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Topics - Gemviper

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General UO Chat / Stamina Increase Max Possible not 250 ??
« on: April 28, 2016, 08:48:39 PM »
I've done extensive Google searching and have repeatedly found that the max possible stamina achievable is stated at 250(there is no real cap besides that which you can work into a suit) but I'm not seeing a way to get it higher than 236 on an archer. That's a problem when at 240(with 60 SSI) you can bring a 'Bow' down the last .25 swing speed to hit the cap of 1.25 and maximize DPS.

Here is a weapons DPS calc to see what I mean -

Cap stamina increase on armor is 10 per piece (player made is 8 but legendaries go to 10)
- Head
- Neck
- Arms
- Hands
- Chest
- Legs
= +60 Stamina increase

Cap on jewels is 5
- Ring
- Bracelet
= +10 Stamina increase

Ozimandia's Obi (sash) has +10 stamina increase
There are a few archery weapons with +5 stamina increase
There is a cloak with +1 stamina increase
There doesn't seem to be a talisman with stamina increase, or any other item, besides a gargoyle only item which archers can't use.

So all of the stamina increase above, combined with 150 dex, leaves you at 236 stamina or 4 short of that last boost to lower bow speed from 1.5 to 1.25. I've looked at everything else from food bonuses to alchemy effects to spells and even animal form but for the life of me I can't find how they came up with 250 max stamina increase???

There really isn't a good source for this info online either. Can you help me figure out how to bump the stamina total of an archer up above 240?

Player Templates / PvP Dogging Idoc Template
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:21:29 PM »
I wanted something new to do in PvP too and I combined my love of idocs with a little trouble making as follows. Note, the template will have you singing 'Who let the dogs out' when you're making a trammie's hidden llama life miserable.

100 Detect Hidden (to find said pesky stealther at a fel idoc, they are always there)
100 Hiding
100 Stealth
120 Ninja (for dog/wolf forms. 120 is mandatory if you toss shurikens or darts, and you should)
120 Swords (120 wep skill mandatory for hit chance in PvP)
100 Tact
100 Anat
= 740 total, only +20 required in skill from items. If you want to spend gold you can bump tact/anat or stealth to 120 too. Make sure you have at least 100 REAL skill in all to get the bonus from each skill. Example: 90 tact + 10 from an item does NOT give you the +5 damage that 100 tact real skill does. I've tested this repeatedly, hit 100 real on all skills above.

Stats: Start with 125 STR, 124 Dex and 11 Int (+25 stat scroll and valiant commendation required)
Simple Gear:150 STR, 182 STAM, all 60's resists, 45% HCI, 45% DCI, 100% DI, 5% SSI, HPR 18

Mastery: I went with the mana passive mastery, the only other option is the warrior passive. You won't be using any specials with this build.

-- Artifacts --
Head: Captain John's Hat - takes care of +20 swords
Apron: Crimson Cincture - Mandatory to cap 18 HPR and 25 HPI, Dex also puts you over 180 stam, 10 HPI needed towards cap
Talisman: Primer on Arms Removal - That 1 STR brings you to 150, HPR of 2 required for cap, 20% DI frees up a jewel imbue slot
Neck: Voice of the fallen king - STR 8 and HPR 5 mandatory for caps, decent cold/energy resist
Cloak: Ranger's cloak of Augmentation, mainly for the 5% SSI which will bump a 1.5 wep down to 1.25 if you have 180+ stam

-- Player Made --
Legs/Chest/Hands/Arms: reforge one piece for 3 HPR, rest need 2 HPR for cap. Imbue HPI 5 on 3 pieces for +25 cap. Imbue 8 stam increase on each, rest is resists. I suggest platemail armor and make it mage armor to retain stealth. If you prefer keeping the extra imbue slot for more resists that's fine too, this is strictly a melee template.

Jewels: 15% HCI, 15% DCI, STR 8, DEX 7, 15% DI on both to reach all caps.

Weapon: DI 50%, DCI 15% and HLL 75% imbued mandatory for caps/health. I went with lightning and area cold for the other two, up to you. Go with balanced if you plan to chug pots, you don't often need to vs most trammy idoc sitters.

NOTE about weapons: Do not put any swing speed on the weapon. Doing so reduces the % of the hit spells so put SSI on items only(cloak in this temp) to keep weapon hit % as high as possible. Also, with this template you will never leave dog/wolf form and so will use no weapon specials. That means ALL weapons are on the table as per your wep skill.

