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General UO Chat / Re: Fastest casting/recovery?
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:55:56 PM »
; %1 = Users Faster Casting Recovery
  ; %2 = Users Faster Casting
  ; %3 = Spell Level
  ; %4 = Decides if using a necro spell: #TRUE / #FALSE
  ; %5 = Protection #TRUE / #FALSE

set %1 6
set %2 0
set %3 2
set %4 #False
set %5 #True

;fc calced, no protection
SET !FCRWait ( 6 - %1 ) / 4 * 1000
SET !FCWait ( 4 - %2 + %3 ) / 4 * 1000


!FCRWait 0
!FCWait 1500

That's wrong is what you're sayin? And the below is wrong?

Well if your using Millisecond mesurements & that 1500 is 1.5 Seconds then yea !FCWait is Wrong.  A 2nd Circle spell Takes 1.25 Seconds to Cast @ 0/6 Casting which is what I specified.  Granted if it's a simple Added Wait time needed for your script to function that's fine, but you didn't really say so..

;fc calced , prot on
SET !FCRWait ( 6 - %1 ) / 4 * 1000
SET !FCWait ( 6 - %2 + %3 ) / 4 * 1000

!FCRWait = 0
!FCWait = 2000

So.. Call the !FCWait 2 Seconds then...  With 0/6 Casting which is the the same as 2/6 Casting in protection a 2nd circle Magery spell actually takes 1.25 seconds to Cast... Not 2 Seconds...   Anyway... I don't doubt your Subs Function & there acuracy wasn't what I was trying to correct anyway... 

I was simply Trying to clear up some misunderstanding about

1) How protection Functions

2) SC -1 Weapons or Stone Form CANNOT put you below 0 (ZERO) Faster Casting...  0/6 Jewel set with a SC-1 weap & SC -1 Sheild & SToneform (-2 FC) & in protection still leaves you at 0/6 Casting.

 :) It's not Blue!

General UO Chat / Re: Fastest casting/recovery?
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:57:50 PM »
Twinkle McNugget Said:
Either post some relevant data or some code to show me this is wrong, or I wont believe it.

If you post the whole Casting Sub & The Whole Sub that Calculates FC /  FCR I can look @ them for ya & see if there's anything incorrect.  It's a little hard with only the namespace !FCRwait and !FCwait to tell how you use those #'s...

General UO Chat / Re: Fastest casting/recovery?
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:24:38 PM »
You seem to have taken offense Twinkle McNugget,which I didn't intend. 
I said This statement was incorrect....
Protection drops you to 0 fc also.  And can go in the - if you have - fc items on.

because the topic of the thread was Fastest Casting / Recovery & Protection does not drop you to ZERO FC for all cases (Chivalry / SW / Necro etc).. Also... & I had just got off of TC to verify that SC-1 items will not reduce you below 0 FC...which is true.

NOW this comment I kinda do take offense to...

Script Said:
Seriously, just take my word for casting.   It's simpler that way.  I am going to request here that ANYONE with anything different to say with regard to casting please back it up with hard figures or printed facts.  This is backed up with the thread where I researched it, and the tons of research I did for 2 scripts I wrote based on the data.
I'll just say that I found this pretty condescending, but I've also TESTED & found it to be incorrect.. so I simply figured you'd want to be aware of that (or at least take it upon yourself to RETEST it until your certain etc.. up to you.)

Anyway... a Few points

My understanding is that protection subtracts 2 from the cap, AND ANY -casting items WILL take you below 0.  But there is a server cap of .25 seconds on fc.  So TECHNICALLY you are correct.
  There is indeed a 0.25 Sec Casting Cap.  This means you cannot cast any spell FASTER than 0.25 seconds......but the Negative Faster Casting were talking of INCREASES casting times making them take longer hence the server cap has nothing to do with it.

2) SC-1 weapons are applied BEFORE the cap.  If I have 4/6 Casting items equipped & I then cast protection the casting cap for Chivalry will drop to 2/6.  This is the CAP that's 2/6... NOT what you actually have equipped.  This means that at this point if I put on a SC -1 weapon & a SC -1 Sheild My 4/6 Casting will now have -2 FC applied to it which reduces 4/6 to 2/6... & since I'm currently in protection the CAP for Chivalry is 2/6 & I'm casting as MAX speed.   

3) An easy test...   Have 0/0 Casting on a mage & Time Casting a Harm.  = 1.25 Seconds.    Now Apply a SC-1 Weapon & a SC -1 Sheild. & Recast your HARM...   It's STILL 1.25 Seconds thus SC -1 items cannot reduce you below ZERO...

Anyway... I'm done at this point.  I simply saw the information  & wanted to clear it up some.

