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Topics - Crome969

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Stealth Snippets\Library / [Module | Unit] Propertyhandling
« on: January 03, 2013, 08:29:11 AM »
Unit Propertyhandling

Spoiler: show

 Script Name: Crome's Property Handling Unit
 Author: Crome969 AKA Jan Siems
 Version: 1
 Shard OSI / FS: OSI
 Revision Dates: 01\03\2013
 Public Release: 01\03\2013
 Purpose: Unit with Functions to handling Properties
 Credits: Endless Night & Trailmyx for Licence

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
  Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Disclaimer:  By downloading, copying, running or otherwise using
 this script, you accept the contents of this limited personal use
 licence agreement.
 This script is only authorized to be distributed on
 If you purchase this script, or acquire it from any other source, it
 is not considered an authorized copy and should be deleted immediately.
 Crome969 AKA Jan Siems(Author) provides no warranty for use, function,
 or safe interaction with any software or hardware. User downloads and
 runs this script at his-her own risk. User shall hold Author and the
 distribution site harmless for any loss of items,
 accounts, money, virtual currency or items associated with the use of
 this script. User shall hold the author harmless for any consequences
 that may result from the use of this script as intended.  Furthermore,
 you promise not to distribute or sell this script to anyone without
 the express permission of the author, Crome696 AKA Jan Siems.
 Violation of this agreement will result in one or more of the following:
 litigation, account termination, bad karma for your
 next life, and most definitely causing a black mark placed on your soul.

 This Script will never become by any definition of the words "Abandon ware",
 this script will always remain the property of the author unless
 rights are transfered by auther in writing (not email Writing).

 I worked very hard to bring this script to you, so please use it
 responisibily and respectfully.  If you have any questions, please
 reach me at

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Additional Licence to Use Agreement: You are free to use this script for not
 for profit personal UO gameplay. You are *NOT* free to repost,
 modify and repost, post on other websites, post as part of a script
 or work you yourself have created, email or transfer to another
 person by any method, or otherwise distribute without written
 permision from the author. This Applies to the script as a whole and
 any given part of the script.
 This license to use can be changed at any time for any reason.
 If in doubt dont do it contact the author.

 Commercial usage of any kind requires written permission from the author.

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 NOTE: My scripts or any derivative of them are *not* for use in other players script!
 EXCEPTION : This Unit can be used to handle & support your own Scripts.
             Modifying this Unit is probhited without written permission from Author!

Spoiler: show

Today i want to publish my small Unit to handle Properties. This is not a final Version but gives the Opportunity
of handling Properties with stealth 4.3.3 and newer...

Spoiler: show

[code]  Const Cliloc_LMC = 1060433;[/code]
Cliloc for Lower Mana Cost. Contains : "Lower Mana Cost {1}%"
[code]  Const Cliloc_FCR = 1060412;[/code]                   
Cliloc for Faster Cast Recovery. Contains : "Faster Cast Recovery {1}"
[code]  Const Cliloc_FC  = 1060412;[/code]                   
Cliloc for Faster Casting. Contains : "Faster Casting {1}"
[code]  Const Cliloc_LRC = 1060434;[/code]                   
Cliloc for Lower Reagent Cost. Contains : "Lower Reagent Cost {1}%"
[code]  Const Cliloc_SDI = 1060483;[/code]                   
Cliloc for Spell Damage Increase. Contains : "Spell Damage Increase {1}"
[code]  Const Cliloc_MR  = 1060440;[/code]                   
Cliloc for Mana Regeneration. Contains : "Mana Regeneration {1}"
[code]  Const Cliloc_HPR = 1060444;[/code]                   
Cliloc for Hit Point Regeneration. Contains : "Hit Point Regeneration {1}"

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[code]Function ReadStringProperty(ItemID:Integer;ClilocID:Integer;Parameter:Integer):String;[/code]
 Using new Function of Stealth, try to find the Property and return the value of selected Parameter as String
[code]Function ReadIntegerProperty(ItemID:Integer;ClilocID:Integer;Parameter:Integer):Integer;[/code]
 Using new Function of Stealth, try to find the Property and return the value of selected Parameter as Integer
[code]Function CountAttributeOnPaperdoll(ClilocID:Integer;TargetID:Cardinal;Parameter:Integer):Integer;[/code]
Returns the Amount of Counted Value from a specific Property.

