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Topics - Carnotaur

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello Everyone
« on: September 12, 2009, 09:24:30 AM »
Nothing special here, im here to learn all i can and make my own scripts.  Looks like a very handle tool to help me along since i have disabilities.

Thanks for making it possible!

Ok i will modify my post.

Honestly, i only have 1 usable arm. The other was damaged in a farming accident.
I play the atlantic shard and have been playing on and of for the last 5 yrs. I also play other
games aswell. But nothing beats UO Content.

I play all different types of characters, although i do not Pvp and havent for the last 3 yrs.
I mainly play crafters, some PVM i have made a Tamer/bard.

For the most part i like to chill and play UO during long days at home while sipping on a cold brew.

My wife and son also play and the same shard as i do. Recently got him the upgrade he is so hyped over it. He didnt know the expansion was coming till i had upgraded his account and he seen he could make a gargoyle. He was very happy bout that.

Anyway, if there is anything else you would want to know, just ask.

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