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Topics - velocity0214

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Coming back to Ultima...
« on: August 14, 2010, 09:40:59 AM »
although it seems it may be a bad time to be a scripter and coming back to a game that looks like it might crack down on scripts, but that's half the fun. They build a better mouse trap and the mice get smarter. 

I started UO in 1999 and got so engrossed in the game for 5 years I almost ended up divorced.  I quit for a couple of years and still ended up divorced.  Lost a couple of valuable years of game time there.  I started again and married again, quit again, divorced again.  This time I married a plays UO more than I do now.

I have a degree in programming, yet I work as an assistant general manager for a hospital linen laundry company... the job security in this economy is priceless, not to mention the salary and benefits.  I have been reading up on Lua for OpenEUO in hopes to take advantage of more flexibility in my scripts.  I have been looking for a site, other than the obvious one, to post scripts for some good feedback, instead of being told I write gold farmers and afk scripts and that they aren't to be posted.

It's been a while and I am a little rusty but nothing helps more than getting someone to try out your work and show you what you are missing or an easier way to do something.  Hope to see everyone on the boards or in some cases in the game.  I play on GL and prolly will till they shut the doors.

Happy Scripting,
Velocity (yes, my member name is a

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