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Messages - Crome969

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Scripting Chat / Re: EUO Updtr - "new" client support
« on: April 17, 2016, 05:39:12 AM »
The offset algorythm changed a bit the last years so the current implemented logic may not work to aquire older clients.
My personal guess is, that the old client versions are remaining there for historical usage, but the implementation of current "updater" no longer is able to
detect old clients.

If you want to support older clients you need to break that code and find a way to adapt the old logic. You also could asked cheffe if he has an old build
of source which allows you to get those data. I fear you will be unlucky because cheffe wont had that thing coded when he started euo.

Stealth Client / Re: Stealth Client autocloses on execution
« on: April 06, 2016, 03:19:04 AM »

Stealth Client / Re: Stealth Client autocloses on execution
« on: April 03, 2016, 01:22:58 AM »
Been working fine on my machine running Windows ten.

However when I hit the little minimize button to drop it down to the tray it always closes the program. That's kinda weird

I think its an issue with c++ Libraries. I got that issue when installing c++ libraries from certain games, they override my old ones.

Off Topic / Re: Rest in Peace AnyDVD
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:40:20 AM »
@Nobama : they continue anydvd with previous bought licenses.

Stealth Client / Re: Stealth Client autocloses on execution
« on: March 30, 2016, 03:46:29 AM »
I have this issue atm myself and analyse what could cause it. Will tell you once i find a solution

Stealth scripts / Re: [V6,ScriptSDK] Egg Farmer - v2.0.0.3 (stable)
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:38:31 AM »
Do you use the Stealth Client? this sounds like the api connector try to search for a Stealth Client for Communication and fail ...

Stealth scripts / Re: [V6,ScriptSDK] Egg Farmer - v2.0.0.3 (stable)
« on: March 22, 2016, 01:13:50 AM »
I think that I have them correctly in the Reference section and I double checked to ensure the DLL was in the correct folder.  As an example, I have:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Expression\Blend\.NETFramework\v4.5\Libraries\ScriptSDK.dll

If I compile it and run the exe, I get an error at opening it.  I debug it and try common fixes for the items but new errors pop up each time.  I am not familiar with VS enough to fix this apparently.  I guess in the past year too many things have changed.  It would be nice if his install package was able to be downloaded but it looks like he took it down perhaps.

Maybe we will be lucky and when someone has free time, they can update and post for the community   ;)

ScriptSDK is a standalone non Microsoft library written by me. If you add reference to ScriptSDK.dll you should also make sure that the executing exe has a ScriptSDK.dll in the folder.

Try to drop the dll where your exe has been compiled, and perform the exe as admin. Then it should work.

Stealth scripts / Re: [V6,ScriptSDK] Egg Farmer - v2.0.0.3 (stable)
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:04:38 AM »
What Error do you get? I know unisharp is taking an uo break but i can try to help out a bit :)

Off Topic / Re: Rest in Peace AnyDVD
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:46:06 AM »
Excellent, thank you.

The next forum topic I start will be titled, "Recommendations for setting up a NAS?"

you read what i post? this tool can rip Bluerays and DVD down to mkv files regarding of protection..^^

I use the 1 click DVD copier to archive my stuff so I can get everything on my NAS so I can move all my DVDs out into my garage.

These days, I don't even do that.  I use makemkv to make .mkv files instead.  I even bought the license so I can copy my bluerays.  Works great, but sometimes I run into a problem disk.  Rare though; I've copied around 70 of my bluerays and only had problems with 1 so far.  The rest are safely archived on my NAS and available via my Plex server.

I feel like iam drunk you said exact same, i just not read properly..

BTW did not used anyDVD since ages but when DVD was new format it was a good tool.

Off Topic / Re: How do I write a script to scrape data from a website?
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:47:22 PM »
If you look into the source code they call a java script to build the table.
You may could modify it and pipe the output. Enjoy my MTG Fellow!

Off Topic / Re: Rest in Peace AnyDVD
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:43:33 PM »
I use and rip all to my NAS.

Off Topic / Re: Need Computer info
« on: February 07, 2016, 11:34:29 AM »
You are correct, i picked wrong RAM. May find him a correct one please iam not good on us stores :)

Off Topic / Re: Need Computer info
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:08:56 AM »
Looks good. Well then you have a similar build, i also have windows 10 installed.

We may should let someone a bit more experienced then me look over, iam more a software and not a hardware specialist.
The build i used, i discussed with the SysAdmin of my company.

Off Topic / Re: Need Computer info
« on: February 07, 2016, 02:58:40 AM »
I recommning not using any AMD CPU and ATI Graphics.
The World already optimize their stuff towards INTEL, why would someone open the AMD grave and add more dead money?

ah yes... I too used to be an AMD hater... I had more *fun* money back then... AMD is always a fraction of the price for mininimal performance loss for the average user.

You, my friend, are NOT the average user  :)

The problem with AMD is they lost the track. Back then i was a huge fan of the XP Series (2000+,2400+2800+...) My previous Computer were an AMD Phenom X4 Black Edition 965 which served me for 5 years without much issues. The Problem is, while Intel increased data buffer, modern threading , virtualisation and other goodies, AMD had a winter sleep off.
Now AMD focus on onboard GPU to provide "on stack" solutions for Gamer. The problem is, that their GPU solution never can compete with a real graphic card with own CPU\GPU and external data pipes.
Maybe iam blind, but on modern applications i see no program (except you plan to do bitcoin mining, then ATI\AMD is better) which benefits by AMD exclusive. On the other side we have virtualisation, Emulators and certain programs which benefits von Intel. Ask yourself, how many AMD smartphones exist? How many Intel smartphones exist? Or how about network storages (NAS)? The more devices use the same kind of communication and technology, the more publishers of soft- and hardware will focus on that branches.

As far it goes to ATI-Graphics, my only experience were the x300 and 9200 ages ago and the drivers where unstable as hell. Crashes, Slowdowns, overheat, bluescreens on driver updates. No I not will trust em & ATI is from AMD. Iam not willed to burn money for something could be gone tomorrow.

Edit : Before i forget, even casual programs like browsers, flash player takes higher requirements. Having a powerful CPU cant be wrong...

Off Topic / Re: Need Computer info
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:16:53 AM »

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