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Messages - Grimfear

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Aloha, folks!
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:38:22 AM »
Welcome!  New myself here but you will love it

New member introductions / Re: Hello!
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:07:07 PM »
If I knew I would see so much river/firefly on this board I would of posted sooner! heh

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester 1.29 with Advanced CLAw support
« on: September 04, 2012, 03:40:47 PM »
Ok I am running newtrinket you made through the developer and it works fine but the quester keeps saying no rails found.  As for my rail that is running fine just cant figure how to get it to go back through the portal.  It goes in runs down to the trinket NPC (thanks btw thought I had to use the arbs, those stairs kept messing me up.) and back no problem but once it gets to the portal it stops and gives the waypoint to far error.

Is there something I have to set as a namekind id for the return?  What I am doing atm is from the recall spot I use insert namekind for the portal so it finds it goes through and then I hit insert waypoint on otherside from there then walk down to the tinkers hit stop.

Thanks again for the help.  I am going through the PDF as I do this trying to learn as much as I can so I am sorry about all the questions.

Post Merge: September 05, 2012, 01:33:42 PM
Finally got my own rail script working and its recognized by the quester!!!  Now it runs and lets me go through setup but after I have gone through shown it my secure, dump bag, my bag, runebook, beetle it just does nothing.  The mouse goes into the upper left corner and nothing happens.  I have tried hitting save but that seems to do nothing every time I load up it still says I have no user configuration so I rerun setup each time.

One problem down now to figure this one out, btw incase anyone else is curious seems my issue with the portal was when I used namekind to go through it the waypoint was labeled VQV_Portal to heartwood so when it was going backwards it would get stuck.  The portal on heartwood side is portal to yew so I just changed it to VQV_Portal and bam it worked perfectly both directions.

Thanks once again with the help TrailMyx!

Post Merge: September 05, 2012, 01:21:21 PM
Ok got it running perfectly now, damn this thing is awesome.  Once I figured the portal out and the rail worked I did not realize the hang up on the setup was the beetles pack not opening which was mentioned before but did not click until I accidentally opened the context menu and it continued from there.

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester 1.29 with Advanced CLAw support
« on: September 04, 2012, 03:04:37 PM »
Awesome thanks that actually is helping.  I can get newtrinket to load up through that script but the one I am creating and trinket2 gets a rail error. 

What would cause newtrinket to not be seen by the quester?  It loads up fine with claw and everything but keeps giving me the no rail found message.  Going to try and use it while I figure this portal back and forth issue out.  Just not sure why I keep getting waypoint to far.

Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester 1.29 with Advanced CLAw support
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:33:41 AM »
I am having some issues.  I have tried to setup my own rails using the guide that was posted I was able to get the transition from yew to HW to work but I cant figure how to get back out.  It will play backwards up to the portal then just stops and says waypoint is to far.

I decided to try using the hw-newtrinket.txt rail that is posted but when I start up the quester it just says I have "no default configuration for this character found" then goes on to say no rails found.  I changed the info to reflect the name as follows.

set %use_custom_rails #FALSE  ; change to true to load your own rails

if %use_custom_rails = #FALSE
  set %railbowcraft hw_bowcraft.txt  ; label = hw_bowcraft index=0
  set %railtrinket hw_newtrinket.txt    ; label = hw_newtrinket  index=1
  set %label_bowcraft hw_bowcraft
  set %label_trinket hw_newtrinket

Everything is in the same folder so I am not sure what else to do.  I have been searching through this entire thread trying things as I read them but so far nothing has fixed this for me sorry.  I am also trying to figure out to configure the quester, I am assuming once it detects a rail I will be able to but for now if I try hitting setup it does nothing.

New member introductions / Hello!
« on: September 03, 2012, 04:05:17 PM »
Hey!  I just recently came back from a break that was meant to last a month or two but ended up lasting for a few years due to life....pfft who needs one.  I have been playing UO since its release and even met my wife on it back in 99.  Every time we have tried to get away from the game we keep coming back, its the one online game that really never fails and at least for us we can always come back to and have a blast.  

Looking forward to meeting more people, its sad UO population is so low on some servers but at least it is still alive and kicking which is something to be said compared to many of the games that have come out since its release.  I mostly play PVM  now on my bard tamer, slowly working up a sampire suit that I started making now that I have imbuing up.  When I first started I was big into PVP back before the fel/tram split but now I find my reflexes just dont keep up for PVP on most games.

On the personal side I was in the Air force for 10 years and now I am going to school for networking administration.  The wife and I play UO together on the weekends mostly on atlantic occasionally on origin.

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