Spoiler: show

Will return the amount of Faster Cast at Your Paperdoll.

How to use
Spoiler: show

1) Save the Attachment [b]PropertyHandling.pas[/b] Into Your Stealth Folder\Scripts
2) Open your Script and below of your Programmname add :
[code]Uses PropertyHandling;[/code]
3) Enjoy using my Unit :)

Stealth Snippets\Library / [Module | Unit] Events
« on: January 03, 2013, 08:11:14 AM »
Unit Events

Spoiler: show

 Script Name: Crome's Event Unit
 Author: Crome969 AKA Jan Siems
 Version: 1
 Shard OSI / FS: OSI
 Revision Dates: 01\03\2013
 Public Release: 01\03\2013
 Purpose: Unit with Samples of Events
 Credits: Endless Night & Trailmyx for Licence

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
  Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Disclaimer:  By downloading, copying, running or otherwise using
 this script, you accept the contents of this limited personal use
 licence agreement.
 This script is only authorized to be distributed on
 If you purchase this script, or acquire it from any other source, it
 is not considered an authorized copy and should be deleted immediately.
 Crome969 AKA Jan Siems(Author) provides no warranty for use, function,
 or safe interaction with any software or hardware. User downloads and
 runs this script at his-her own risk. User shall hold Author and the
 distribution site harmless for any loss of items,
 accounts, money, virtual currency or items associated with the use of
 this script. User shall hold the author harmless for any consequences
 that may result from the use of this script as intended.  Furthermore,
 you promise not to distribute or sell this script to anyone without
 the express permission of the author, Crome696 AKA Jan Siems.
 Violation of this agreement will result in one or more of the following:
 litigation, account termination, bad karma for your
 next life, and most definitely causing a black mark placed on your soul.

 This Script will never become by any definition of the words "Abandon ware",
 this script will always remain the property of the author unless
 rights are transfered by auther in writing (not email Writing).

 I worked very hard to bring this script to you, so please use it
 responisibily and respectfully.  If you have any questions, please
 reach me at

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Additional Licence to Use Agreement: You are free to use this script for not
 for profit personal UO gameplay. You are *NOT* free to repost,
 modify and repost, post on other websites, post as part of a script
 or work you yourself have created, email or transfer to another
 person by any method, or otherwise distribute without written
 permision from the author. This Applies to the script as a whole and
 any given part of the script.
 This license to use can be changed at any time for any reason.
 If in doubt dont do it contact the author.

 Commercial usage of any kind requires written permission from the author.

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 NOTE: My scripts or any derivative of them are *not* for use in other players script!
 EXCEPTION : This Unit can be used to handle & support your own Scripts.
             Modifying this Unit is probhited without written permission from Author!

Spoiler: show

Today i want to publish my small Unit to handle Events. This is not a final Version but gives the Opportunity
of handling Buff\Debuffs in Current Version.

Spoiler: show

[code]var PlayerBuff : TCharacter_Buffs;[/code]
Custom made Type assigned on the Variable PlayerBuff. Event will use [b]PlayerBuff[/b]
for read & write their states into it.

