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Topics - BadManiac

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / 18x18 spot open on Pac, Fel, private location
« on: January 13, 2012, 01:08:01 PM »
While house hunting on Pacific I came across a full 18x18 spot, near where I placed. Figured I'd post here in case anyone is interested. Good spot for scripting, very secluded and private... ;)

Not sure how rare 18x18 spots are on Pac, but there you are. PM for details if anyone wants it.

Scripting Chat / Fully automated tile scanning mining
« on: January 12, 2012, 02:49:27 PM »
I was working on a mining script before I left, not sure if you guys already have something similar or if there's any interest in it.

What it does is scan tiles and figures out where the mountain wall is, pathfinds to it, mines, and moves to the next 8x8 block. It will follow the edge of the mountain regardless of shape, completely automagically. All you need to do is have a rune marked next to a mountain, it'll recall there, mine until full, recall back and dump ingots. I think it's even got smelt on beetle support. But it's far from finished, a lot of hardcoded stuff that I used for testing and so on.

Is this something the community here would be interested in? Has it been done already? Mainly talking to the resident scripters since you need to be able to read and understand the script to make use of it in it's current shape.

General UO Chat / Thinking about coming back
« on: January 10, 2012, 09:43:28 PM »
Just thinking tho. Was pretty sure I was done with UO, my house decayed, 14 years worth of arties, a (large) stack of runic kits, nice suits and weapons and who knows what else, with all the junk I had in my almost full max storage :(

But now I have the itch again... Maybe. So is anyone here (who actually knows who I am still :P)still playing, are you playing EA? What shard? PM me if you don't want to make it "public".

*mutters*goddamn UO crack addiction never goes away.

OpenEUO Scripting Chat / Simple timeout functionality
« on: October 18, 2010, 01:31:49 PM »
Old EUO:
Code: [Select]
SET %timeout #SCNT2 + 2500
IF #SCNT2 > %timeout
  do stuff

How do we achieve the same functionality as simply as possible in OEUO? Least amount of code lines wins!

Code: [Select]
timeout = getticks() + 2500
if getticks() > timeout do
... BRAINFART, sorry >.<

Here are my first few steps in LUA land. I've coded a lot of languages so the syntax is pretty easy, code will get prettier with time. Just need to get as fluent with the new UO.dll interace as I am with the old EUO client functions and variables...

Any comments?
Code: [Select]
function Display(type, msg)
  MsgBox = Obj.Create("TMessageBox")
  MsgBox.Title = 'Message'
  if type == "OK" then
    MsgBox.Button = 0
    MsgBox.Icon = 4
  else if type == "YESNO" then
    MsgBox.Button = 4
    MsgBox.Icon = 2
  end end
  MsgBox.Default = 0
  return MsgBox.Show(msg)

function FindItem(fid)
  cnt = UO.ScanItems(true)
  i = 0
  while i < cnt do
    id,type = UO.GetItem(i)
    if id == fid then break end
    i = i + 1
  return type
  Display("OK", "Please target the item you wish to ID")
  UO.TargCurs = true
  while UO.TargCurs == true do wait(100) end
  findtype = FindItem(UO.LTargetID)
until Display("YESNO", "Item ID: " .. UO.LTargetID .. " | Item Type: " .. findtype .. "\n\nID Another Item?") == 7

OpenEUO Scripting Chat / Open and close gumps.
« on: October 14, 2010, 09:01:18 PM »
What's the best ways you've come up with so far for opening and closing a container/gump in OEUO?

Is there a guaranteed way to open a container from an item id (chest/corpse/whatever) and waiting until it's open? Is that handled the same way as in EUO?
And is there a guaranteed way to close a specific gump by ID as well?

Guaranteed being the key word here. How robust is the client interface in OEUO? What level of error checking can we add? As an example there was no way to guarantee a gump was closed in EUO, you could right click it, but if the user moved the mouse simultaneously, and/or the container lost focus due to, say rain, the script would think the gump was closed, when in fact it isn't. What's OEUO like in this regard?

Discussion, LUA snippets, ideas? (I haven't started yet, this is me doing some early research ;) )

Player Templates / Budget Sampire
« on: July 18, 2010, 03:48:00 PM »
For shits and giggles I want to make a budget Sampire. Something a new player could make within a human lifetime.
So I'd like some suggestions for the template. Stats, skills and gear.
Our goal is to solo Miasma.

Skills are max 110, since 110's are easily affordable by anyone.
Gear will be crafted and/or martys only, so no vet rewards, Rune Beetle Carpace or other major artys.

Go nuts! :)

RESULTS (so far):

Heart of the lion
Fey legs

General UO Chat / Any Pacific PvMers here?
« on: July 12, 2010, 12:58:13 PM »
Just looking for someone on Pacific to do regular hunts with. Anyone got a guild going, SA bosses, Peerless?

