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Messages - HalfMercy

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Games & Game Systems / Re: Older PC Ultima Games
« on: August 02, 2015, 07:13:24 PM »
lamar - In most cases I actually PREFER old school graphics. I know I'm in the minority in this but I don't feel that technologically advanced/modern is always equal to "better". I'll take the SNES Tecmo Bowl series over these crazy 3D Madden NFL games that feel jerky and awkward to me. I'll take the stop-motion animation of the old Sinbad movies over the fake looking CGI Gollums and werewolves of today. And really... how many megapixels do we need before the human eye can't discern the difference anymore anyway? :)

lamar + gimlet both - THANK YOU for mentioning! I had no idea it existed and now I will surely spend a bundle of money there and take a 6 month hiatus from my UO freeshard, lol.

dxrom - You know, I never played UO with the goal of killing or being killed by other players - which bugged me for a long time because I stubbornly stuck with Fel servers - but I enjoy it to no end in Call of Duty. Probably because there's nothing else to do in CoD, that's the only point in the game. UO was like "Here's an amazing world full of interesting stuff to do! Disclaimer: You will be unable to actually do anything interesting due to being hounded/harassed/killed endlessly." I play story-driven games but to be honest I rarely get into the stories. I wasn't even all the way through the first Halo before I stopped caring and couldn't tell you a thing about the stories on the sequels.

Games & Game Systems / Older PC Ultima Games
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:41:03 PM »
I figured that I would throw some stuff out there and see how many REALLY old time Ultima fans respond. :) I started the series with Ultima IV - fell in love with it - but I never finished the game because of some critical errors and I never did figure out if it was just my floppy disk or everyone's, lol. I couldn't get anything out of Iolo; when I talked to him he just replied with a bunch of nonsense characters. And there were a couple of other NPCs that seemed like they should have had key quest dialogue that would do the same thing and then attack. I think I tried about 400 times hoping for a different result before I finally gave up, haha.

And then recently I decided it would be pretty cool to play all the Ultima games from the beginning in order. It still sounds cool. But I dl/ed an Akalabeth ROM and I literally CAN NOT figure out how to play the game. I mean, I'm old school - took BASIC in grade school and played the first Rogue and Hack - and this game still makes no sense. I move around a few times, die of starvation, game over, please insert 25 cents to continue. Then I dl/ed an Ultima II ROM and coudn't even get far enough to die of starvation, lol. The ROM came in several parts - well, when I fire up the regular game ROM it says "Please insert Player Disc". But you can't, because there is no disc, there's just another ROM file called "Player Disc" that I can't access. And trying to start the game with the "Player Disc" file accomplishes nothing at all. So I guess I'm really going to have to wait until I can afford a vintage computer and buy some old discs and REALLY get the full experience.

If anyone has some old Ultima PC stories or any insight into why I might never finish ANY Ultima game, please share!

Off Topic / Re: ComicCon 2015
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:49:59 PM »
Awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing! I've never been to a ComicCon but it looks like something everyone should do at least once :)

General UO Chat / Re: Parry/Bushido Question
« on: July 12, 2015, 09:24:28 AM »
I tried Counter Strike with Darkened Sky last night on a constant loop and it was so fast and devastating I felt like I was cheating, lol. Thanks again! I still have some tweaking of it to do but my god, the potential....  I play on a free server where we can add properties to items (up to a max of 5) and I tacked on Hit Fireball, not sure about what I want for the last prop.

I read through your very thorough guide and I get what you're saying about DCI... funny thing is my character's is only 5 at the moment. I feel like it should be higher than that because I can't handle all the incoming damage from the 4th tier of some champs but yeah I don't intend to max it out b/c I get it - if you do that, then you're missing most of the value in Counter Strike and might as well just loop Evasion for full damage mitigation. I also feel like Darkened Sky might never be able to generate enough damage to drop high hp monsters like hiryu and rotting corpses before they start running away, so I might swap out for Blaze of Death or some such when I hit 4th tier.

General UO Chat / Re: Parry/Bushido Question
« on: July 10, 2015, 05:51:04 AM »
Thanks for the insight, sibble. I don't forsee myself dropping parry, I was just wondering about the shield question. I really appreciate you mentioning Counter Attack - I never used it before and in my initial tests it seems ridiculously good. I tried it with Whirlwind actually and in the later stages of a champ spawn pulling off 2 or 3 WW attacks with an AOE weapon in the space of one swing timer is pretty amazing. I think I might be able to tweak my macros and put out an insane amount of damage fairly consistently.

General UO Chat / Re: Parry/Bushido Question
« on: July 09, 2015, 07:15:35 AM »
Thanks Crisis. I think if it's just some tiny bonus the benefit of utilizing the shield slot for extra properties will offset the loss of the bonus. Especially with Evasion to make up for it.

General UO Chat / Parry/Bushido Question
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:23:10 PM »
No, it's not the same old "Which one is better?"... I try to self-educate whenever possible and I've read up on these two skills a lot but there's still something that I don't understand. I get the fact that when Parry and Bushido are both high, your chance of blocking with a 2-handed melee weapon is highest, your chance of blocking with a 1-handed weapon is a little less, and your chance of blocking with a shield is in the toilet. Buuut what I can't seem to clarify is this: when you're holding both a 1-handed weapon and a shield, will your character attempt to block with just one or both? I ask because in most cases the 1-handed weapon chance to block + the shield chance to block is about equal to the 2-handed weapon chance to block anyway, so there's not much drawback to using a shield with high Bushido/Parry if it works that way.