  Type TCharacter_Buffs = record
    Buff_Dismount : Boolean;
    Buff_Disarm : Boolean;
    Buff_Nightsight : Boolean;
    Buff_DeathStrike : Boolean;
    Buff_EvilOmen : Boolean;
    Buff_unknown : Boolean;
    Buff_Regeneration : Boolean;
    Buff_DivineFury : Boolean;
    Buff_EnemyOfOne : Boolean;
    Buff_Stealth: Boolean;
    Buff_ActiveMeditation : Boolean;
    Buff_BloodOathcaster : Boolean;
    Buff_BloodOathcurse : Boolean;
    Buff_CorpseSkin : Boolean;
    Buff_Mindrot : Boolean;
    Buff_PainSpike : Boolean;
    Buff_Strangle : Boolean;
    Buff_GiftofRenewal : Boolean;
    Buff_AttuneWeapon : Boolean;
    Buff_Thunderstorm : Boolean;
    Buff_EssenceofWind : Boolean;
    Buff_EtherealVoyage : Boolean;
    Buff_GiftOfLife : Boolean;
    Buff_ArcaneEmpowerment : Boolean;
    Buff_MortalStrike : Boolean;
    Buff_ReactiveArmor : Boolean;
    Buff_Protection : Boolean;
    Buff_ArchProtection : Boolean;
    Buff_MagicReflection : Boolean;
    Buff_Incognito : Boolean;
    Buff_Disguised : Boolean;
    Buff_AnimalForm : Boolean;
    Buff_Polymorph : Boolean;
    Buff_Invisibility : Boolean;
    Buff_Paralyze : Boolean;
    Buff_Poison : Boolean;
    Buff_Bleed : Boolean;
    Buff_Clumsy : Boolean;
    Buff_FeebleMind : Boolean;
    Buff_Weaken : Boolean;
    Buff_Curse : Boolean;
    Buff_MassCurse : Boolean;
    Buff_Agility : Boolean;
    Buff_Cunning : Boolean;
    Buff_Strength : Boolean;
    Buff_Bless : Boolean;
    Buff_WrathForm : Boolean;
    Buff_HorrificBeast : Boolean;
Members you can read when using PlayerBuff.
AntiAFKTimer :TDateTime;
Time when next anti AFK Handling will appear

Spoiler: show

[code]Procedure HandleBuff_Debuff(ID,Attribute_ID : Word; IsEnabled:Boolean );[/code]
Auto Activate itself, everytime a Buff or Debuff appear. Save state into known Buffs and print
current state onto Client. Also printing Informations when new Buff Appears. If you found those,
Contact me and i will add your found Buff and you as Helper to Credits!
[code]Procedure Register_BuffDebuff();[/code]
Function to Autoregister evBuff_DebuffSystem with the Procedure HandleBuff_Debuff
Will Open your Backpack every 2 Minutes and Save next Timing into AntiAFKTimer
Event to register EVTimer1 with HandleAnti_AFK. Event Autocheck itself every 100ms

Spoiler: show

  Then Cast a Buff\Debuff and Check what appears Ingame
Preventing IdleGump on Osi

How to use it
Spoiler: show

1) Save the Attachment [b]Events.pas[/b] Into Your Stealth Folder\Scripts
2) Open your Script and below of your Programmname add :
[code]Uses Events;[/code]
3) Enjoy using my Unit :)

Version Update 4
- Added Vampire Embrance and Buff for Necromancy Effects to Buff\Debuff Event

Version Update 3
- Fixxing small Issue with Event AntiAFK Macro. Raised Event Timer to 5 Minutes instead of 2 Minutes

Version Update  2
Added Buff_WrathForm,Buff_HorrificBeast,Buff_UnknownMeditation,Buff_LichForm as Buff
Note : Buff_UnknownMeditation Appears on succesful Meditation using but disabled itself even when real Meditation is still active.
I have no clue what kind of Effect this apply but the time how long its enabled is controlled by Meditation Skill
Added Procedure HandleAnti_AFK() and RegisterAntiAFK() and Variable AntiAFKTimer as Datetime
Note : Useable for Skilling or such to Avoid "You are Idle" Blocking Ingame Gumps. Simple autoopen Backpack every 2 Minutes..

