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Messages - El_Remo

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I keep saying ima try it out. Ive been insane buisy the last few days.

Ok i got them and ill give it a run over. Ill post up feedback this weekend. Thanks for another great script.

Off Topic / IPODS
« on: May 22, 2011, 12:11:19 PM »
 Anyone know anything about these? I have one and attempted to plug into my truck radio. It works fine but as soon as the ipod is turned on, i get some background white noise that can only be eliminated by turning my treble way down. I changed things and plugged my wifes in and it works just fine with no noise, also my sons. They have older models. I was wondering if im just out of luck or if there was a chance that reformatting the ipod would help..  Well thanks

Scripting Chat / Re: Commodity Deed Filler
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:57:54 PM »
Yeah ill give it a go for sure. I really dont like the action on the other one. It does the job but doesnt seem efficient. Ill keep in touch with my progress or lack thereof lol.

Resource Farming / Re: Seerius High Seas Land Fisher v1.2
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:56:06 PM »
Great news buddy. Im using 1.2 as i type this. Once its setup and you know what to do, its not a problem at all. Cant wait to see what other goodies you throw in with the next version.

Scripting Chat / Re: Commodity Deed Filler
« on: May 19, 2011, 09:22:57 AM »
I actually found one. Funny it was posted only a few days after the partial that you made public. Im gonna still go through the one you put out and see if I can fill in the blanks. It should be a good learning experience.

Scripting Chat / Re: Commodity Deed Filler
« on: May 19, 2011, 09:14:08 AM »
I was doing a search when I came across this. I will give this a go Paulonius. It will be my first project of any kind so it will take some time. I will update on progress.

Update on this. Never mind. It seems someone came out with one 3 days after your post.  Ill have to find another simple one to try.  Thats strike 2.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire what now
« on: May 18, 2011, 07:37:17 AM »
Im working on that right now cerveza. Ive not been one in the past to use a complicated template, but this one seems to show promise. Mine is a thrower

New member introductions / Re: Hey
« on: May 14, 2011, 07:14:34 AM »
High seas is a good change of pace for me. Hope you enjoy..  Welcome..

Off Topic / Re: Buying a Grill - Suggestions welcome
« on: May 14, 2011, 05:33:36 AM »
Ive actually found some gas grills at lowes that i like. They have the radiant screen that should provide a a much more even cooking. Also it should help slow down the little grease fires burning my stuff up.

This wont do me as i just gave my good charcoal grill to my mom. My dad bough that grill in 1968. Its one of the old cast aluminum ones :) Anyway for convenience sake i am more than likely getting a side by side gas/charcoal combo. I can do chicken and even burgers on the gas if i need something done in a hurry, but if im doing steak ill def. want to use the charcoal side.

New member introductions / Re: crafting magic jewels
« on: May 08, 2011, 05:58:31 AM »
Kinda looks like the exac same post and title and requests as i saw on another site this morning.    :-\

Think im gonna give this large volume method a go. The script you mentioned for lockdown of plants, does C2s plant security setting script do that in itself or was there something else i was needing..  thanks

NM i found something thats gonna work fine...      :o

General UO Chat / Re: Imbueing is making my head spin
« on: May 04, 2011, 12:07:29 PM »
I worked my imbue up to about 70. First place is go to somewhere like shame and hunt. The items there are low enough that you should be able to unravel them.  Unravel them  by the bag after you get things going. Once your 50-55 then you can move up to better loot. Somewhere like painted caves..  I think mine is about 65-70 but and ive not crafted anything. I just havent messed with it in awhile. I guess i need to get back to hunting.

Resource Farming / Re: Seerius High Seas Land Fisher v1.2
« on: May 03, 2011, 12:51:44 PM »
Having some troubles with it at the moment. It recalls to my first fishing spot, then to safe spot, then tries to fish one or 2 casts, then to a safe spot where it attempts to fish again.  Im gonna doublecheck IDs on my books, then remark my runes. I will reply again as soon as im sorted. I got a buddy using it as of a few days ago and hes had no issues so im certain the problem is on my end..

Yeah for some reason its just recalling back between my fishing book and my safe book. Sometimes trying to fish once its at a safebook location too. Interesting for me but its also my luck.
Would having improper runes in my fishing book cause this or could it be something else im not thinking about on my end. Im double checking my books right now.

Ok after some trial and error i have weeded enough bad runes out to make it work some lol. I figured that was the problem. Got to get them in exactly the right spot. The only issue ive found so far that may be correctable is when i recall to a bank and the spot is blocked, it just tries to drag fish until you pause it. It never tried to recall to another place first. Any thoughts on how i can fix this. Obviously ill remark runes to places less likely to have a critter on them.  Thanks

Day two and things are much more smooth. I have more runes that are working properly and that solved most of my issues. The other issue where the recall to the bank doesnt work and my character tries to drag fish anyway, sorts itself out after about a minute. The script tries to fish again then it goes to another bank. All in all im making great use of this script. i adjusted the amount of shoes i carry before dumping down from 30. Everything else is the same as when i made the download. Thanks for this. Gonna save me lots of time. I hate inland fishing. I dont mind at sea so much.

New member introductions / Re: Im Garreth
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:44:35 PM »
Yeah buddy. There are some sample introductions in this section. You can kinda base your intro off of them. These guys are a great group to deal with. They just ask for a decent introduction before opening the doors.  Good luck man

Scripting Chat / Re: The New Fishing Quests
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:17:58 AM »
When your on the Trinsic sever you can recall to Jhelom & Skara Brae  to pick up and drop off quest .

Thanks man. Thats one I didnt know about. 

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