I am trying to teach an old dog new tricks. I am in the process of reading the tutorials and trying to learn the first code I have attempted to learn since pascal in 1987. It is going slow but I am starting to see somewhat of the flow how it works. Today I am using Neo's magic residu quest script and as it was running I decided to try to get it to fail where I knew what went wrong so I could try to find it in the script.
The script has you recalling from home to quest giver and back. I decided if I lowered my LRC to 80 the "needs more regents" may put it in a loop and I also lowered the mage on the toon to around 40 so that the recall spell would fizzle a small % of the time and fail the script. My thought process was I had 2 different fails that would be in the same area of the script allowing me to research the difference once I got a fail on both accounts.
Well after thinking how to do this, setting up the char, swapping out his gear and stoning off 110 mage and working up 40ish mage my result was....
It had no effect on the script. Neo's script handled both fails without missing a beat. So in conclusion I found out I can not even crash on purpose something this man did 10 years ago. So if you need me I will be reading the tutorials. Neo you are a beast tks for all the scripts I really enjoy your work.