Since this temp has 5% SSI and 180+ Stam I went over to the weapon damage calc( to plug in my stats to see which gave the highest DPS. The highest DPS will ALWAYS be the weapon type that you hit exactly 1.25 weapon speed with, if you can't hit 1.25 speed there is a weapon that does hit 1.25 for your stats that will do slightly more damage per second. In this case a bladed staff or crescent blade hit hardest at 1.25 speed(that 5% SSI on the cloak matters).

Obviously if you want to swap player made items for legendary arties you could conceivably add a whole lot more stam/SSI, let me know if you manage to swing a Halberd at cap speed, that would be sick for dog PvP.

- No tracking, you will only ever use detect hidden to reveal people, no skill wasted on tracking them first.
- You will not use any specials, you will always be in wolf or dog form which is why cap speed heavy normal hits matter
- In Wolf form you can keep up with mounts and get an extra 20 hit points, 170 hits ftw(i'm usually in wolf form at idocs, unless fighting a parry dexxer)
- In Dog form you are extremely hard to kill due to the extra 40 HPR(58 total, dog form does NOT count towards 18 HPR item cap). At 6 hp per second regen while hitting with a heavy 2 hander at cap speed that also leeches life you're a mean doggie. Also, this works in PvM champ spawns if the wep has an area effect. Just sit at a champ spawn and don't do anything, let them come to you and they die at your feet. Actually this build is really fun at champ spawns too, if you don't mind the playstyle.
- Set up a macro to use darts or shurikens on 'last target' so that you can keep people poisoned too, takes a bit to get used to using them right.
- If you have a balanced wep carry pots, smoke bombs and apples/trap pouches. Otherwise don't bother, most trammies will die anyway.
- travel is from runebook charges(no fizzle) and healing is from sick HPR (58 dog form or 18 + 20 life wolf form) + life leech on weapon
- Use pots/pouches/apples and a balanced wep for more fight or none of them to keep more room for idoc loot, up to you

- The best part about this template is how easy it is to play. You don't worry about specials, you don't need to cast anything, you only need to sniff out your targets well and know when to run if it's not working out. You will regen quickly so you may find yourself re-engaging quickly.

SEE IT IN ACTION: This isn't the best PvP temp in the world, lol, but for flushing out stealthers at idocs it's hella fun and very survivable. The inspiration for building this came from this video -

General UO Chat / Trouble POFing new set pieces
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:54:15 PM »
I picked up a Fishermen's vest that says it is imbuable when I look at it on the cleanup officer but as soon as I got it home it changed and said "imbued" even though it's not. The problem I have with that is that because it now says imbued I cannot apply powder of fortification anymore.

Is this how it's supposed to be?

General UO Chat / Stacking Rugs, how do you do it?
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:03:44 AM »
I have a lot of skull rugs, too many in fact, and don't want to spread them around my house but they aren't stackable by default. They are also awkward to stack using the goza mat trick because they take up a 3x5 area and so the center 3 tiles can't be reached to move the goza mats.

I left them locked down as deeds thinking they would get 1 map per week but, sadly, that didn't happen so I guess they need to be active on the floor, unless someone has found a way to get them to generate maps in deed form?

I did manage to stack a couple but found that moving the goza mat makes the pieces of rug fall on top of each other where they occupy one tile. Trying to move the rug pieces after that results in a cannot move message, even though one rug is clearly broken, because the pieces act as being part of one rug. To save the broken rug you have to lower all parts onto the first rug so that they act as one rug and then you can axe it twice to get both rugs back. That sounds weird but, yeah, the game treats them as one rug when stacked like that.

I'd like to stack 8-9 rugs in a pile, do you know of a way to do that without the pieces falling to become stuck as one item?

General Discussion / Imbuing junk for turn in points, what works best?
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:20:46 PM »
I'm working up my second imbuer, on a second account, and was a bit surprised at the prices of imbue related stuff. Good luck even finding a 15 minute imbuing scroll and expect to pay over a quarter million per 0.1 skill scroll, really? The regular gems are ridiculous too, especially in west brit trammel jewel shop where the bank is within reach of the NPC.

I asked around and 1 guy suggested imbuing for clean up britannia points. He pointed out one particular vendor who had a portal to a house in his luna place where you could see a dozen afk smith/imbue toons doing their thing around a trash barrel. That luna place has a dozen or more of each cleanup dye for sale at all times, and most every other item the cleanup guys sells too.

