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Topics - stormfuries29p

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Greetings All!
« on: September 11, 2009, 06:36:38 AM »
I've been reading all the new member introductions and it seems as if most of you are males, I am not. I've been playing for 5 years on Origin shard, Chessy, Baja, and Lake Superior. Most of my time is spent on Origin which is my shard of choice, since housing isn't a problem like it is on Chessy. I've never played on a free shard before, EA faithfully takes my money every quarter.  :) I play a  leg. mage/tamer, leg bard, leg necro/stealth/fencer, leg warrior/bushido/fencer or switch her to swords, leg blacksmith/tailor/carp/tinker/alc/scribe, etc... and my ever faithful thief/stealher/lockpicker, I'm deciding since I bought the 7th slot char. what I want to make.
I've been using easyuo scripts for the past 4 years, and actually googled your site. I cannot create a macro to save my life, many times I wish I did I'm sure my char. wouldn't be dying had I known how.  :)
I didn't list my chars names only because I take no chances that a GM from UO may happen to visit this board.
Thank you for your time.

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