Stealth Snippets\Library / [Module | Unit] Casting
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:52:46 AM »
Unit Casting

Spoiler: show

 Script Name: Crome's Casting Unit
 Author: Crome969 AKA Jan Siems
 Version: 1
 Shard OSI / FS: OSI
 Revision Dates: 01\03\2013
 Public Release: 01\03\2013
 Purpose: Unit to handle Casting
 Credits: Endless Night & Trailmyx for Licence

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
  Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Disclaimer:  By downloading, copying, running or otherwise using
 this script, you accept the contents of this limited personal use
 licence agreement.
 This script is only authorized to be distributed on
 If you purchase this script, or acquire it from any other source, it
 is not considered an authorized copy and should be deleted immediately.
 Crome969 AKA Jan Siems(Author) provides no warranty for use, function,
 or safe interaction with any software or hardware. User downloads and
 runs this script at his-her own risk. User shall hold Author and the
 distribution site harmless for any loss of items,
 accounts, money, virtual currency or items associated with the use of
 this script. User shall hold the author harmless for any consequences
 that may result from the use of this script as intended.  Furthermore,
 you promise not to distribute or sell this script to anyone without
 the express permission of the author, Crome696 AKA Jan Siems.
 Violation of this agreement will result in one or more of the following:
 litigation, account termination, bad karma for your
 next life, and most definitely causing a black mark placed on your soul.

 This Script will never become by any definition of the words "Abandon ware",
 this script will always remain the property of the author unless
 rights are transfered by auther in writing (not email Writing).

 I worked very hard to bring this script to you, so please use it
 responisibily and respectfully.  If you have any questions, please
 reach me at

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Additional Licence to Use Agreement: You are free to use this script for not
 for profit personal UO gameplay. You are *NOT* free to repost,
 modify and repost, post on other websites, post as part of a script
 or work you yourself have created, email or transfer to another
 person by any method, or otherwise distribute without written
 permision from the author. This Applies to the script as a whole and
 any given part of the script.
 This license to use can be changed at any time for any reason.
 If in doubt dont do it contact the author.

 Commercial usage of any kind requires written permission from the author.

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 NOTE: My scripts or any derivative of them are *not* for use in other players script!
 EXCEPTION : This Unit can be used to handle & support your own Scripts.
             Modifying this Unit is probhited without written permission from Author!

Spoiler: show

Today i want to publish my small Unit to handle Casting. Who not camed into Situation in past to try to perform a rtc critical casting.
These Functions and its members has been tested through PVP related casting & Writing Casting Trainers..
If you find any Issues , Bugs please feel free to report it to me...

Spoiler: show

[code]Const CastInterruptMessages[/code]
Containing Constant Interrupt Message for Casting Function in Combination of Journalhandling
[code] var CanCast:TDateTime;[/code]
Containing Date and Time when next Cast will be allowed. This Variable is calculated by FCR Computating

Spoiler: show

[code]Function ComputateFCR(FCR:Integer):Integer;[/code]
Returns the timespan until you will be able to recast. Calculated by your given amount of FCR.
[code]Function ComputateFC(BaseDelay:Integer;FC:Integer;IsProthed:Boolean):Integer;[/code]
Returns the timespan until you should be done with casting. Calculated by your CastDelay in ms - Delay Shortening is Calculated by FC & Protection State.
[code]Function ComputateLMC(CurMana,LMC:Integer):Integer;[/code]
Returns Amount of Mana after calculated with LMC.
[code]Function Cast2Object(SpellName:String;TargetID,Delay,FC,FCR,LMC,ReqMana:Integer;IsProth:Boolean):Boolean;[/code]
This Function will Cast a spell , wait until you got a TargetCursor or fizzled Casting. Then Target an Object (Player , Item ). Computating Manausage\Delay Timers with ComputateFCR and ComputateLMC. This will be your friend if you use Spells like Fireball or Magic Arrow or other Targetbased Spells....
Always returns if you suceed or not..
[code]Function Cast2Tile(SpellName:String;X,Y,Z,Delay,FC,FCR,LMC,ReqMana:Integer;IsProth:Boolean):Boolean;[/code]
Same Functionality like Cast2Object but for targeting Tile Positions. Your friend when using Teleport or Energy Field or such Spells..
Always returns if you suceed or not..
[code]Function Cast2Wait(SpellName:String;Delay,FC,FCR,LMC,ReqMana:Integer;IsProth:Boolean):Boolean;[/code]
Similar Functionality like Cast2Tile or Cast2Object. Used for Spells were Timespan to Cast can be X but no TargetCursor will appear. Will Computate Max CastDelay and Check if you suceed or not.
Always returns if you suceed or not..

