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Messages - Jean

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Hello EN i love your scripts!

I dont know if its only me but when i hit any key in my keyboard the buff bar closes and script call it again, and when this happen the script assumes that the spells are gone and cast again. Anyone else having this problem?

Awesome Script!

New member introductions / Re: My intro
« on: July 02, 2014, 01:47:07 PM »
The last quest script i made was to automate Farmer Nash quest, to collect Imbue ingredients ( silver serpents, void creatures and raptor ) and other components ( diamonds, saphire, etc ). It loop the quest and recall home to store and come back. Its carshing sometimes but im looking on it. The template is 35 stealth (75 with equips) 100 hiding 120 sword 120 tactics 99 Necro 100 Detect Hiding 100 Tracking 50 Ninjtsu. Heal with pots and i use Horrific Beast Form lol. When that big blue 4 armed monster show up attacking a stealther i bet they jump from their seats lol.

New member introductions / My intro
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:55:52 AM »
Hello, my name is Jean. I do not play UO for a long time and I miss it. My favorite hobbies is treasure hunting in Brittania and make scripts to automate quests. I always played in the Catskills under the name "Feanor" or "Sir Bruno" if someone remember me, send me a hi! = D
My favorite template is the Stealther archer, since i dont have a good connection thats all i can do in pvp. I'm back playing now and a friend showed me scriptuo and told me to join to ask questions about scripts, the gameplay nowdays. My real life is too boring now, I am studying abroad and dont have much else to do in the morning. I will start making some chars in Atlantic ( i love to make weird templates like "Stealther - Stealther Hunter" a stealther who hunts stealthers lol ). Hope to find u guys around!

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