I'm playing on a freeshard and can't get any lumberjacking scripts to play correctly (tried MWinc's, Neo's Ter Mur Area Lumberjack, and a couple others). They just recall around in circles because they aren't picking up any trees when searching tiles. The trees on the freeshard I play at disappear completely after being chopped down.
I read it could be the map .mul files and a registry issue. I replaced the mul files with older ones and created the registry keys as directed from an easyuo thread.
I thought maybe the #tilename or #tiletype might have changed. I was using the below modified TrailMyx's Locate Tree sub to see the tile information:
tile init
Tile get #charPosX #charPosY 1
set !radius %1
set !xmin #CHARPOSX + !radius
display ok The tile at X: , 2828 , #spc , / Y: , #charPosY , #spc , has the following Name:$ , #tilename
Is simply typing in the X-coordinate like that ok? If so, the results come up as forest, jungle, or the same as whatever ground I'm standing on. Any other ideas to find and target trees?