Spoiler: show

[code]Cast2Wait('Wraith Form',1150,0,0,8,17,False);[/code]
Trying to Cast Wraith Form on yourself.Without Targeting
Trying to Cast Mini Heal on yourself. With Targeting..
[code]Cast2Tile('Blade Spirits',GetX(Self),GetY(Self),GetZ(Self),500,0,0,8,4,False);[/code]
Try to Cast Blade Spirits , Target Ground you Stay.With Targeting..

Howto Use
Spoiler: show

1) Save the Attachment [b]Casting.pas[/b] Into Your Stealth Folder\Scripts
2) Open your Script and below of your Programmname add :
[code]Uses Casting;[/code]
3) Enjoy using my Unit :)

Update Version 3
Hotfix on CanCast  Time Calculation to prevent "Years" delay instead of "Milisecond" delay..
Should now work on Cast2Object and Cast2Tile like on Cast2Wait

Update Version 2
  • Hotfix in Calculate LMC -> Correcting Math issue

Stealth archive / [Tutorial] Using Regions in your Scriptcode
« on: January 03, 2013, 03:33:04 AM »
Today i want to show you a small way to add some better view to your code.
I often camed to the situation were i wroted some hundred lines of code and lost the trace wich file contains what and were in my script code is what function.
Some of you may used C# and know it when try to sort code into Regions to use the folder view\close to hide or see code.
This works in Pascal Script as well.

This Picture shows a sample of one of my Units , were dozen of Code is displayed (Nearly 1000 Lines of Code in 1 File )

You may coming in same Situation and think -> "Okay were is my Procedure XY"

The second Picture shows when i used Regions and folded Code...

So how it works?

First we need to declare where a Region Start by adding  
Code: [Select]
{$Region Tutorial}.
The Name Tutorial can be replaced with any kind of Text you like to describe the region.

Then we need to declare where a Region Ends by adding
Code: [Select]
You can pack Regions into Regions, Stealth Editor will display the region folding when right applied..

Sample :

Hope this will help you designing Pascal Scripts :)

Stealth archive / Stealth Client Bugtracker
« on: May 04, 2012, 10:52:44 PM »
With the upcoming Release of Stealth 6.0 i would like to introduce you to our new Bugtracker.
You can see open tasks, already known Issues or report your own.
The Bugtracker allows anonymous reportings without needed to be registerted to their website.

Please only report only issues related to Stealth Client or its features. Bugs created by wrong Script usage cant be discussed there.

You can find the Bugtracker Here

Hello Community,
today i would like to pass over some aspects of module development. In attachment is a powerpoint presentation with some graphical overviews about.
The Basics are explained as well. I would like to know what kind of Coding style do you prefer in stealth. Where could be some leaks?Where could we help you out?
Where should be more explanation in form of tutorials\examples to pass over the knowlegde of this tool?

Right now there is less participation on this tool and i would like to get some active coder here. I bymyself are coding Core-Level-Modules currently so there is not a End-User-Script yet what i could share.

What you think?


Stealth Snippets\Library / [Module] Gumps - Stealth 4.0.3
« on: April 28, 2012, 10:55:33 AM »
Module Gumps
  • Purpose
  • How to Use
  • Function Overview
  • Some Examples

Gumps are a major theme for every Coder. In Easyuo you may thought "oh those are hard to handle" but you could not say this for Stealth. Coming up with Version 4.0.3 you will have the Opportunity to work with Gumps like regular Objects.
You can find an Overview about Here.

How to Use
To work with Modules you will be needed to copy the attached file into StealthFolder\Scripts\ .
Then write following after initiate the program :
Uses Gumps;
If you followed these steps right you wont get any Syntax Errors.