General UO Chat / Are EA really this dense?
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:22:18 PM »
So, old news, they are (allegedly) adding third party app detection to UO, so they can ban people using EasyUO.
Fine, then they'll have to take a long hard look at WHY people script, and improve the gameplay to a point where people don't feel the same need to script, right?
WRONG. The latest client publish removed the water pitcher overfilling trick. Effectively making plant tending even MORE of a click fest.

Am I the only one who feel as if the devs might have slightly less than no clue about their own game? It's a small thing, I know, but it's an indication of a bigger problem.

Script Debug / Sub ignore stuff for 3 minutes needs HELP!
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:54:09 PM »
So I thought this would be a good thing to bring the exceptional brains of this site together to work on a simple straight forward problem.
Ignoring something for 3 minutes, and then un-ignoring it.

Here's the background. UO Instanced Corpses take 3 minutes to reset to "public: where everything becomes accessible to anyone. In my looting script I can detect an instanced corpse. I'd like to loot your personal instance if possible, then ignore that corpse for 3 minutes until it goes public, and then loot it again.

Here's the sub I currently use, it's about as reliable as <insert something really unreliable here>
Code: [Select]
; IgnoreList====================
; %1 Item to ignore for 3 minutes
SUB IgnoreList
  SET %oldlpc #LPC
  SET #LPC 10000
  IF !ignore_cnt = N/A
    SET !ignore_cnt 0
  SET !item #FALSE
  IF %0 > 0
    SET !item %1
  FOR !i 1 !ignore_cnt
    IF #SCNT > !time . !i && !ignore_cnt > 0
      IGNOREITEM RESET !ignore_cnt
      SET !time . !i !time . !ignore_cnt
      SET !item . !i !item . !ignore_cnt
      IGNOREITEM !item . !i !i
      SET !ignore_cnt !ignore_cnt - 1
  IF !item <> #FALSE
    SET !ignore_cnt !ignore_cnt + 1
    SET !item . !ignore_cnt !item
    SET !time . !ignore_cnt #SCNT + 181
    IGNOREITEM !item !ignore_cnt
  SET #LPC %oldlpc
The idea is to use two lists, or 1D arrays with corpse ID and the time it should be un-ignored. And then go through the list every time and check if the timer has expired, un ignoring it and rearranging the lists. It works like linked lists if you're C fluent...

However it doesn't always work. it ignores stuf just fine, but then it get's stuck in ignored limbo and never get's re-looted. Any ideas? Better way of doing this? Improved version of this?

TM's Claw doesn't do this at all, so if we come up with a good solution it could benefit both scripts. Assuming TM wants to add it. I think it's worth it since there's a lot of group hunting in UO now, Doom, Peerless and SA bosses. And a lot of people don't loot everything. I always find plenty of left over ingredients on bosses for example, when hunting with people who are only there for arties or loot.

Scripting Chat / BM Looter 3.0 Beta testers needed
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:59:10 PM »
I'm looking for a few reliable beta testers for my looter. I need you to be pretty fluent in EUO, and be a high end PvM player, preferably doing frequent SA hunts and boss hunts.

We need to verify that all lootable imbuing ingredients and all peerless ingredients are looted properly. The new integration of Garath's Imbuing evaluator in place of my item eval needs to be tested.

There is a lot of new code
* New drag and drop code/timings need to be tested, trying to limit the client crashing
* All SA items are added
* All peerless and imbuing ingredients
* SA quest items (if you can find more quest items that aren't in the list, they'll be added)
* Uses Garath's Imbuing evaluator for item evaluation, for a universal item score

There will be a couple of focus tests around the drag/drop and status checking subs, so in the very lest you need to be able to find those in the code and change them according to what we find. And you will need to have plenty of free time in the next couple of weeks.

Anyone interested? PM Me.

New member introductions / BadManiac Introduction
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:19:36 PM »
Hi, I'm Bad Maniac. The creator of BadManiac's automagic looter, item evaluator, and other automagic things.
Thought it was about time I finally joined the last free bastion of UO scripters.

What actually prompted me to join was a post by Cerveza that I'm going to contribute to, not just some puny suggestions either, the entire solution all wrapped up into the most beautiful sub(s) I've ever written, at least in my humble opinion. I'm actually surprised it doesn't get used more often by elite scripters. I'm talking about my Automagic Pathfinder script. It can do exactly what Cerveza wanted, namely follow something at a fixed distance, among many other things. I will be posting that shortly. With a full example on how to use it for Cerveza purpose.
As usual with all my scripts and subs (of which there are a large amount that just never got posted because of EasUO rules) all it takes to use them in a public script is a please, thank you, and a brief mention in the script description. Credit where credit's due and all that.

There's also a new version of my (in?)famous looter in the works with full SA support. And unlike the claw you don't need a masters degree in IQ to use it ;) That will also be posted here (and of course on, the original home. But SUO'ers might get it early just to show my goodwill to this, for me, new community.

I'm hoping I can contribute to the community with subs, and share my many year scripting experience. See you all out there.

Is that karma enough for ya? :P

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