General UO Chat / Re: Fastest casting/recovery?
« on: June 18, 2010, 10:59:55 AM »
Script Said:
Protection drops you to 0 fc also.  And can go in the - if you have - fc items on.

The above isn't correct...

Protection actually applies a -2 FC to the CAP for whatever type of spell your casting.  It DOES NOT simply give you -2 FC or drop you to zero FC.  The effect is the same in some cases but not always..  Also, SC-1 Items cannot drop you below 0 Faster Casting. 

Example.   2/6 Jewelry equipped on a Chiv character who goes into Protection.   End result is that the Chivalry casting cap of 4/6 gets reduced to 2/6 because of protection & because the character has 2/6 equipped he casts Chiv spells @ that speed that are uninteruptable (prot etc.)

Also... The mystic Spell Stoneform applies an actualy -2 Faster Casting (This will NOT Take you Negative) which effectively means that if you had 6/6 Casting & went into Stone form you could still be casting Spellweaving or Chivalry for instance at 4/6. Granted... I know Chivalry gets capped at 2/6 if you have MysticSkill or Magery >= 70.0... If your on a Mystic Mage & you go into protection (Magery / Mystic reduced to 0/6 Cap) you will not lose any further casting speed by going into Stoneform.


Script Debug / Re: Question / Help with Menu Check Command....
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:00:31 AM »
Yea I was aware of TM's list handling subs, but haven't looked at them yet.  My Rule of Thumb is I try everything on my own & usually don't DL other's attempts until I start wondering how I could have made mine better.  I've got a few things using some arrays though & I'm sure TM did a better job so I'll take a peek.

Script Debug / Re: Question / Help with Menu Check Command....
« on: May 15, 2010, 11:45:31 PM »
THX Script that was Exactly what I was looking for but I don't feel too bad now heh...

Heck when I asked in the Shout Box..

Alpha: Is there a command to uncheck a menu checkbox?
I got this Answer...

Cerveza: menu Check {name} {x} {y} {width} {height} {checked} {text} - CHECKED is either #true or #false

Which was all good because at that point I hadn't realized I could set #True / #False with the "Menu Check" commands...
But....  as I played with it I ended up with something amazing similar to what you posted.. Matter of fact if you replace that Mysterious
"Menu set checkbox1 #false"  with a similar "Menu Check" command it don't work for $HIT lol...  On a Side note.. I had already gone through the Docs reguarding Menu stuff and didn't think "menu Set  Sets the text of a control  "  had anything to do with what I was looking for.  Anyway thx again..  "Menu Set checkbox #false" etc was what I was missing...
Code: [Select]
GOSUB menu

  WAIT 1
  GOSUB checkBoxes

SUB checkBoxes
  menu get checkbox1
  IF #menures = #TRUE && %box1 = #TRUE
    menu get checkbox2
    IF #menures = #TRUE && %box2 = #FALSE
      ;menu set checkbox1 #FALSE
      menu Check checkbox1 32 20 97 17 #false Check Box 1   ;--Using this is what I was trying & didn't work at all..
      set %box2 #TRUE
      set %box1 #FALSE
  menu get checkbox2
  IF #menures = #TRUE && %box2 = #TRUE
    menu get checkbox1
    IF #menures = #TRUE && %box1 = #FALSE
      ;menu set checkbox2 #FALSE
      menu Check checkbox2 32 40 97 17 #false Check Box 2  ;--Using this is what I was trying & didn't work at all..
      set %box2 #FALSE
      set %box1 #TRUE

menu check Primary 5 5 85 20 #false Primary

SUB menu
menu Clear
menu Window Title EUOMenu1
menu Window Color BtnFace
menu Window Size 164 74
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Align Right
menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Style
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font Align Left
menu Check checkbox1 32 20 97 17 #false Check Box 1
  menu set checkbox1 #TRUE
  SET %box1 #TRUE
  SET %box2 #FALSE
menu Check checkbox2 32 40 97 17 #false Check Box 2
menu Show 421 270

Changing this sub to the below code will make it turn checkbox2

Script Debug / Question / Help with Menu Check Command....
« on: May 15, 2010, 02:42:42 PM »
If you have 2 checkboxes in a menu is it possible to make it so that checking Box 1 will UNCHECK Box 2 ???

I'm making a short script with a Menu to do specials etc.. and I have it setup so that you simply check your primary or secondary special moves...  Since you can't do both at one time I figured it would be nice to make it so that trying to check both checkboxes @ the same time was impossible..

For example..

If you have Box 1 (primary) checked & you check Box 2 (Secondary) it would then UNCHECK Box 1 and so on...   I realize that you can set menu check to #false which will indeed clear the checkbox but it appears that #menures only remembers the last ACTUAL mouseclick or some such, and even if you reset it to #False it will return #True in #menures bc that was the last "phycial" input?     Anyway running short on time ... Work etc.. but if Anyone is borred enough or already knows lemme know...  If I failed to make it very clear I'll be back later heh..