Function Overview
function CountGumps():Integer;
Returns the Amount of Opened Gumps. Since they Start with 0 and end with Amount - 1 i simple wrote this function to avoid Problems by Users for trying functions out of range.

function GetLastSerial():Cardinal;

Returns the Serial (Number of the Gump received from Shard) of Toplayer Gump (Newest)

function GetLastGumpID():Cardinal;
Returns the GumpID(Static "Type" of Gump) of Toplayer Gump (Newest)

function GetLastGump():TGumpInfo;
Returns the Toplayer Gump as Object (Newest);

procedure WaitGumpID(GumpID:Cardinal);
Will wait until Toplayer GumpID is GumpID. On Liveshard it means -> Incoming Packet with GumpID + 1ms delay (Speedy or Not?)

procedure WaitSerial(Serial:Cardinal);

Will Wait until Toplayer Serial is no Longer Serial. On Liveshard it means -> Incoming Packet with new Serial + 1ms delay (Speedy or Not?)

procedure ClickButton(ButtonValue:Integer;GumpID:Cardinal;UseWait:Boolean);
Its an extension to "WaitGump" from Stealth. Will convert the ButtonValue to String and send it to Server. You need to set a GumpID (0 if you wanna skip but you will need to fill anything if you wait or not) and modify the UseWait. If UseWait is False it will skip Waiting for new Serial and the GumpID. Else it will use "WaitGumpID" and "WaitSerial" from Module for waiting.
procedure ClickObject(ObjectID:Integer;GumpID:Cardinal;UseWait:Boolean);
Similar to "ClickButton" but using ObjectID instead of Packet (NPC,Items as example) to get a gump. Options are same then "ClickButton".

This function is special. Do you Remember Craft Buttons? Did you ever wanted to make those stuff dynamicly? If you want to click the button left of a text you can use this function. Cliloc means the ID of the Text(Server sends Cliloc and Client reads Text). This means no matter wich languange you will be able to click the button in left of Text.
RangeX and RangeY is the Range from TextStart. So if Button is +- 40 pixel from Text.X Range X will be 40 and when Button +- pixel from TextY and both is true then it will click this Button. Please be Aware that if you make a big range it "may " click the wrong Button. On my Runuo Example Buttons were about 35,3 from Text. So no other Button were be found in this Range and it were 100% recognized.
GumpID and UseWait are Similar to "ClickButton". It uses Clickbutton if recognize the Button.

procedure CloseGump(Simple:Boolean);
Want to Close a Gump? Some Gumps can be closed by rightclick (then Simple = true) or need to be forced by packet (Simple = false). Gump will Close and wait until Serial Changed again.

procedure ClickTileButton(TileArt:Integer;GumpID:Cardinal;UseWait:Boolean);
This function is an alternate to ClickButton. If your Button has a unique Design (Heartwooquests like Accept,Close,Refuse) you can click the Button for Searching the TileArt. Tilearts are like Clilocs. Server sends a number and Client reads the Button from files. It will check if TileArt is pressed or released as Button and use the "ClickButton" with the Value of the Button. Perfect for Heartwood ;)

function SearchClilocText(Cliloc:Integer):Boolean;
Simple function to Compare Texts in Gumps by using Cliloc.
Will check all Cliloc Texts and return true if exist and false if not. (Heartwood Questlog as example)

Some Examples
Crafting a Skirt :
Code: [Select]
program test;
Uses Gumps;
Replace $400005C7 with ID of your Tool (Sewing Kit). Will Craft you a Skirt once :)


Stealth archive / Working with Gumps [Tutorial]
« on: April 13, 2012, 11:23:54 PM »

Stealth archive / How to use QT4-Python [With Boydon-Hack]
« on: April 06, 2012, 09:36:12 AM »

Stealth scripts / [Support] Simple Bandage Healer
« on: March 10, 2012, 01:30:17 AM »
Simple Bandage Healer

Spoiler: show


 Script Name: Crome's Simple Bandage Healer
 Author: Crome696 AKA Jan Siems
 Version: 2
 Shard OSI / FS: OSI
 Revision Dates: 01\07\2013
 Public Release: 01\07\2013
 Purpose: Simple Bandage Healer for Dexxer
 Credits: Endless Night & Trailmyx for Licence

