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Topics - solitude

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So how feasable would it be to make an IDOC finder, with rails/recalls for the entire UO map? Tram/Felluca. I am getting bored in uo, so I think I might do this, but the question I really have is, will EasyUO be able to handle a script that big? I mean honestly the IDOC recording process is easy, but I'm just trying to imagine the HUGE amount of code it would be to literally walk every single possible place in UO.

UO bores me in more ways than I can begin to express. Something about thieves being pretty much useless and being able to fight naked etc. So I am volenteering my expertise at bug testing the bugs that nobody else really wants to. If you have a bug that for some reason would need a vet account, large amounts of gold, specific housing, or something that you think might work, but don't want to try it because you really think it will pretty much get you perma banned, then as long as it meats the requirements below. Shoot it over to me and let me know.

The requirements:

It needs to be fun, if its useless and boring don't give it to me.
If its useless, but fun, then I'll take it on.

I don't want dupes or money making bugs, if you know one, do yourself a favor and keep it to yourself.

If it can get me banned, hell yes! I had so many accounts banned working for AC that I lost count, I love chatting with GM's before they finally get fed up and kick/ban me from the game.

If the bug needs a script to work, and you can't write it, just give me the details and I'll script it myself. I'm not the best, but I'm decent at making EasyUO do what I want it to when the need arises.

Oh, and sorry if I'm not supposed to talk about bugs, but the general section looked like a decent place to put this, because there is no official bug forum, just bugs for the actual scriptuo program. I went to uocoders(RIP) to post this yesterday and alas its death had already happened. Hope everybody from there will come to be here, maybe J4bber will at least post a link to here from there?

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