Thx in Advance.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:30:51 PM »
Here's the short version as far as my testing has concluded...

If "IT" changes the displayed damage in your status bar then whatever "IT" is (skills / STR / Damage Increase <Items up to 100% DI>)
IS NOT included in the 300% CAP....

OBSERVATIONS that helped me conclude this...

1) Conjurers Trinket + UNDEAD slayer weapon + EEO..  Should be 300% by itself, but if you add in 100% Damage increase (Items) you will do MORE damage..

THUS... Damage increase IS NOT part of the 300% Cap

2)  Using a Specific Slayer (Dragon slayer) will not do any more damage when I cast EEO

THUS... Specific Slayer by iteself PUTS you at the 300% CAP yet If you increase your Damage Increase you will still do more damage..


Super Slayer  200%
Specific Slayer 300%
EEO 100% ?? Unsure of this   If you use super slayer + eeo... can anyone tell me if its possible to increase this dmg with perfection?
Perfection up to 100%

Not counted towards 300% = (skills / STR / Damage Increase <Items up to 100% DI>)
IS NOT included in the 300% CAP....

Anyway..  If you can tell me where I drew the wron conclusion from what I've tested pls. do...  I'd still like to make this crystal clear & have everyone agree.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:53:13 PM »
Twinkle McNugget Said:
Maybe what I'm trying to say here is why if you have daamge/honor/tacts/anat/slayer would you waste another item on ANOTHER slayer when you're already at cap?  They do not stack on a DEXER unless you're running a template that has 90 tacts no anat no damage increase.  It would be a waste any other time really.

Why...??  Because knowing EXACTLY how the system functions is my goal..   Building unusual & effective templates is based on understanding the specifics when other's typically don't & is an aspect of the game I'm good @ and enjoy heh.  Also.. as far as I can tell the only things that apply towards the 300% CAP  of what you listed are Honor (100%) & Slayer (200-300%) but everything else is not applied towards that 300%.

Also in reply to Paulonius...
So now considering how this affects my PvM template, say I want to work a spawn  with my whammy/Sampire without casting EoO, provided I am using the appropriate super slayer I am starting with a base 200 out of the max 300.  To make up the last 100 points I need to rely on DI on items and honor - and if I am not on a bushi dexxer I have to do it with DI alone?

I said it above in another post but unless I'm mistaken DAMAGE INCREASE on items (ex.. 40% DI on a sword) DOES NOT count towards the 300% cap.

IF you accept that a specific Slayer weapon (Dragon slayer for example) puts you at the 300%...   Then you should do the same amount of damage using for example a Dragon slayer with say 100% Damage increase (on items) as you would with 0% Damage increase.  This IS NOT the case.   Damage increase upt o 100% will continue to raise the displayed damage in your status bar... and The damage range in your status bar is what the 300% CAP is applied TO...   

Anyway.. this is why PvM Damage increase  & the 300% cap are confusing bc.. everyone says something different. lol  I HAVE tested what I've said though in the past 2 days at least.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:05:39 AM »
Script Said:
Slayers dont stack.

Well as of a few days ago they sure seem to be for me...

If I hit a lich with the Holy sword (Undead Slayer) (No EEO, No Conjurer Trinket like ~50ish DI) I do about 50 Damage..

When I put on the Conjurer's Trinket that Damage jumps to 94....

This at least to me supports that  @ least an Undead Slayer WEAPON & Conjurer's Trinket Stack.. I have yet to test other Talisman Slayers though.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: March 30, 2010, 09:44:59 AM »
Lol... ok Manwinc you just totally confused me heh....

So... I accept that the CAP is 300% for PVM, but how much gives what is where I get confused...
I did some testing last night & for example...

Conjurer Trinket  (200% since it a super slayer ?? )
Undead Slayer Weapon  (200%)
100% Damage Increase on Items

Resulted in hitting a lich for 50 ish....  BUT I then proceeded to cast EEO and my damage jumped up to 84 ish....  I thought I was over the cap with 2 Super Slayers ??

I did notice that Straight up Damage Increase from Items IS NOT factored into the 300% CAP...  Up to 100% Damage increase in items will continue to raise the displayed Damage range in your Status Bar and all the other multipliers are based on that.

Ex...  Dragon Slayer Bow..  ( Should be 300% CAP )  hits for 55 ish in my case with less than 20% Damage Increase.. 
When I added up to 100% Damage increase the Dragon Slayer was hitting for 80+...

