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Messages - j.kitty

Pages: 1 [2]
Off Topic / Re: Barcode
« on: October 07, 2009, 09:13:37 AM »
Ah sorry TM... no harm intended.

Off Topic / Re: Barcode
« on: October 07, 2009, 07:50:27 AM »
Twinkle McNugget, it also depends on your definition of "above board."  CIA and FBI can put ANYONE on their watch list for ANY REASON.  *bleep*, I mean even John Lennon was on the FBI watch list back in the day (  Are we supposed to just accept a society like the one we read about in 1984 where THINKING something out of line is considered a crime? 

I do understand that there is a give and take between safety and privacy, but the kinds of things the human mind comes up with freaks me out.  Here in NYC there are surveillance cameras in Lower Manhattan under the guise of deterring terrorism and the mayor just announced that they will be expanding it to Midtown as well (  Yes, normal citizens have no reason to fear these devices, only those who would seek to break the law.  But again, those definitions become greyed and change over time.  Anti-war protesters, civil rights activists, hell even women seeking the vote around the turn of the century were all once considered threats to national security. 

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the safety and security of this country (all of my fathers brothers, my father and my grandfather were all NYC cops), but I'm always concerned about the lengths those in power will go to...  that and I have an extremely over active imagination haha.

General UO Chat / Re: Cool Ring and Fishing Pole!
« on: October 07, 2009, 06:27:42 AM »
Somewhere back there is a lucky fountain too that gives you rewards if you toss in a Lucky Coin, one of which is a Europa Gold bag called a Gemologist's Satchel...

[DISCLAIMER: none of those images is mine (lol), obtained them from Stratics].

Off Topic / Barcode
« on: October 07, 2009, 06:23:49 AM »
So google changed its logo to a barcode today in celebration of the anniversary of the 1st barcode patent.  For all you geeks out there who (like me) like to read about the history of things, here's some links:

For some reason, thinking of barcodes has led me to think about the possibility (and probablility) of the institution of barcode-like tattoos or implants as identification (its happened before so its not a stretch of the imagination to think that it wouldn't happen again, this time with more sophisticated technology).  Minority Report might not have been the greatest movie, but it creeped me out to see the eye scanner devices utilized to track the populace.  Anyone interested in reading/watching more about the potential downward spiral our civilization is headed for might want to check out the following links for dystopian literature and movies (Oh no, the new girl is a psycho lol... )

Want recommendations?  Just ask...

Television/Movies / Re: In nomine Patri, Et Fili, Spiritus Sancti
« on: October 07, 2009, 06:03:22 AM »
Man, I'm all about the thread resurrecting lately, but I really couldn't help it here.  Boondock Saints is by far one of my favorite movies and I can't wait for the 2nd.. didn't realize it was so soon already!

Rocco: I'll catch you on the flip side.

Off Topic / Re: Opinions on my web site
« on: October 07, 2009, 05:46:00 AM »
I think its probably our firewalls at work (law firms blech).  I'll have to remember to try from home.

Off Topic / Re: Opinions on my web site
« on: October 06, 2009, 12:23:48 PM »
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General UO Chat / Re: Stone Statues and Exploding EV's
« on: October 06, 2009, 12:19:40 PM »
I like the ice skating horses.  The vet reward statues moving is creepy (thought I was hallucinating at first).  Was anyone able to figure out how to get them to get off their stand and walk around?

Off Topic / Re: Trillian is dead to me.
« on: October 06, 2009, 06:17:36 AM »
Not to resurrect an old thread or anything but I just recently installed Astra on my home pc and anytime someone is typing a message to me the chat window flashes through my other screens.  Its especially annoying when I'm pvping or doing anything else in UO to have these damn windows flashing through the UO program.  I also have Astra installed at work and I don't have the problem here.  I really hate that it didn't import my chat history or any of my settings or away messages.  Anyone have any success with Pidgin?

New member introductions / Re: ohmygooses!
« on: October 05, 2009, 12:55:02 PM »
Oh hey, you're the one UOMaddog was talking about. 

Uhoh.. *hides under the desk* hehe just kidding.  Hello TrailMyx.  Thanks for all the awesome scripts of yours that I've used.  I certainly wouldn't have 3 accounts now (among countless other things) without the scripting community.  I was hoping to be able to fix the ones of mine that aren't working due to the crafting menu changes, but I fear it is well above my head.  So I have a healthy respect for the magic ya'll are able to work.  Keep it up!

New member introductions / Re: ohmygooses!
« on: October 05, 2009, 12:45:27 PM »
YES!  I will test your imbuing scripts gladly!  107 imbuing by hand then I just gave up.  Blinding migraines are really not a girl's best friend...

New member introductions / ohmygooses!
« on: October 05, 2009, 07:21:21 AM »
Hey all, I'm j.kitty and as you may have surmised, I'm new here!  I've played UO off and on since 1999 (though I didn't have my own account until 2004).  I started on Chessy and recently expanded to LS, Cats and GL with my pvp guild.  Since the new expansion, I've been focusing my three accounts on resource gathering and training skills (damn imbuing is giving me migraines and nightmares and I'm STILL not 120!!).  Hmm.. my friends would probably say I'm a trammy at heart because I like to design and deco houses, but I also love getting out there and kicking ass on my archer and necro mage (soon to be nox weave mage).  There's really never enough time in the day to accomplish everything in UO that I sit down to do (mainly because I'm easily distrac...oooh shiney!!).  Ultimately I'm here because UOMaddog said I should register (I think he's tired of my pestering icq's about scripts  ;) ).  I've done a little bit of scripting, mainly modding existing scripts to add new item id's to increase functionality. 

Anyway, that's my intro... now would someone please update craftinfo.txt so I can get back to doing bods again? *SOBS* hehe  :D

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