Author Topic: ENs - Subs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs. (oEUO & EUO)  (Read 178147 times)

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ENs - Subs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs. (oEUO & EUO)
« on: May 01, 2009, 05:20:14 PM »
ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Scanner
EUOX VERSION 45  oEUO Version 4.6c Beta
 Revision Date: Sept-2011 Public Release: 10/06

Theses Subs will move, change direction and scan the Buff/Debuff Icon bar in a fraction of a second in what ever direction it is facing and on whatever background it is over. The script is adaptive and will learn the new position/direction of the bar if it is moved or rotated, it is also multiclient aware, allowing you to scan buffbars over multiple clients from a single script without reloading the bars each time . This script uses OCR so the bufficon image must be visible on all clients being scanned.

Script is also availible from

Euo Version 42 and above
You need 2 files Scanbuffbar.text and scanbuffbar-Subs.txt

BuffBar Icons recognized by Category:
MAGERY -  NightSight, ReactiveArmour, Agility, Cunning, Protection, Strength, Bless, Incognito, MagicReflection, Invisibility, Polymorph, Clumsy, Feeblemind, Weaken, Poison, Curse, Paralyze,  MassCurse,
SPECIAL MOVES - MortalStrike, TalonStrike, BleedAttack, PsychicAttack, Block, Feint, DualWield, HitLowerAttack, DefenseMastery, ForceArrow, HitLowerDefense, Dismount, Disarm
GARGOYLE - Flying, Berserk
SPELLWEAVING - GiftOfRenewal, Attunement, GiftOfLife, ArcaneEmpowerment, EtherealVoyage, EssenseOfWind, Thunderstorm, ImmolatingWeapon, ReaperForm
CHIVALRY - DivineFury, EnemyOfOne, ConsecrateWeapon, EOODebuff
NINJITSU - AnimalForm
MYSTICISM - Sleep , StoneForm, SpellPlague, EnchantBuff
NECROMANCY -CurseBloodOath, CasterBloodOath, CorpseSkin, EvilOmen, MindRot, PainSpike, Strangle, LichForm, VampiricEmbrace, WaithForm, HorrificBeast, CurseWeapon, PoisonImmunityResistance
ITEM BUFFS - FishPie,  SpellFocusing, FocusingWeapons, ProtectiveWard, OrangePetals, RoseOfTrinsic, GrapesOfWrath, ManaPhase, SplinteringEffect,  WeaponWard, Healing, Disguised,
ITEM Eodon Potions  - JukariBurnPoultice, KurakAmbushersEssense, SakkhraProphylaxisPotion, BarrabHemolymphConcentrate, BarakoDraftOfMight, UraliTranceTonic
BUSHIDO - HonorableExecution, Confidence, Evasion, CounterAttack, LightningStrike, MomentumStrike,  Honored, Perfection
MISC SKILL -Hidden/Stealthing , Meditation,  Veterinary,   AcceleratedSkillGain,  FastSkillGain      
MISC - CityTradeDeal
PVP - CriminalStatus, HeatOfBattleStatus, StatLoss
SPECIAL ATTACK -  RageDebuff, MedusaStone,  AureofNausea, WebDebuff,  CorruptionDebuff,  DiseaseDebuff, FearDebuff,  FireDebuff,  GazeOfDespair, HiryuDebuff, AnemiaDebuff, HowlOfCacophony
BARD PEACEMAKING - Resilience, Preservance 
BARD PROVOCATION - Inspire, Invigorate
BARD DISCORDANCE - Tribulation,TribulationCaster, Despair,DespairCaster
MASTERY - DeathRayBuff, MysticWeapon, Conduit, ManaShield, EnchantedSummoning, AnticipateHit, Warcry, Intuition, Shadow, WhiteTigerForm, PlayingTheOdds, Thrust, ShieldBash, Bodyguard, HeightenSenses, Rampage, FistsOfFury, Knockout, FocusedEye, Toughness, ElementalFury, CalledShot, Boarding, Whispering, CombatTraining, Tolerance, InjectedStrike, Potency, WarriorsGift, HolyFistDebuff

Notes On Icons:
When wanting to discover if a Buff/Deduff is on the bar, use the exact labeling as above and Add a _ to the front and back eg _EnemyOfOne_
- Fishpie - Sadly thier is only 1 fishpie icon for all pie types.
- ProtectiveWard - 1 Icon for both Spell Ward and Weapons Ward (From Ruined Sash of Warding)
- ArcaneEmpowerment and AcceleratedSkillGain - share the same icon.

