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Messages - Hollywood_Shono

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_C2_ Script Library / Re: C2's Keg Emptier
« on: January 02, 2010, 06:10:08 AM »
Excellent script thank you

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: A HardY Simple Heal
« on: January 02, 2010, 05:46:19 AM »
Will pots work with this script soon it would be nice healing works very well.

Have you tried to transfer the quests to the other one?  That just might be easier..

Well way too torcher me you big meanie but that means i didnt learn anything! I still want to know how i go about doing it...

set %vendortype Ciala , #spc , the , #spc , arborist$

I did that and still says vendor cant be located..

Again it comes down to what you want to do with the script.  And that you really need to understand what the subroutine findvendor is doing.  Here's another hint....

The script is setup to look for *2* different kinds of venders(arguments separated by "$" in the variable %vendortype), Trinket weavers AND arborists.  What happens if you only want to look for one type?

Again, this is all in the code, there's no magic in what findvendor is doing. 

But really this sub can be used to locate anything with a specific text. You just have to specify the text correctly.  And for that you have to understand how strings are "strung" together in EasyUO.

I'm sorry this is painful for you, but it's pretty important for you to know how these work.  When that happens you can learn how to do these yourself, and perhaps help me answer all these questions in the future.  ;)

TM this is driving me f'en crazy i've added things removed thinkgs i got rid of the weavers its stiill finding the other arbormist if i remove teh trinket and it doesnt find any vendor if i add any names it doesnt find any vendors I add the full name it doenst do anything what the hell i do it doesnt work i cant stand it i know its something fricken simple


If i just run set %vendortype trinket , #spc , arborist$

it fails to find any vendor

Think for a second.....

Is there any object around you that's named "trinket arborist"?  I don't think so.  I don't think there's anything with that in the title anywhere....

Remember that
trinket , #spc , arborist
is equal to
trinket arborist

So your saying put Ciala , #spc , arborist and it will only look for Ciala but because it was set to Trinket , #spc , weaver$arborist$ it was finding the nearest one npc that was an arborist or weaver?

Goddd dammmit this is so simple and i cant figure it out...

Wouldn't it be....

set %vendortype Ciala , #spc , the , #spc , arborist

Meaning The Vendor Type should be set to Ciala The Arborist ?


So are you saying just go  Set %vendortype trinket Ciala$     or Set %vendortype trinket , #spc , Ciala , #spc the , #spc Arborist

What I'm saying is take a look at the function that is utilizing the value contained within %vendortype and try to understand what the function is doing.

%vendortype is determining the type of vendor that you are trying to look for right?

Well, there's a couple ways to approach it.  Right now the script is looking for all Weavers *AND* all Arborists.  What happens if you just get rid of the offending one? (i.e. separated by "$")

I'm trying to get you to look at the code and see how that actually works.  Once you realize that these scripts aren't powered by magic is when you'll realize you can actually tweak them to do your own bidding.

Just have to think about it a little bit.  I'm not gonna give you the answer. 

If i just run set %vendortype trinket , #spc , arborist$

it fails to find any vendor

Well, there's a couple ways to approach it.  Right now the script is looking for all Weavers *AND* all Arborists.  What happens if you just get rid of the offending one? (i.e. separated by "$")

I'm trying to get you to look at the code and see how that actually works.  Once you realize that these scripts aren't powered by magic is when you'll realize you can actually tweak them to do your own bidding.

Im trying i really am i've been screwing with it over and over...

I tried doing it this way  Set %vendortype trinket , #spc , Ciala , #spc the , #spc arborist , #spc , weaver$arborist

So are you saying just go  Set %vendortype trinket Ciala$     or Set %vendortype trinket , #spc , Ciala , #spc the , #spc Arborist


Buy then it still doesnt know weaither to go to Ciala or Aniel since they are both arborists

But what happens when you describe her full name and title while using #SPC for spaces?  :)

Think about what her name is and what she does and compare it to the way the script is already written.

Her is Ciala she is the Arborist  umm The script looks for weavers and arborists...

wait is it! Ciala #Spc , Trinket #spc ,!? *Failed*


Buy then it still doesnt know weaither to go to Ciala or Aniel since they are both arborists

But what happens when you describe her full name and title while using #SPC for spaces?  :)

Think about what her name is and what she does and compare it to the way the script is already written.

Her is Ciala she is the Arborist  umm The script looks for weavers and arborists...


Buy then it still doesnt know weaither to go to Ciala or Aniel since they are both arborists

But what happens when you describe her full name and title while using #SPC for spaces?  :)

Think about what her name is and what she does and compare it to the way the script is already written.

I tried that

set %vendortype Ciala #spc the #spc arborist , #spc , weaver$arborist$

and it said vendor can not be found so then i went
set %vendortype Ciala #spc , the #spc , arborist , #spc , weaver$arborist$

Same msg so im gona try it all one word see what happens..

tried set %vendortype Ciala #spc, weaver$arborist$

set %vendortype Ciala#spcthe#spcarborist , #spc , weaver$arborist$ of course that one failed i expected....

trying set %vendortype arborist , #spc , weaver$arborist$ see if that works

This script doesn't use IDs, it looks for the name and determines the id.    Things you have to ask yourself is:

"What's that #SPC thingy anyhow and why is TM using it?"

and how do I make "Cialia the trinket weaver" compatible with EUO, especially when the clue you're looking for is included in the line already there:

Code: [Select]
set %vendortype trinket , #spc , weaver$arborist$

I'm going to make you figure this one out.....

Okay found out #spc is a constant that represents teh space on on your keyboard or in the code....

I found out that the vendor Ciala isn't a trinket weaver... its just an arborist.. so im guessing i just change the it to set %vendortype arborist, #spc , weaver$arborist$

Buy then it still doesnt know weaither to go to Ciala or Aniel since they are both arborists

Here's a hint for the vendor thing.  Investigate what you might need to change this line to:

set %vendortype trinket , #spc , weaver$arborist$

TM thats acutally the exact line i've been looking at... I found the Property for Ciala the$Arbormist i didnt weather to copy that property into were it says weaver$arborist$ .........orr the #spc is that acutally id Number of the vendor.... If so How do I get the right ID Number i tried doing last target on Cialia but that didnt give me it....  Im guessing weaver$arborist$ is just looking for the arborist and the SPC is there ID.... could you tell me at least where in easyuo I would find the ID then i can try and search up how to get that id to show up for Cialia...

Thanks for the help.

Okay your rail acutally goes around instead of straight there. So that works one problem its trying to click Aniel to get the quest I need to it go click Ciala. How do i change the npc id or where is it located in the script?

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