So I'm convinced there is a way to turn raw mats into points for profit with imbuing, but what to make and what to imbue, anyone have a clue that is willing to talk about it? I'm sure someone has made a chart somewhere but I've yet to find it.

Scripting Chat / Playable provoke script needed
« on: January 18, 2016, 09:40:19 AM »

It's been a long time since I created a provo bard, thankfully I already had it on my accounts from long ago but I have one account that I want to add it to and this is what I'm looking for...

- Not a multi-boat trainer
- Not a pretamed or house seperated repeat provoker
- An actual target selecting and provoking script that runs while I play naturally

Basically I'd like it to replace my target nearest mobile + attack target macro with this script that would automatically attempt to provoke any creature(not NPC) within 8-12 tiles onto another target within that range and, if no other target is avalilable, onto me and do it continually. I really hate UO's in game system of selecting targets because it's not intuitive like WoW's "nearest target" + auto attack method, for example.

I've played with several of the provo trainers in the library here, and from Easy UO, and most require me to specify targets or create a list of combinations... I just want it to target ANYTHING within range onto ANYTHING ELSE within range or on me if it can't, I'll worry about where to position myself when turning it on.

Provo would raise, I wouldn't need to constantly try to manually target stuff or drag bars etc and I'm already out there killing anyway. Does such a script exist yet?

edit: would it be possible to create an in game UO macro for this maybe for the classic client? Haven't tried but it just crossed my mind...

Player Templates / Adding Ninjitsu to a Sampire for Mirror Images?
« on: December 24, 2015, 10:22:58 AM »

This is a healing Sampire template that I'm considering trying with some slight mods to add Ninjitsu for Mirror Images.

120 Swords (100 real, 20 gear)
120 Tact (100 real, 20 gear)
120 Parry (110 real, 10 gear)
120 Bushido (110 real, 10 gear)
100 Necromancy (100 real)
100 Healing (100 real)
100 Anatomy (100 real)

It's a solid template that is extremely survivable already vs most monsters, especially champ spawn clearing with a good mana leech/area damage slayer weapon. It's solid against bosses too, but as you know they can hit for a metric ton sometimes so 150 life becomes 20 life in the blink of an eye sometimes. note: travel is from runebooks, you never fizzle a runebook recall with scrolls despite having no magery. Also, no chiv, EoO gives no bonus since the gear/skills already hit the 300% cap with the appropriate slayer. Likewise no need of consecrate weapon due to the right slayers being used which is great since there is no -20% defense penalty either. Vamp form negates most poison so in the end Chivalry was ditched and not missed at all. All skills have a minimum of 100 real skills because of how the mechanics work in giving the slight bonus for having 100+, they don't count gear. Also no real skill is 120 real which makes swapping skills with soulstones between characters easy.

About mirror images, they randomly absorb incoming damage sometimes, even vs bosses. 20 skill is the minimum Ninjitsu skill needed to cast mirror images and at 40 there is no fizzle. My question is will those mirror images carry their weight? I'd have to shoehorn more skill onto the already intense gear and perhaps drop healing a little for the rest to get mirror images. I might shave off dex from the ring since I hit 1.25 speed even without it and have 150 dex on the template. Healing speed works on 20 dex increments so removing 8 wouldn't change heal speed. I'd end up with 35 Ninjitsu with 80 healing + a ring change. I typically swap out anat for resist where resist is needed but that's needed in surprisingly few places.

Here's a video of mirror images working on a champ boss, the guy has Chiv but I hit the same boss for the same amount without it Thoughts? You can see several mirror images biting the dust in the vid.

With only 40 Ninjitsu the damage won't be reflected often (90% at 120 skill, not sure about 40 skill). Also, only useful for physical damage, the rest doesn't transfer. 100 Anat gives a big damage boost and healing works with it to give massive healing when you miss or are running away. I really don't want to spend a ton to change the gear only to find out 40 ninjitsu isn't worth it, Sampy gear has already cost me more than I care to admit!