Pots - use the magery buffs.

How to use... Call C:\Easyuo\ScanBuffBar.txt ; { x y Direction (UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT) }
1. Firstly Download the ScanBuffBar.txt File and Save it in your C:\EasyUo Directory
2 .Then in your script call the scanner like one of the examples below:
Code: [Select]
;Call ScanBuffBar 1 493 UP  ; Moves bar below main screen facing UP
;Call ScanBuffBar 1 493  ; Moves Bar to 1 493
;Call ScanBuffBar LEFT  ; Makes Bar Face Left
Call ScanBuffBar ; Leaves the bar in Current postion.

Example of code usage: Arms/Disarms when BloodOathed
Code: [Select]
set %Armed #True
  Call ScanBuffBar ; Presumes file is in same location as euo
  set !oathed _CurseBloodOath_ in %BuffBarIconNames
  If  ( !oathed && %Armed ) || ( ( ! !oathed ) && ( ! %Armed ) )
     event macro 24 2  ; dis/Arm right change to 24 1 for left
     set %armed ! %Armed
  ; Displaying Some Statistics
  setuotitle %BuffBarCalls - BAR: %BuffbarDirection - Icons: %BuffBarIconsFound - %BuffBarIconNames
  Wait 5
Until #CharGhost = YES || #CliLogged = 0

Scripts Using BuffBar
LAME - Le (semi)Automated Mob Eradicator. (For sampires) On
Anti Blood Oath on
C2 healer On
LAME 3.0 - Le (semi)Automated Mob Eradicator - On
Maddog's Automator  On

Posting scripts that rely on these subs:
If you have a script that you want to post that uses these subs you are more than welcome to do so as long as you state in the header of your script/posts that your script requires ENs ScanBuffBar subs that can be downloaded form this URL or  This avoids much confusion of versions. The Buffbarscanner is frequently updated and having users download from the source is the best method. (Including the code in your file will quickly out date your code as the buff bar does frequently change, and downloading and overwriting the old version is alot simpler than having to edit every script that realies on these subs.)
DONOT include the subs in your code file or as an attachement.
DO send me a pm with the link to you post so i can have a look and post the link here

At the time of writting these subs the Buff/Debuff bar was/is a relatively new thing, something I had started to visually use alot. So when it was suggested on the threads below, it gave me the kick needed to write the code.

Credits/Thanks - Their have been many contributors to this script over the many years it has been hosted and worked on. Thank you to everyone who has contributed encouragement, ideas, suggestions, heads up on new icons and in any other way.

A Note On Script Speed
For 98% of all scripts that will use these buffbar sub  it matters very little at what speed you detect the icons on the bar. How can I say that.  Does it matter if you detect that your char is dismounted in 3ms or 33ms. For most scripts it does not. It takes many factors longer to remount than the difference in this detection time.  The same goes for almost all the other icons (eg casting a spell or eating an apple). Once you achieve scan speeds of over 10x a second (long ago passed) it really makes little odds in actual usage. The one exception to this is for scripts that control multiple characters at once, eg extreme fully automated multi-char PVP bot army's under a single scripts control, in these cases faster is always better. These subs support such usage if that's is your play style preference.

These subs perform near identical speeds which ever way the bar is facing and no matter what background it is placed on. The difference with scanning on a black background is insignificant. Currently these subs will scan the entire bar no matter how many or how few icons, depending on the speed of your computer, lag etc.. anywhere from  1-4ms per scan Average of 2ms

Optimum Speed:
Currently thier are 3 things that you can do to slightly increase the scan times. (1) and (2) below changes will make a change to the initial scan; but over time the difference the changes make will be close to zero. Do it if you so wish. personally i dont bother. (3) has a more permanent effect but is only needed for very fast scripts that scan the bar many times a second.

