; Script Name: Freddy's Deed Stocker
; Author: Freddy
; Version: 2.0
; Client Tested with: 7.0.16
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (Build 0199)
; Shard OSI
; Revision Date: 5/25/2012
; Public Release: 10/16/2011
; Purpose: Prices and organizes commodity deeds within a WOODEN BOX on a vendor.
;Planned for next version
; - Journal scanner to detect when vendor can no longer hold more items
; - Removed unnecessary code.
; - Changed the method the script uses to drop deeds
; - Now prices and organizes at the same time
; - Added a menu
;---------------------Do Not Edit Below------------------------
This script prices and organized commodity deeds in a wooden box on a vendor. This script ONLY works with deeds that have an item type of EWH and wooden boxes
To use:
Place deeds in your main pack or in a container in your main pack. Your vendors main pack must have a wooden box. When you run the script it will ask you to target the container with the deeds (if it is your main pack, click your backpack in your paperdoll.) and then the wooden box on the vendor. Set a price and press start. If your vendor has a messy wooden box, you can click the Organize instead button and it will organize the vendors pack without repricing.