Also, I consider healing and anat a good idea while building a sampire until you are at least GM everything AND fully geared. After that it's a bit expensive skill wise since it becomes less and less useful when you do more damage and leech more life. I already swap healing for resist on occasion(doom), would swapping healing and anat for resist and ninjitsu be worthwhile? Besides the mirror images I just don't see much benefit to Ninjitsu on a sampire. I also don't know if the mechanics would check for a mirror image deflection BEFORE or AFTER a check to see if I counter attack. I run with ZERO DCI(don't need 20% to counter Chiv effects if you don't have Chiv!) to get more counter attacks since DCI block checks happen before a counter attack check in the damage calculations. Counter attack is a huge damage bonus that doesn't count against the swing timer, which means more life/mana on a sampire, but if deflect check happens first I lose out on that regen... food for thought.

Hmmmm - Ninjitsu focus attack, forgot about it...
Provides a Damage Increase and an increased chance for 'Hit' properties (Hit Lower Defense, Hit Mana Leech, Hit Harm, etc.) on your weapon to trigger for a single attack. These bonuses are increased by your Ninjitsu skill.
Thinking out loud, err in writing here, Double Strike or Armor Ignore use up more mana, especially with the 3 second mana penalty on AI, how does a focus attack compare? More leech from the weapon, with some added DI, sounds good but how does it compare? Haven't tried it yet.

On stratics someone said that HML(and all hit spells) double the chance at 120 ninjitsu skill. That would put HML at 100% on your weapon for one hit. If the weapon has 62% HML and you toggle focus attack is that enough to hit 100% from just 100 ninjitsu skill? Somehow I don't see Focus Attack quite comparing to double hit or armor ignore or it would be used more, right?

Scripting Chat / Selling resources to NPCs
« on: December 15, 2015, 01:13:15 AM »

I've got more boards than I care to admit, not from lumberjacking but from being lucky(unlucky?) at idocs. I've got a lot on a vendor but they sell for peanuts, under 5gp each, and I have 60k board deeds clogging up my bank now too. I noticed the Luna carpenter often pays up to 15gp, albeit he drops below 10 after a few thousand boards are sold.

Is there a sub tucked away in a script that can use a bank secure and sell resources 500 at a time to an NPC within range IF that NPC is paying enough? ie: sell as many as you can until the price falls below 10gp(or you get less than 5000gp for selling 500 boards)? It would need to place the gold in the bank as well.

Selling stuff to NPCs isn't new so I'm hoping there is a not so new but still useful script that could do this little task. The in game scrolling method of setting 500 as the number of boards to sell gets old pretty quickly.

Thanks in advance if you know of a script that can do this, no frills needed.

Scripting Chat / Sharing finditem data with other accounts
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:36:17 PM »
Let's say I'm running a script that performs several FINDITEM requests and ignores many items that don't meet the criteria I set, and let's say that I have more than one account running the same script at the same time, is there a way for them to share information?

example: character 1 finds something and performs an ignoreitem on it, is there a way for character 2 to share that ignore and not waste time on it? I noticed that both accounts tried to interact with the same item at the same time and it crashed one of the clients, not good.

Scripting Chat / Addicted to sound files in my scripts!!
« on: December 06, 2015, 01:07:21 AM »
As the title says I've become addicted to placing sound files in key locations within my scripts, it adds a TON of fun to playing UO. There are a lot of different types of sound files out there and, for whatever reason, it only seems to work when I use .wav files but that's fine, I have lots of those.

For example: When an idoc falls a .wav file of crows going crazy lets me know, it works even when the game screen is minimized. Actually it goes off when I get disconnected from UO too which is great at letting me know to log back on. Another I use is in my bandaging script, when I am no longer under attack, which is usually because I've killed the attacker, I blow the corpse a kiss.wav. I even added a nuke.wav when I open up an SoS while fishing, lots of sound files in that script to keep me awake!

Anyway, a great site I found for free .wav files is . All you need to do is download a .wav file, place it in the same folder as your script and add a line to your code where you want it to go off, ie:  "sound mysoundfile.wav", rename it to whatever your sound file is called of course. I still haven't figured out where to put the "activity unproductive" sound file from the people<women page 1 section  :-X

"DADDY, THE CROWS ARE GOING, THE HOUSE MUST BE GONE!!" - when I'm on the throne and the kids hear the crows, fun times!!

bonus: if you use sound files while testing a script you've written you can figure out what the code is doing as you play and spot problems. I used a ghost.wav file when initiating a hide attempt and found out that I was trying to hide way too many times within the script... and in places I didn't need to. It's not always obvious something isn't working right, until you hear it.

What sites do you use for free sound files ??

