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Topics - talkmill

Pages: [1]
Scripting Chat / set #lobjectid
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:50:51 AM »
Lol i seem to have stumbled upon yet another strange error (probably because i really don't have any clue about the inner workings of easyuo).

I have a sub which is suposed to open a bod, then click all the apropriate items in the backpack. Usually it works fine but sometimes it gets stuck and gets quite a weird behavior. In the code (to open the bod i have:

Code: [Select]
set #LOBJECTID !bod
event macro 17 0

This always seems to work the first time the bod is supposed to open. But if some errors are detected the code jumps to "fillbod:" again to restart. When that happens it doesn't manage to set the variable #LOBJECTID. I have checked by stepping thrue the code and saw that sometimes the line "set #LOBJECTID !bod" didn't set #LOBJECTID to the value in !bod (even though the value in !bod was set).

Has anyone got any idea what can make the set-command stop working sometimes?

Scripting Chat / Reliable buying
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:18:00 AM »
Hi, has anyone got a good idea on how to make a reliable buying sub (or can point me to one). I've tested quite a few and tested writing my own. The thing i have a problem with is the double click to select a particular item. Sometime this works, sometimes not, and i cant seem to figure out why. I've tested using: double click X X mc (instead of click d) which work a bit better but still not good. 30% of the time no item is selected. Is there a good way to do this "click" or to verify if the click succeded (if the item appeared in the buy list) without using ocr?

Scripting Chat / Moving items
« on: August 18, 2008, 05:56:12 AM »
When using a simple script like:

exevent drag %item
wait %wait1
exevent dropc #BACKPACKID
wait %wait2

You can get ghost items (what i understand it's depending on lag with combination to the values of %wait1 and %wait2). Is there any good way to see if you have gotten a ghost item and how do you counter it?

The only solution I can think of right now is to search the original place of the item to see if it's still there. Then try to move it again or maybe reopen the container.

Anyone have a good solution to this?

New member introductions / Talkmill
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:12:53 PM »
Hello, I recently came back to the game after a 2 year brake and was looking at some scripting. I just found this site and I must say scriptuo looks like a really helpful tool for script development.

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