(1) Increase the LPC in your calling script, this actually makes significant difference on the first call.
(2) The order of the icons in the setup script does not make any difference.
(3) For EasyUO (not OpenEUO)Instead of calling scanbuffbar directly place the below code in your script and it will call the scan routines as needed... this will reduce scan speeds to an average of 0-1ms per scan, if calling the buffbar very frequently.  If you dont call the bar a min of 2+x a second then this step is just not needed.[spoiler=speed]
Code: [Select]
Sub ScanBuffBar
 Set %BuffBarOLDLPC #LPC
Set #LPC  20000
set %BuffBarCalls %BuffBarCalls + 1
namespace push
namespace local ENs_BuffBarSubs . #charid
  set !newString2
  for !lc 0 !LoopCount
   savePix !x2 . !lc  !y2 . !lc %BuffBarPixelLoc
   set !newstring2 !newstring2 , _ , #pixcol
  if %0 > 0 || !newstring2 <> !oldstring2 || !newstring2 = _0_0_0
    gosub EN_BB_AdvanceScan %0 %1 %2 %3
  set %BuffBarIconsFound  !BuffBarIconsFound
  set %BuffBarIconNames   !BuffBarIconNames
  set %BuffbarDirection   !BuffbarDirection
namespace pop

sub EN_BB_AdvanceScan   
  set %BuffBar2ndScan %BuffBar2ndScan + 1
  SavePix !ButtonX1 . !Cnt !ButtonY1 . !Cnt %BuffBarPixelLoc
  if  %1 > 0 || #pixcol <> !BuffBarKnownButtonCol1 || !newstring2 = _0_0_0
     call ScanBuffBar-Subs OpenBuffBar %1 %2 %3 %4
  set !BuffBarIconsFound 0
  set !BuffBarIconNames _
  set !oldString2  _ , !BuffBarKnownButtonCol1 , _ , !BuffBarKnownButtonCol2
  set !Cnt 2
    savePix !x2 . !Cnt  !y2 . !Cnt %BuffBarPixelLoc
    set !oldstring2 !oldstring2 , _ , #pixcol
    set !debug #pixcol
    If !Cnt . !debug > 1 || ! . !debug = N/A 2
      savePix !x1 . !Cnt  !y1 . !Cnt %BuffBarPixelLoc
      set !debug  !debug , _ , #pixcol
    If ! . !debug <> N/A 2
      set !BuffBarIconNames  !BuffBarIconNames , _ , ! . !debug , _
      set !BuffBarIconsFound !BuffBarIconsFound + 1
 ;   If ! . !debug = N/A
 ;     set %BuffBarDebug !debug
    set !Cnt !Cnt + 1
  until ! . !debug = N/A  &&  !Cnt >= !BuffBarTolerance
  set !loopcount !Cnt - 1
  if !loopCount < !BuffBarTolerance
    set !loopcount !BuffBarTolerance
  set !x20 !BuffBarButtonPosX1
  set !y20 !BuffBarButtonPosY1
  set !x21 !BuffBarButtonPosX2
  set !y21 !BuffBarButtonPosY2

A Note On Speed Testing
With this script I've done alot of speed testing over the years. To do comparable speed testing between versions, their are a few important things to do in order to compare apples to apples, I probably have more rules I'll add them as i remember them. In order of importance (1), (2) and (3) being the main ones.
(1) LPC of versions must be the same
(2) the scenario of the test must be the same (ie both called or both gosub 'ed)
(3) the status of the buffbar at the start must be the same .. ie open for both or closed for both. Placing it in a random start position for each run is also helpful
(4) the difference in icon positioning in the lists must be the same. If 5th and 10th icon or 1st and 2nd etc.  If the icon order in the 2 versions have changed then the icons tested on each script must be different or the orders matched.  This doesn't make a difference in this script but in other peoples attempted copies it does.

Usage: See script for detailed license agreement.

(C) 2006-2011 All Rights Reserved JosephAJ
Commercial usage requires written permission from the author.

NOTE: My scripts or any derivative of them are *not* for use in other players scripts!

