Will this be exactly 16 hours or should one calculate an error margin here?

2. I have read that you cant place a new house directly when the old falls, that there are som delay now (around 15 minutes)? Could anyone verifiy this?

3. How would using two accounts from the same machine affect the scripts? Is this a no-go (rather use two machines) or is it possible?

4. Have anyone testet TrailMyxs autoplacer if the delay from question 2 is correct, will it continue to try to place even if there are a 15 minute delay after fall?

Any hints and tips are appreciated... and i feel entitled to some "love" after funding several IDOC-parties from my old fallen houses :)

General UO Chat / Re: Script Heartwood
« on: December 10, 2008, 03:49:08 AM »
How do you get 50 k boards on your beetle? Is this some kind of steroid version of the blue beetle or some other beetle im not familiar with?

Player Templates / Re: Sampire
« on: December 10, 2008, 03:44:34 AM »
I had an oldstyle sampire (fencer, tact, anatomy, heal, bushido, parry, chiv, necro) one and a half year ago. Now after the changes (you cant maintain form if you remove jewelry) i wondered if this could be a viable template:
Mace   120
Tactics   120
Resist   100
Bushido   120
Parrying   120
Necro   100
Chiv   70
Thats 750 skillpoints in total (have a 720 char)

The 30 extra skill points are to be made up with items (i have midnite bracers +20 necro) and one should also try to load up on resist jewelry to offesett the - 20 penalty of vampform. This wouldnt place to much restrictions on the suit so i could mass upp on HCI/SI/Dex for the rest of the gear.

I was hoping that the life leech of vampire and chiv healing should be sufficent, so no anatomy or healing. The extra dammage from mace should maybe compensate a bit for lost anatomy? Sure hits harder than a fencer?

Any constructive criticsm of this temp? Hope to complete other projects and start building this one durnig xmas time :) Need to scrape together some cash for all the 120 ps as well :)

New member introductions / Re: Greetings
« on: December 09, 2008, 06:00:44 AM »
Thanx for all the nice replies! Heartwarming!

As for cheating.. the benefit of being a returning player is that i have done most stuff once, twice or thrice over manually. I think that entitles the use of an easier way. Ive built fishers, miners, mages, thiefs, tailors and smiths manually with ordinary gameplay. Now i want to focus more on the fun things of the game (Like playing a legendary necro-mage in a champspawn or an invasion) and not 99% of the active gamplay to build up skills and gather resources.

With the increasing inflation where you need to spend millions of gold to get decent gear, the game itself "forces" most leisure players to automate parts of the process or move on to another game. You cant do much with GM Crafted armour anynmore :)

As for the Atlantic community, ill bet there are lots of great people on there, but the online time differs very much from my native time. All Uo was like Fell is today, so what i remember from those days are mostly my poor, necked miner getting corp-pored running from minoc mines towards the guard zone :)

New member introductions / Greetings
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:16:56 AM »
I'm a returning UO player on the Europa shard, been playing UO on and off since before the trammel facet was introduced (played on Atlantic back then).

Have had a break for almost 2 yrs, but been at it for some weeks now and it looks good. Never been into advanced scripting, just toddeled along with uo-assist and ezmacros. I see a new level of playing with easy uo and some nice scripts to take the gore and drudgery out of my game :)

Been a bit active on the Easy Uo site and hope to be active here as well.

Cheers all!

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