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
  Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Disclaimer:  By downloading, copying, running or otherwise using
 this script, you accept the contents of this limited personal use
 licence agreement.
 This script is only authorized to be distributed on
 If you purchase this script, or acquire it from any other source, it
 is not considered an authorized copy and should be deleted immediately.
 Crome969 AKA Jan Siems(Author) provides no warranty for use, function,
 or safe interaction with any software or hardware. User downloads and
 runs this script at his-her own risk. User shall hold Author and the
 distribution site harmless for any loss of items,
 accounts, money, virtual currency or items associated with the use of
 this script. User shall hold the author harmless for any consequences
 that may result from the use of this script as intended.  Furthermore,
 you promise not to distribute or sell this script to anyone without
 the express permission of the author, Crome696 AKA Jan Siems.
 Violation of this agreement will result in one or more of the following:
 litigation, account termination, bad karma for your
 next life, and most definitely causing a black mark placed on your soul.

 This Script will never become by any definition of the words "Abandon ware",
 this script will always remain the property of the author unless
 rights are transfered by auther in writing (not email Writing).

 I worked very hard to bring this script to you, so please use it
 responisibily and respectfully.  If you have any questions, please
 reach me at

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 Additional Licence to Use Agreement: You are free to use this script for not
 for profit personal UO gameplay. You are *NOT* free to repost,
 modify and repost, post on other websites, post as part of a script
 or work you yourself have created, email or transfer to another
 person by any method, or otherwise distribute without written
 permision from the author. This Applies to the script as a whole and
 any given part of the script.
 This license to use can be changed at any time for any reason.
 If in doubt dont do it contact the author.

 Commercial usage of any kind requires written permission from the author.

 (c) 2005-2013 Crome696 - All Rights Reserved
 Please respect my property rights.. :)
 NOTE: My scripts or any derivative of them are *not* for use in other players script!

Instruction & Requirements
Spoiler: show

1) Download Attachment [b][/b]  and save into "Stealth Folder\Scripts"
3) Load Script into Stealth and Press Play
4) Enjoy

Spoiler: show

This Script will only work on OSI or Freeshards where Server sending to Client.
Script checks at Bandage Apply if you getting the Buff 1069 ( Apply Bandage ) and then doing Journalscan until you finished. If you failed to Apply it will reply the same action after 0,5s.

Update Version 2
- Add Precheckup with BuffSystem before Scan Journal to avoid timeouts due issue with apply Bandages
- Removed old Intro for Code..

Stealth archive / Tutorial for handling in Stealth
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:32:33 AM »

Stealth Snippets\Library / Mondains Quest Handler [Heartwood as Example]
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:34:09 AM »

Stealth Snippets\Library / Item Evaluation
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:31:13 AM »

Stealth Snippets\Library / Property Parser
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:26:53 AM »

Stealth scripts / [V4 , Pascal] Stealthuo ItemEval Looter (PreAlpha)
« on: February 11, 2012, 04:11:43 AM »
I just toying since some days with this code. It need some adjustments as well but works .

You can Enable and disable Specific Types here

Code: [Select]
LootAmmo=true; LootCraft=true; LootEvent=true;
LootGold=true; LootImbuing=true; LootJuka=true;
LootParagon=true; LootPerlessKeys=true; LootQuest=true;
LootReagents=true; LootResources=false; LootScrolls=false;
LootSolen=false; LootUnknown=true; LootWeapon=true;
LootArmor=true; LootJewelry=true; LootShield=true;
LootGems=true; LootOther=true;

And change Lootbag to alternate Bag here:
Code: [Select]
This Line is nearly at end of file. Coming soon will be implementation to a GUI when the base functions works perfect:)
Next Step then will be implement autosending gold and other cool features.
If you notice some Problems(Wrong Calculations as example) Please Contact me, that i can finish the script as fast as Possible.

Features yet:
  • Auteval Armor\Weapon\Jewelry\Shields
  • Never can Crash Client when you Move :)
  • Incredible fast Loot and Eval

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