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« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 02:09:46 PM by Endless Night »
Outlaw Josey Wales - "Manwink, A Long Gone Scripty, and Endless are always teasing us with their private sections lol. What there realy saying is scripters rule and users drool."
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Re: ENs -- Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 05:37:05 PM »
sexy addition man!  Can believe this never got approved elsewhere.  +1 karma for pimping this script

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Re: ENs -- Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 06:20:45 PM »
Yea EUO Voting system is broken.. what i carnt believe is I petitioned for it to get approved like 2 years ago under thier special circumstances rule... I was pretty sure they would approve it considering nothing else like it exists and probably never will..... but they never did never even responded with a vote result after accepting the petition... !!! go figure.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 09:46:05 AM by Endless Night »
Outlaw Josey Wales - "Manwink, A Long Gone Scripty, and Endless are always teasing us with their private sections lol. What there realy saying is scripters rule and users drool."
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2009, 12:18:31 AM »
Did your ear ring just a little bit ago? Should have, cause I cursed you. It was quick and relatively well mannered.

See, I use pixel scanning for Lightning Strike (amongst other things, but LS is the focus). Everything worked great, until I put in your incredible buff bar scanner.

Suddenly LS stopped working?! I went round and round trying to figure out why. Took me about 20 mins before I thought, "Wow, I know EN uses pixel scanning, I wonder if he's using register 1 to store his pix in?"

Sure enough, I changed my LS to pix reg 5 and works like a champ again. And thanks to you, I now have constant EoO with it as well :)

I'm not sure what number can be used, but as a small suggestion, make your pixel scanning register 999 or something ;) or a note about using pix reg 1.
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2009, 07:24:46 AM »
Had that same issue Cerv. in my dexer farmer.  Once i changed my pixel #'s it was fine too.  great suggestion. 

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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2009, 05:09:52 PM »
Good suggestion guys... on the next release ill add that.

I will have a bunch more icons to add after this mega patch is done. (flying and who knows what)
Outlaw Josey Wales - "Manwink, A Long Gone Scripty, and Endless are always teasing us with their private sections lol. What there realy saying is scripters rule and users drool."
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 05:33:18 PM »
We need a registry of who's allowed to use what in what scripts!! Normally Namespace takes care of it, but issues like this can't really be avoided without proper knowledge!! We should each pick our favorite numbers and post the registry list!!
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 08:00:29 PM »
Remember that you can have anything in the registry now.  I just start mine with *TM_ , whatever.
Please read the ScriptUO site RULES
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 08:04:50 AM »
Remember that you can have anything in the registry now.  I just start mine with *TM_ , whatever.

no no no, not registry as in the registry on your computer, but registry as in like the "Star Registry" where you can name a star for someone and give it to them. LoL! Soooo when we're using things like pixel scanning, my scripts will always use 17, yours could use 5, EN's could use 23, whatever the number may be. But we can come up with all the possible conflicts that cant be avoided using Namespaces and list them on the site
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2009, 01:45:54 PM »
Updated to Version 15
Now Supports Icons For
- Flying
- Sleep         (Mysticism spell)
- StoneForm  (Mysticism spell)

Also now supports Setting of SavePix Memory location

Also no more eyeball poping flashing...  Reopening of gump reduced to a minimum.

Updated to Version 15b

Just realized one icon has been missing since creation.

Added - Ninjitsu - AnimalForm


I wouldnt mind getting ONE script Approved over on EUO .. so if you have never voted for this script on EUO please do so now.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 03:32:20 PM by Endless Night »
Outlaw Josey Wales - "Manwink, A Long Gone Scripty, and Endless are always teasing us with their private sections lol. What there realy saying is scripters rule and users drool."
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2010, 05:25:07 PM »
how about spell plague with mysticism.  it has an icon.  i could get on with u and cast it on you like last time you added stuff.   :D

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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2010, 08:15:09 PM »
how about spell plague with mysticism.  it has an icon.  i could get on with u and cast it on you like last time you added stuff.   :D

Thanks for casting on me C2 and pointing out the missing icon.

UPDATED.... first time since 1 year and 1 day ago precisely.
Outlaw Josey Wales - "Manwink, A Long Gone Scripty, and Endless are always teasing us with their private sections lol. What there realy saying is scripters rule and users drool."
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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2010, 09:07:28 PM »
Works perfectly man!!!  tyvm


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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2010, 10:34:20 PM »
This is a much needed conversion to OEUO. :)

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Re: ENs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs.
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2010, 05:23:08 AM »
This is a much needed conversion to OEUO. :)

Yes i have started looking into that.
Outlaw Josey Wales - "Manwink, A Long Gone Scripty, and Endless are always teasing us with their private sections lol. What there realy saying is scripters rule and users drool."
Briza - "Your a living breathing vortex of usefulness."
