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Messages - oldschool

Pages: [1]
Submit your Script / Ultima Online Shadowguard Orchard [shadow guard]
« on: June 28, 2024, 03:48:40 AM »
Greetings folks,

Here is a script for doing the Orchard in the Shadow Guard sequence. 

What does it do?
No fighting necessary.  This script will go to each tree, grab an apple and feed it to your pet horse. Once it learns all the trees, it will then go back to the beginning tree, pick an apple and throw it at its matching tree. 

What you need:
EasyUO or perhaps ScriptUO if it gets released, play on an OSI shard and mount a non Ethy horse that will eat apples.

As soon as you enter the Orchard instance simply hit play.  You don't have to set up anything, start the script once you're in the orchard. The script will run your character to the first tree, hope off your horse and get to work.

Known Issues:
Every once in a while UO will build the instance where the trees will be in a different X Y location and it breaks the script.  Sorry about that, basically you have to time out and restart the instance. It doesn't happen often, but maybe that's because we play on a slow shard.  The other thing that can happy is your character may get stuck on a tree.  Not to worry, it will time out and run to the next tree. 

After you give it a go, let us know how it did for you.


New member introductions / Re: Introduction - oldschool
« on: June 22, 2024, 12:35:37 PM »
Thanks! blessings!

New member introductions / Re: New Member Introduction
« on: June 22, 2024, 04:04:12 AM »

Know the feeling!  *turns on stones audio file*


New member introductions / Introduction - oldschool
« on: June 22, 2024, 04:01:55 AM »
Greetings folks!

Amazing how the Scripting aspect of this game is a quest of its own.  For years we [and you] have been writing scripts to make the game more enjoyable and maybe even more manageable. Remember when we [you maybe?] first wrote a simple scripts like stay active so you wouldn't log out, then we add auto log back in and kind worked :)  then maybe we they turn into camp spy for a champ spawn or maybe a doom artifact!  Inquisitors! Maybe even added some sort of notification method or perhaps the script loaded up a song to alert you.  Some of us wrote scripts for skill gain and maybe it worked very good.  Over the years, we have been able to make scripts that were menu driven and were fantastic tools for enjoying the game.

Some folks never write but the sure do appreciate the scripts they use to make the game play fun!

Over the years we have came back and forth to ScriptUO to see if there would be a fully working EasyUO type system.  Now a days, well.. we are using completely different clients like OrionUO or ClassicUO w/RE! 

So we have joined ScriptUO to see what works many folks have done that will enhance the modern UO client options.


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