Wine & Spirits / Re: Allergic To Wine... Ever Heard Of Such A Thing?
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:15:45 PM »
I'll look into the low/no sulfite wine market, thanks for the suggestion! It seems like a natural idea but somehow it hadn't even occurred to me that anyone would accomodate the allergy. And no, oddly enough, I get no allergic reaction from lunchmeat or much of anything else except pollen.

Television/Movies / Re: Casablanca
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:41:48 PM »
You're right... that's true in film, games, any industry really... The up - and - coming companies just want to get rich and they do that by modeling themselves after previous successes so originality suffers. Then again, original crap is still crap lol... it has to be GOOD too. The Matrix blew my mind. So did Identity and Crash. I thought that Tobey Maguire's first Spiderman elevated superhero movies exponentially. You do start to crave that "Wow, I never could have seen that coming" feeling.... I've never seen Hot Fuzz or Spaced but I'll check them out on your recommendation, thanks!

Television/Movies / Re: Casablanca
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:46:18 AM »
I hear you! A lot of movies these days are either obvious remakes or the sneakier kind that don't actually give credit to the original they've stolen from. I watch a lot of films with my wife that I can identify as stolen from an older film but they're often ones she never heard of or watched. And new films for a variety of reasons don't often please me, though the details of that statement are too long to discuss here.

When I read what you said about older movies (and you're spot on about poor dialogue being rampant) I first thought of some Vincent Price films as good classics. Have you ever seen Diary of a Madman? It's an excellent horror movie based on the short story "The Horla" by Guy de Maupassant.

For newer movies (and by newer I only mean not silver screen, because my concept and tracking of time is very bad :)) let me recommend Once Were Warriors to you. It's a foreign film, offbeat for an American audience but very powerful.

I'm not certain how much our taste in movies align, TrailMyx, so I'll leave my recommendations at that for now. :) Hopefully we can revive that lost love of films, haha

Television/Movies / Casablanca
« on: June 17, 2015, 07:02:28 PM »
So I finally got around to watching this cinematic legend and, while I think it was a good movie and would recommend it to any silver screen fans, I don't think Casablanca is quite the timeless classic its been made out to be. Has anyone else seen this? I'm really interested to hear what other people's opinions are on this movie. I love watching Bogie just because he was so obnoxious. I enjoy seeing how other actors and actresses interacted with and played off him. Besides that, I just enjoy older movies in general. To be honest though, I have no idea how "Here's lookin at you, kid." became a decades-long quotable quote. I know lingo was different back then but IMO this line sounded awful even coming from Bogart's mouth (ditto for when he kept calling Lauren Bacall "Slim" in To Have And Have Not"). What grown woman wants to be called "kid" by her man? Lol...

UO Bragging Rights / Re: Funniest UO stories???
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:06:56 PM »
Lol... that IS funny :) Must have been hysterical in the first minutes afterwards watching them run around trying to figure out what just happened lol

Receipes / Re: Killer Pancakes
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:01:04 AM »
Yep, Great Value is the Walmart brand. It's the first and only pancake mix I've tried so far. I'm bad in that when I find something I really like, I'll get stuck on it for a long time instead of continuing to try new things. I do believe though that you can get to a point where a recipe is as good as it's going to get and the only way to improve it more or change things up is to try different brands, so I'd try out the Big Train and see how it goes.

UO Bragging Rights / Re: Funniest UO stories???
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:45:27 PM »
I played the best thief nobody ever heard of back in 1999. I wasn't interested in committing crazy antics and taking screenies or getting famous. Keeping a low profile made a lot more sense to me and I just really wanted to be the best thief there was. I stealthed into and looted a whole lot of houses - which only years later did I consider the impact of doing that and feel really bad about - and I enjoyed it as an art. Literally 85% of my game time would consist of me stealthing around, checking house signs, taking notes, marking runes, and camping, watching houses for days to learn people's play times and behaviors. No one practiced anything approaching real house security back then either.

But my favorite moment ever was on my thief but didn't have to do with stealing. I was lucky enough to catch an impromptu GM monster bash in Vesper GY. I was carrying around GM Tinker trapped wooden chests, like always, and as I stealthed about through immense chaos and dead bodies I dropped crates onto the corpses of higher-level undead. Now I was just enjoying watching people blow up left and right but when someone said "Did you see that? A GM smited them with one shot!" I busted out laughing and about fell out of my chair irl. :)

World of Warcraft / Re: What's the Best Online Game?
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:50:21 PM »
The only games I've ever played that came close to UO were pen-and-paper Dungeons and Dragons and the Elder Scrolls series (Daggerfall, Morrowind, et cetera). What they all have in common is the open world. You're free to go where you want and do what you want no matter how long you've been playing or what your skill level is. If you want to go get yourself killed by a god or godlike monster as a newbie in any of those games, you can manage it. Now I haven't tried every other MMORPG out there but I've tried a handful of the more popular ones and I just didn't get the same feeling from them. They all seemed (in varying degrees) more linear, guiding me along a preset path instead of letting me carve my own.

I wanted Elder Scrolls Online to be legendary but I beta tested it and for various reasons I feel that it fell far short of its single-player predecessors. If I were prepared to fork over thousands of dollars all at once to play an MMORPG, I'd probably do Shroud of the Avatar. It seems pretty incredible but at the same time it's pay-to-be-awesome and I couldn't play as a peasant without constantly getting jealous of all the big houses and coolie stuff that I didn't buy.

tl;dr - My two cents is that UO is still the best online game and nothing else compares. SotA looks great but I'm not a huge fan of paying for internet, paying for subscription to a game, and then having to pay even more for all the cool/best stuff in the game.

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