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Topics - mardybm

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Guys, let me in!
« on: February 25, 2012, 02:29:05 AM »
Hello ScriptUO community!

I'm mardybm, I'm 25 years old and I live in Russia.

I've been searching the internet for some good scripts and I have found this site. When I was playing UO from 2003 to 2006, on a OSI-style freeshard, the only place for such things was EUO. But these days, I see that their script library haven't updated for years. Seems like SUO is the heart of scripting now.

Usually I play with my mage/tamer, but I'm already tired of this ordinary boring build, and want to try something crazy. I've almost finished my PVP ninja/hiding/stealth/TRACKING :o with AXE. Some kind of Silent Assassin. Now looking for good +15 jewellery. And I also plan to train a bard (4 bardic skills) + archer or mage, dunno, haven't decided yet. I wanna finally try to use these firehorns with 100+ damage in PVM. 

Also, when I've played UO last time, there wasn't all these new library and museum collections. When I saw them first time, especially the prices, I was like "holy cow, how I supposed to gather so many resources by myself?"

So, for all these things above I need the power of scripting.

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