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Topics - jannhagb77

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hey guys
« on: April 19, 2015, 03:31:14 PM »
Hey, im janne from sweden.
I started playing back in 99, mainly running solo and didnt understand why i died all the time.
Took me a while to get that you could actually kill eachother. played off and on after that for a few years.
mainly on caster chars.
I returned a couple of months back and it`s still quite addictive. Ive been on a few shards. Mostly europa with some visits to atlantic, drach and legends if my memory doesnt fail me.
I do work alot and the time i spend playing uo i mainly do pvp, champs and stuff like that, And thats pretty much the reason why im here. I dont like to spend hours and hours just to get a few gains.
Im doing taming atm, was at 92 when i returned and it takes forever to get to the point where i dont have to rely on jewelry anymore.
I dont have a gf atm so no measurements at this point  :D I might follow up on that one.
Got a few cars that requires some work from time to time, just sold my boat so no more fishing for a while.
And i do like beer  8)

// Janne

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