Scripting Chat / IDOCS are a waste of time, mostly
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:25:16 AM »
No, seriously, you will waste a lot of time finding/camping them for an unknown reward BUT that's not why I'm writing. I'm writing because scripters have killed idocs over the past couple of weeks in a rather new way.

- There is a script that records the contents of all visible items in public houses for future reference if it goes idoc
- Large Towers still have the wing bug to reveal their contents when private
- A large number of accounts is in play by several idoc regulars, all stealthed in ninjitsu animal form
- Temp houses are being placed near all idocs since room is more abundant now, even on Atlantic
- Each account simply grabs a chest and holds it til people leave, or runs right at a known item and does nothing else
- You can't skip a chest, the accounts are spread out like a spiderweb to grab chests being dragged
- Scripts are changing animal form while dragging an item, I saw one guy turn 15 accounts into frogs to make it easy to track me(as llama)
- You can't track more than a dozen accounts at once, so if there are 15 llama's there you can't follow the one you want

The part that sucks, these extra accounts leave houses all over that in turn go idoc and completely waste your time if you watch one.

On the bright side, my resource gathering characters have never been so busy and I am effectively killing market prices by consistently undercutting. The profit just isn't there most of the time anymore when going up against mass numbers of bot accounts. Ease up a bit? :)

Most regular players never even notice all of these stealthing ninjitsu bots... but word is getting out now that you're doing it too often. Actually I'm surprised at how many people with the tracking skill don't even know they need to check animal and monster forms to find ninja stealthers.... yet.

Player Templates / Fishing - Luck or Skill ??
« on: November 20, 2015, 04:36:27 AM »
I decided to finish up a fisherman to 120 and figured that since I was at it I may as well get a couple of other fishers working too. The fisherman I was working had 115 fishing, the other two just 100. The one I was working also had 1800+ luck in his suit, the other two had none... this is the result(see pic).

So my question - is it skill or is it luck that gets better results ??

Scripting Chat / Possible to prioritize Finditem?
« on: November 12, 2015, 03:58:57 AM »

Is it possible to prioritize what items #finditem locates from a list of item types? To be clear, I know I can tell it to look for a specific item type and it will look for that type first but that's not what I'm asking. If I SET a %list of item types, such as AAA_BBB_CCC_DDD_EEE_FFF_GGG_ETC is there a way to look for the first item type on the list  FIRST?? The the second etc?

From testing what's happening is that it scans for ANY item on the list so if it finds a GGG item first it performs the desired action with that and may find an AAA item next pass. I'd really like to specify a string of item types and have it search them in order until it finds one and then loops back to the start. I don't want it finding or dealing with a GGG item if an item before it on the list is available.

I *could* do a finditem AAA G for example, then a finditem BBB G and then finditem CCC G etc but that seems like a lot of code. Is there any way to get EUO to take my string of item types and fully scan them IN ORDER ??

Thanks in advance, I'll clarify further if needed.

Scripting Chat / chest weight check sub
« on: November 09, 2015, 04:24:37 AM »

I'm trying to work out a sub to drag a chest only if a)it's not empty and b) it's not too heavy for me to hold and I'm running into a couple of problems that I'm sure have already been solved(looked but didn't find).

Problem #1 - Maxweight
It seems that the maxweight found by easyuo and the actual maxweight in game are different? Example: if my max weight is 555, which exceeds the maxweight of my pack(550), easyuo is reporting my maxweight as being only 495, can I fix that?

Problem #2 - the math
I'm trying to set my current weight in a sub and to check container weight before dragging only if the combination of the two do not exceed maxweight. I've spent a good 3 hours trying and testing this tonight but can't get it just right, does someone have a rock solid "drag only if I can carry it" public sub?

Ideally I'd like to check both weight AND item number count but have it be as lightweight a sub as possible. I'll work on the item count check after I'm happy with the weight checks.

Scripting Chat / Those darned EM items, desireable but hard to spot!
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:44:45 PM »
How would you set a simple list of specific EM items in a script, for several items with names like "Helm Made With Scales From A Crimson Dragon"?

- Cannot go by itemtype since it shares the same item type as a normal helm
- Cannot shorten it much since words like scales and crimson pull up other items

If I have a small(ish, 50 items) list of EM items that I want to set as priority to loot what's the most efficient way to find them when using finditem that will find them but not pick up non EM items of the same item type?

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