Hmm... so Is the following correct?  & If not where am I wrong ??
1) Super Slayer = 200% (out of 300% CaP)
2) Specific Slayer  300%
3) EEO = 50%
4) Perfection = 100% MAX
5) Crushing Blow = 50%

What's NOT counted towards the 300% CAP

1) Bonuses to Damage from STATS
2) Bonuses to Damage from SKILLS
3) Damage Increase from ITEMS (Aka 40% DI on your weapon etc.)

Player Templates / Re: Sampire V2.0
« on: March 28, 2010, 10:46:36 AM »
Five on Friday Aswers...

As far as I can tell EEO is actually 100% DI...

  Damage Increase and You
"For PVP and PVM: If I have gm tactics, gm anatomy, and 125 str how much DI percentage do I have w/o items?"

Stratics has the correct results for these calculations.

+68.75% for GM Tactics
+55% for GM Anatomy
+42.5% for 125 Strength

"People are saying there is a 300% DI cap for PVM, is this true? "

Yes, this is true, Damage Increase is capped at 300% (or a 300 internal damage rating). However, anatomy, tactics, strength, and lumberjacking are NOT included in that cap.

"If I have 300% DI and I cast Enemy of One will I even do more damage?"

If you already 300% Damage Increase from special moves and profession abilities, then the answer is no, Enemy of One will not increase your damage further.

Note: that a slayer weapon is double damage (a 200 damage rating). Enemy of One has a rating of 100. The combination of those two alone would reach our cap of 300.

"Are slayer weapons included in the PVM cap for DI?"


Misc. Scripts / Re: TrailMyx's Disguise Kit Commander
« on: March 24, 2010, 11:10:58 AM »
Some info...

The script doesn't function for ELF characters bc the disguise kit gump is different size than for a human character... (Easily corrected)  The number of hair options for an Elf is also different... 

I've fixxed it for myself but I'm sure if TM gets some time...  his solution will be more elegant..   Anyway just letting people know if they are having probs.

Also.. the corret phrase for joining the theives guild is

NPC-Name Join   
Example the Theif Guildmaster's name is John then I would  say

"John Join"  and do this while standing RIGHT NEXT TO the guildmaster..   He will tell you it's 500 gp cost.

To buy a disguise kit simply stand next to the theif guildmaster and say   "Disguise" and you will be told it's 700gp.

General UO Chat / Re: Scribes Max Manna Regen Suit.
« on: February 17, 2010, 09:26:13 AM »
Well...  I just plugged it all into EXCEL & set it up so I can compare two versions of a characters skills and such...   It's quite useful bc in some cases adding 5 more MR to your suit produces less results than adding 20 Focus lol..   

General UO Chat / Re: Scribes Max Manna Regen Suit.
« on: February 17, 2010, 08:56:37 AM »
Some Reference info...

Mike Moore
Systems Designer

This one's a bit involved:

1> Base Mana Regen Rate is 0.2 mana per second
2> Focus Bonus is Focus / 200 mana per second
3A> Let Meditation Bonus be 0.0075 * Meditation Skill + 0.0025 * Intelligence Attribute
3B> If your Meditation Skill is GM or above, multiple Meditation Bonus by 1.1
3C> If you are actively meditating, multiply Meditation Bonus by 2
4A> Let Base Item Bonus be (Meditation Skill / 2 + Focus Skill / 4) / 90
4B> Multiply Base Item Bonus by 0.65, then add 2.35
4C> Let Intensity Bonus be the square root of the sum of your Mana Regen intensities, capped at 5.5 (30 total intensity).
4D> Let Final Item Bonus be ((Base Item Bonus * Intensity Bonus) - (Base Item Bonus - 1)) / 10. This is mana per second.
5> Add the Base Mana Regen Rate, Focus Bonus, and Item Bonus. Add your Meditation Bonus only if you're not wearing non-meddable armor. The result is your total mana regeneration per second.

Here is an example:

120 Med, 100 Focus, 110 Int, +25 Mana Regen from Items, wearing meddable armor.

Base is 0.2
Focus Bonus is 0.5
Med Bonus is 0.9 from Skill + 0.275 from Int, multiplied by 1.1 from > GM Med = 1.2925 (or 2.585 if actively meditating)
Base Item Bonus is 2.35 + 0.65 * (85 / 90) = 2.964
Intensity Bonus is the square root of 25 = 5
Item Bonus is ((5 * 2.964) - (2.964 - 1)) / 10 = 1.2856

So my total regen rates are:
1> Meddable armor, not meditating: 0.2 + 0.5 + 1.2925 + 1.2856 = 3.2781 per second
2> Meddable armor, meditating: 0.2 + 0.5 + 2.585 + 1.2856 = 4.5706
3> Non-meddable armor: 0.2 + 0.5 + 1.2856 = 1.9856

(Hopefully I didn't mess up the number crunching here)

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