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Messages - Goliath

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 [28] 29
New member introductions / Re: Hiya!!!!
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:39:40 AM »
Hello all nice to be back after 2 years yay!!!

  WOW, talk about somebody that overdid himself on a intro! Wow, I really hope you didnt get carple tunnel or anything with the amount of effort you put into that intro! Took me forever to read it even, good thing I took an Evelyn Wood Speed reading course before hand!

  If that wasnt enough to make you think a bit, then please go and read some of the stickied posts for new intros, you might see yours is lacking...just a bit!
LMAO... I love the sarcasm on this site!

Off Topic / Re: mouse troubleshoot plz
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:38:34 AM »
Grats on fixing the issue.... Now throw that crappy mouse away and get you a serious gaming mouse :)

New member introductions / Re: excited to be apart of the team.
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:36:19 AM »
Welcome... Have a look around.  These guys are great at getting back to you with answers to questions.  There are also what appears to be an endless supply of posts to read.  I still have 5013 more to go.. LOL

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Finder v1.6
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:08:30 AM »
Sounds great.  It certainly sounds like it will be more efficient than my method and I love the idea of incorporating the "Mark Rune" ability.

Movie Review / Re: Cowboys vs Aliens!
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:48:33 AM »
I don't know of anyone that has actually paid to see it yet, but when I return to work tomorrow I am sure there is atleast one that will have gone to check it out.  Maybe I can get a review from someone there.

Scripting Chat / Re: new to script running
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:25:35 AM »
I remember the days of watching my first script run and thinking OMG... why have I been doing things the slow way for so long.  This is a miracle!!

Rift / Re: Screenshots from RIFT
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:18:53 AM »
I played it and loved it in the beginning.  I got tired of the almost seemingless end of quests that needed to be completed in order to move to the next area.  It's not a bad story line and the Rifts are rather unique.  I like that they can get really nasty if people aren't there to take care of them.

IDOC tools / Re: frneo's Auto House Placer
« on: July 30, 2011, 06:51:26 PM »
I assume this is a script for placing in an area after an IDOC or someting of that nature.  I myself am horrible at placing houses in tight spots and was always hoping someone would create a script that would help me.  Basically, if I was standing in an open area that looked as though a keep should fit then using a script it would attempt to place a keep in different positions infront of the character until it exausted all posibilities or placed the keep.  This is my dream!!

Movie Review / Cowboys vs Aliens!
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:55:07 PM »
Seriously... Have all the good writes for movies run out of ideas?  I have come to the realization that the writes of sitcoms can no longer come up with an orignal idea of their own.  The spawn of reality TV has been a serious decay of American values and just continues to only prove that we have become a nation of people that belive they are entitled to everything with no real effort on their part.  The kids these days are completely out of control and I fear for the days when I am old and have to depend on them. 

Sorry... Got a little of track there.. LOL   Cowboys vs Aliens... I read one review saying it will be the best film of the year.  Anyone that believes this film has a chance of grossing more than Harry Potter needs a reality check :)

Television/Movies / Re: New movies "BattleShip"
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:43:30 PM »
It still looks like a movie that appeals to me.  I am a movie junkie so I'm sure I will watch it.

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Monitor/Looter v1.0c
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:41:03 PM »
I will figure it out in time.  I was just trying to get things prepared for a few houses falling soon.

Off Topic / Re: Closing my Netflix account for the last time.
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:07:22 PM »
Back when Netflix raised their price by $1, I shut down my account for several months.  But now that they are GREATLY raising their subscription prices, I've shut my account down for good.  I guess their stock price of $250/share just isn't good enough.  Hmm.

Anyhow, I hate when companies forget about what got them successful in the first place.

Goodbye Netflix.
I feel you on this one.  We shut ours down the second we read the story.  I wonder if it will change after the massive group of people close their accounts.

IDOC tools / Re: TrailMyx's IDOC Monitor/Looter v1.0c
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:59:31 PM »
I am selecting items to populate my loot list; however, it would appear that it is logging each item individually buy code.  So even though I have targeted a leather dye tub it is listing it as that specific one.  I tested this buy unlocking all my dye tubs in my house and hit "being looting".  It did nothing and beeped that looting was complete.  So it picks up nothing because it searches for those specific one listed by their code.

Is this acting correctly?  That would mean that the standard script will only work for houses that are PUBLIC and that I would be able to go in and target the items.  Is there a way to populate the list with generic titles or codes so that it would pick up all Legendary Scrolls, tubs, chests, tokens, etc.?

General UO Chat / Re: Busted
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:28:14 PM »
Coffee: a beverage made by percolation, infusion, or decoction from the roasted and ground seeds of a coffee plant.

LOL... Love the sarcasm!

General UO Chat / Re: BOD Rewords
« on: July 29, 2011, 08:19:31 PM »
I was just talking with a friend and asking about the BOD system wondering if had changed.  This is good to know and the Tower of Roses was always my favorite source of information.  Nice to know it still is accurate.

Still it would be nice if they would redo the reward system.  I can always wish upon a star :)

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