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Topics - Toe76

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I just hope you have a sense of humor hah

My  name is actually Cris and I have played UO for quite a while. I started UO with Age of Shadows on the official servers. I have never scripted before and truthfully, before today, I have never downloaded EasyUO. I just did everything by hand. I think this was part because of my role/position on the server I played on (since it was illegal) and I am a bit of a goody goody anyway.

I have played on and off for the last several years but the majority of my time working as a staff member on a couple different servers. Whelp, as a player, now that I'm on freeservers (RebirthUO being my current (and quite nice) home), scripting is no longer illegal for me and I'm looking to make UO life a bit easier. I'm actually running my first EUO script right now (oohhhhh the excitement - over 1800 boards collected in 36 minutes! CRAZY!)

I do work in IT. I used to be a developer so many moons ago but currently I work as an IT project manager... so I'm still in the depths of code, just not as the actual developer. I have the capacity to code but haven't had to do so in quite a long time.

As for the personal me - I have a dog and he's pretty spiffy. Outside of working all the darn time and UO, I do like yarn. I know it sounds weird but I love to knit, crochet, and spin yarn. I hope to get into dying yarn soon - but hey, there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day. I'm really excited about learning more about scripting because then I can lumberjack in game and knit a sock - all at the same time.

oh.. and I really like cake!

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